Monoküler olgulardaki fakoemülsifikasyon cerrahisi sonuçlarımız
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Amaç: Fakoemülsifikasyon ve göz içi lens implantasyonu geçiren monoküler olgulardaki görsel sonuçları ve komplikasyonları değerlendirmek. Yöntem: Haziran 1998- Aralık 2001 tarihleri arasında fakoemülsifikasyon ve göz içi lens implantasyonu geçiren 75 monoküler olgunun kayıtları incelendi. Demografik bilgiler, anestezi metodu, ek cerrahi işlemler, göz içi lens tipi, operasyon öncesi ve sonrası en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği opere olmayan gözdeki az görme nedeni, opere olan gözdeki eşlik eden patolojiler, operasyon sırasında ve sonrasında gelişen komplikasyonlar, takip süresi, operasyon sonrası işlemler kaydedildi. Bulgular: Ortalama hasta yaşı 71±9.3 yıl idi. Cerrahi geçiren gözlerin %68'inde eşlik eden oküler patoloji mevcuttu. Son kontrolde 54 olguda (%72) en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği 0.5 ve üzerindeydi. Kalan 21 gözün 19'unda en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliğinin 0.5'in altında olması daha önceden varolan oküler patolojiye bağlıydı. Yetmiş beş gözün yetmiş ikisinde (%96) en son kontrolde en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliğinin operasyon öncesine göre artmış olduğu saptandı. Operasyon sırasında 6 ve operasyon sonrasında 3 komplikasyon gelişti. En sık karşılaşılan komplikasyon (4 olgu) arka kapsül rüptürü idi. On iki olguda (%16) ek planlanmış cerrahi ve 5 olguda (%6.6) ek planlanmamış cerrahi gerekli oldu. Sonuç: Monoküler olgularda fakoemülsifikasyon işleminin güvenliği ve etkinliği tatmin edici düzeydedir. Bu olgulara da binoküler olgularda uyguladığımız endikasyonları göz önünde tutarak cerrahi önermek mantıklı olacaktır. Bunun yanında cerrahın tecrübe ve becerisinin cerrahi sonuç üzerinde çok etkili olacağı hatırda tutulmalıdır.
Patients Purpose: To evaluate the visual outcomes and surgical complications in monocular pati-ents who had phacoemulsificatiıon andüntraocular lens implantation. Methods: The medical records of 75 monocular patients who had phacoemulsificatiıon and intraocular lens implantation between June 1998 and December 2001 were reviewed. Demographic information, anesthesia method, additional surgery, intraocular lens type, preoperative and postoperative best corrected visual acuity, reason for poor vision in the unoperated eye, co-morbidities in the operated eye, intraoperative and postoperative complications, lenght of follow up and postoperative procedures were recorded. Results: Mean patient age was 71 ±9.3 years. Ocular co- morbidities were present in 68 % of eyes having surgery. By the final follow- up visit, best corrected visual acuity was 0.5 or better in 54 eyes (72%). Final best corrected visual acuityof worse than 0.5 was related to preexisting ocular pathology in 19 of 21 eyes. Seventy- two of seventy- five eyes (96%) gained best corrected visual acuitperative complications. The most common (4 eyes) was posterior capsule rupture. Twelve patients (16%) had additional planned surgery and 5 (6.6%) had additional unplanned surgery. Conclusion: The safety and the efficacy of the phacoemulsification procedure is satisfactory in monocular patients. It is wise to offer surgery to these patients considering the same indications that we do to a binocular patient. Besides, it should be borne in mind that the skill and the experience of the surgeon would have a great influence on the outcome of the surgery
Patients Purpose: To evaluate the visual outcomes and surgical complications in monocular pati-ents who had phacoemulsificatiıon andüntraocular lens implantation. Methods: The medical records of 75 monocular patients who had phacoemulsificatiıon and intraocular lens implantation between June 1998 and December 2001 were reviewed. Demographic information, anesthesia method, additional surgery, intraocular lens type, preoperative and postoperative best corrected visual acuity, reason for poor vision in the unoperated eye, co-morbidities in the operated eye, intraoperative and postoperative complications, lenght of follow up and postoperative procedures were recorded. Results: Mean patient age was 71 ±9.3 years. Ocular co- morbidities were present in 68 % of eyes having surgery. By the final follow- up visit, best corrected visual acuity was 0.5 or better in 54 eyes (72%). Final best corrected visual acuityof worse than 0.5 was related to preexisting ocular pathology in 19 of 21 eyes. Seventy- two of seventy- five eyes (96%) gained best corrected visual acuitperative complications. The most common (4 eyes) was posterior capsule rupture. Twelve patients (16%) had additional planned surgery and 5 (6.6%) had additional unplanned surgery. Conclusion: The safety and the efficacy of the phacoemulsification procedure is satisfactory in monocular patients. It is wise to offer surgery to these patients considering the same indications that we do to a binocular patient. Besides, it should be borne in mind that the skill and the experience of the surgeon would have a great influence on the outcome of the surgery
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