Ar-Ge desteklerinin etkinliği: Bir dinamik genel denge analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, Araştırma ve Geliştirme (AR-GE) desteklerinin makro açıdan ekonomik büyüme, mikro açıdan patent alımı üzerine etkilerini açıklama amacındadır. Bu etkileri açıklamak için iki ayrı hesaplama yöntemi kullanılmı¸stır. Çalı¸smanın 1. bölümünde kurgulanan dinamik genel denge modelinde AR-GE, i¸sgücü ve sermayenin kullanıldı˘gı ve içsel olarak Toplam Faktör Verimlili˘gine (TFV) etki eden bir fonksiyon olarak tanımlanmı¸stır. Daha sonra, AR-GE’de çalı¸san i¸sgücü ve AR-GE fiziki sermayesi için kamu destekleri ayrı¸stırılmı¸s ve sonuç olarak Türkiye için AR-GE i¸sgücüne verilen desteklerin ekonomik büyüme üzerinde daha etkin oldu˘gu sonucuna ula¸sılmı¸stır. Çalı¸smanın 2. bölümünde ise, ekonomi 10 sektöre ayrılarak 11 Avrupa ülkesi ve Türkiye için, kamu desteklerinin sektörel bazda patent alımı üzerine etkileri incelenmi¸stir. Sonuç olarak Avrupa’da, yüksek teknolojili sektörlerde AR-GE desteklerinin, dü¸sük teknolojili sektörlerde ise AR-GE harcamalarının artırılmasının patent alımı üzerinde daha etkin oldu˘gu sonucuna ula¸sılmı¸stır. Türkiye için yapılan analiz sonucunda, kamu AR-GE destekleri ve patentler arasında U ¸seklinde bir ili¸ski oldu˘gu sonucuna varılmı¸stır.
This study aims to explain the effects of Research and Development (R&D) supports according to macro and micro perspective. We used two different method to measure efficiency of these incentives. In the first part of the study, a dynamic general equilibrium model is constructed. In this model, R&D is defined as a function in which labor and capital are used and endogenously affecting Total Factor Productivity (TFP). The government provides R&D support only for labor and capital used for R&D production. These subsidies provided by the public sector were separated for labor and capital used in R&D and it was concluded that public supports given to the labor produced more effective results for economic growth. The another method used in the study is econometric approach. In this section, we applied the Panel Count Data model as the econometric method for 11 European countries in which we can access their data. As a result of the analysis for 11 European countries, we conclude that public R&D incentives have different effects on high-tech and low-tech sectors. In addition, another finding is that in low-tech sectors, the effect on patents is mostly come from R&D expenditures. As a result of the analysis for Turkey, it is concluded that public R&D incentives at and patents have a U relationship.
This study aims to explain the effects of Research and Development (R&D) supports according to macro and micro perspective. We used two different method to measure efficiency of these incentives. In the first part of the study, a dynamic general equilibrium model is constructed. In this model, R&D is defined as a function in which labor and capital are used and endogenously affecting Total Factor Productivity (TFP). The government provides R&D support only for labor and capital used for R&D production. These subsidies provided by the public sector were separated for labor and capital used in R&D and it was concluded that public supports given to the labor produced more effective results for economic growth. The another method used in the study is econometric approach. In this section, we applied the Panel Count Data model as the econometric method for 11 European countries in which we can access their data. As a result of the analysis for 11 European countries, we conclude that public R&D incentives have different effects on high-tech and low-tech sectors. In addition, another finding is that in low-tech sectors, the effect on patents is mostly come from R&D expenditures. As a result of the analysis for Turkey, it is concluded that public R&D incentives at and patents have a U relationship.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamu Politikaları, AR-GE Destekleri, Yenilik, Patent, Panel Veri Analizi, Government Policy, R&D Incentives, Innovation, Dynamic General Equilibrium, Patent, Panel Data Analysis, Dinamik Genel Denge