Treatment of wastewaters containing veterinary antibiotics by means of sequential physical and chemical processes using a natural marine material
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, veteriner antibiyotikleri içeren atık suların arıtılmasının uygulanabilirliğini incelemektir. Tekli (adsorpsiyon ve ileri oksidasyon yöntemleri) ve hibrit (adsorpsiyon ardından katalitik ıslak hava oksidasyonu veya foto Fenton benzeri oksidasyon) işlemlerinin performansları, mürekkep balığı kemiği bazlı adsorbanlar ve katalizörlerin varlığında test edilmiştir. Doğal deniz malzemesinden (mürekkep balığı kemiği, MBK) hazırlanan yenilikçi, uygun maliyetli ve çevre dostu adsorbanların ve MBK destekli katalizörler (CuFe2O4/MBK ve LaCuO3/MBK) hazırlanmış ve karakterizasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. MBK adsorbenti için SEM, XRD, FTIR, BET; katalizörler için ise SEM, XPS, XRD, FTIR, BET, VSM karakterizasyonları yapılmıştır. İlk aşamada, adsorpsiyon ve ileri oksidasyon yöntemleri ayrı ayrı test edilmiş, uygun çalışma koşulları belirlenmiştir. Deneysel plan Minitab17 programı ve yanıt yüzey yöntemi (Box-Behnken tasarımı) kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Parametrik çalışma sonunda optimum koşullar belirlenmiş ve bu optimum koşullarda farklı sıcaklıklarda deneyler yapılarak kinetik çalışma sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Mürekkep balığı kemiği adsorbenti ile en iyi oksitetrasiklin hidroklorür giderimi optimum koşulları 24% giderim için 0.09 g/L adsorbent, pH 8 ve 282 rpm olarak belirlenmiştir. Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich izoterm modelleri üzerinde çalışılmış ve Temkin izotermi en uygun izoterm olarak seçilmiştir. Birinci ve ikinci dereceden kinetik modeller incelenmiş ve birinci dereceden kinetik model en uygun model olarak seçilmiştir. CuFe2O4/MBK katalizörü ile gerçekleştirilen foto Fenton-benzeri oksidasyon yönteminde, %70 giderim için 1.5 g/L CuFe2O4/MBK pH 4 ve 4.76 mM hidrojen peroksit konsantrasyonu optimum koşul olarak belirlenmiştir. LaCuO3/MBK katalizörü ile gerçekleştirilen foto-Fenton benzeri oksidasyon yönteminde, %83 giderim için 0.77 g/L LaCuO3/MBK, pH 4 ve 3.46 mM hidrojen peroksit konsantrasyonu optimum koşul olarak belirlenmiştir. CuFe2O4/MBK katalizörü ile yapılan kinetik çalışmada en uygun model ikinci dereceden iki aşamalı model olarak seçilmiştir. LaCuO3/MBK katalizörü ile yapılan kinetik çalışmada en uygun model ikinci dereceden tek aşamalı model olarak seçilmiştir. Katalitik ıslak hava oksidasyonu yönteminde CuFe2O4/MBK katalizörü seçilip, 0.5 g/L CuFe2O4/MBK, pH 4 ve 100°C optimum koşulunda %75 giderim elde edilmiştir. Son adım olarak da hibrit çalışma için ilk adımları adsorpsiyon olacak şekilde diğer yöntemler optimum koşullarında adsorpsiyon çıkışına uygulanmıştır ve sırasıyla %73, %88 ve %66 giderim elde edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen kinetik çalışmada en uygun model birinci dereceden iki aşamalı model olarak seçilmiştir
The aim of this thesis is to examine the feasibility of treating wastewater contaminated by veterinary antibiotics. The performances of single (adsorption and advanced oxidation processes) and hybrid (catalytic wet air oxidation and photo Fenton-like oxidation followed by adsorption) processes were tested in the presence of cuttlefish bone-based adsorbents and catalysts. Innovative, cost-effective and environmentally friendly adsorbents prepared from natural marine materials (cuttlefish bone, CFB) and CFB supported catalysts (CuFe2O4/CFB and LaCuO3/CFB) were prepared and their characterizations were carried out. SEM, XRD, FTIR, BET for CFB adsorbent; SEM, XPS, XRD, FTIR, BET, VSM characterizations were performed for catalysts. In the first step, adsorption and advanced oxidation methods were tested separately and suitable operation conditions were determined. The experimental plan was organized using the Minitab17 program and the response surface method (Box-Behnken design). At the end of the parametric study, optimum conditions were determined and kinetic study results was realized. The optimum conditions for oxytetracycline hydrochloride removal with cuttlefish bone adsorbent were determined as 0.09 g / L CFB, pH 8 and 282 rpm for 24% removal. The isotherm models of Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich have been studied and the Temkin isotherm has been selected as the most suitable isotherm. First and second order kinetic models were examined and the first order kinetic model was selected as the most suitable model. In the photo Fenton-like oxidation method performed with CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst, the optimum conditions for 1.5 g / L CuFe2O4/CFB, pH 4 and 4.76 mM hydrogen peroxide concentration were determined for 70% removal. In the photo Fenton-like oxidation method performed with LaCuO3/CFB catalyst, the optimum conditions of 0.77 g / L LaCuO3/CFB, pH 4 and 3.46 mM hydrogen peroxide concentration were determined for 83% removal. In the kinetic study performed with CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst, the most suitable model was chosen as the second order two-step model. In the kinetic study performed with the LaCuO3/CFB catalyst, the most suitable model was chosen as the second order single-step model. In the catalytic wet air oxidation method, CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst was chosen, and 75% removal was obtained at 0.5 g / L CuFe2O4/CFB, pH 4 and 100°C optimum condition. As the last step, for the hybrid study, AOPs were applied to the adsorption discharge under optimum conditions, so that the first steps were adsorption and 73%, 88% and 66% removal was achieved, respectively. In the kinetic study performed, the most suitable model was chosen as the first order two-step model.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the feasibility of treating wastewater contaminated by veterinary antibiotics. The performances of single (adsorption and advanced oxidation processes) and hybrid (catalytic wet air oxidation and photo Fenton-like oxidation followed by adsorption) processes were tested in the presence of cuttlefish bone-based adsorbents and catalysts. Innovative, cost-effective and environmentally friendly adsorbents prepared from natural marine materials (cuttlefish bone, CFB) and CFB supported catalysts (CuFe2O4/CFB and LaCuO3/CFB) were prepared and their characterizations were carried out. SEM, XRD, FTIR, BET for CFB adsorbent; SEM, XPS, XRD, FTIR, BET, VSM characterizations were performed for catalysts. In the first step, adsorption and advanced oxidation methods were tested separately and suitable operation conditions were determined. The experimental plan was organized using the Minitab17 program and the response surface method (Box-Behnken design). At the end of the parametric study, optimum conditions were determined and kinetic study results was realized. The optimum conditions for oxytetracycline hydrochloride removal with cuttlefish bone adsorbent were determined as 0.09 g / L CFB, pH 8 and 282 rpm for 24% removal. The isotherm models of Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich have been studied and the Temkin isotherm has been selected as the most suitable isotherm. First and second order kinetic models were examined and the first order kinetic model was selected as the most suitable model. In the photo Fenton-like oxidation method performed with CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst, the optimum conditions for 1.5 g / L CuFe2O4/CFB, pH 4 and 4.76 mM hydrogen peroxide concentration were determined for 70% removal. In the photo Fenton-like oxidation method performed with LaCuO3/CFB catalyst, the optimum conditions of 0.77 g / L LaCuO3/CFB, pH 4 and 3.46 mM hydrogen peroxide concentration were determined for 83% removal. In the kinetic study performed with CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst, the most suitable model was chosen as the second order two-step model. In the kinetic study performed with the LaCuO3/CFB catalyst, the most suitable model was chosen as the second order single-step model. In the catalytic wet air oxidation method, CuFe2O4/CFB catalyst was chosen, and 75% removal was obtained at 0.5 g / L CuFe2O4/CFB, pH 4 and 100°C optimum condition. As the last step, for the hybrid study, AOPs were applied to the adsorption discharge under optimum conditions, so that the first steps were adsorption and 73%, 88% and 66% removal was achieved, respectively. In the kinetic study performed, the most suitable model was chosen as the first order two-step model.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering