Polikistik over sendromlu primer infertilhastalarda AMH, androjen, insülin, açlık glukozu düzeyleri ve vücut kitle indeksinin yardımcı üreme teknikleri sonuçlarına etkisi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
AMAÇ: PCOS’un patofizyolojisinde rol alan ve klinik seyrinde önemli olan AMH,
androjen, insulin, açlık glukozu düzeyleri ve VKİ’nın PKOS tanılı primer infertilite problemi
olan olgulardaki değerleri, yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile tedavi sonuçlarına etkilerini
belirlemek üzere araştırılmıştır.
MATERYAL VE METOD: Bu çalışmaya PKOS tanılı primer infertilite problemi
nedeniyle Ocak 2016- Aralık 2020 tarihleri Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Aile Planlaması
Kısırlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’ne başvuran ve IVF /ICSI tedavileri uygulanan 104
hasta dahil edilmiştir. AMH, androjen, insulin, açlık glukozu düzeyleri ve VKİ’leri
retrospektif olarak taranmış, tedavi sonrası oosit -metafaz 2 oosit, transfer edilen embriyonun
taze-donmuş oluşu ve sayısı ile gebelik sonuçları belirlenmiştir.
BULGULAR: 104 olgunun değerlerinin retrospektif olarak incelendiği çalışmamızda
dondurulmuş embriyo transferi yapılan, ortalama oosit sayısı 7,5’in üzerinde, metafaz 2 oosit
sayısı 7 üzerinde olan , 2 embriyo transferi yapılan, total testosteron seviyesi <24 ng/dL olan
hastalarda gebelik oranının daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür (p=0,01). Diğer klinik ve
demografik parametreler ile biyokimyasal gebelik sonuçları arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık
tespit edilmemiştir.
SONUÇ: Dondurulmuş/ taze embriyo ile transfer, oosit sayısı, metafaz 2 oosit sayısı,
transfer edilen embriyo sayısı ve total testosteron düzeylerinin gebeliği etkileyen bağımsız
risk faktörleri olduğu bulunmuştur.
INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of blood AMH, androgen, insulin and fasting glucose levels and BMI on outcomes of assisted reproductive technology treatment in PCOS patients with primary infertility. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 104 PCOS patients who applied to Ege University Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center between January 2016 and December 2020 due to the primary infertility complaint and received IVF / ICSI treatments were included in this study. AMH, androgen, insulin, fasting glucose levels and BMIs were scanned retrospectively, oocyte and methaphase 2 oocyte counts after treatment, fresh or frozen state and number of the transferred embryo and pregnancy outcomes were determined and analyzed in SPSS 25.00. RESULTS: Pregnancy rate was found to be positively correlated with frozen embryo transfer (p=0,01), two embryo transfers (p=0,01), average oocyte count >7.5 (p=0,01), metaphase 2 oocyte count >7 (p=0,02), and total testosterone level <24 ng/dL (p=0,04). AMH, insulin, fasting glucose levels and BMIs were not found to be related to pregnancy rate. CONCLUSION: Transfer with frozen / fresh embryo, oocyte count, metaphase 2 oocyte count, number of embryos transferred and total testosterone levels were found to be independent risk factors affecting pregnancy.
INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of blood AMH, androgen, insulin and fasting glucose levels and BMI on outcomes of assisted reproductive technology treatment in PCOS patients with primary infertility. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 104 PCOS patients who applied to Ege University Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center between January 2016 and December 2020 due to the primary infertility complaint and received IVF / ICSI treatments were included in this study. AMH, androgen, insulin, fasting glucose levels and BMIs were scanned retrospectively, oocyte and methaphase 2 oocyte counts after treatment, fresh or frozen state and number of the transferred embryo and pregnancy outcomes were determined and analyzed in SPSS 25.00. RESULTS: Pregnancy rate was found to be positively correlated with frozen embryo transfer (p=0,01), two embryo transfers (p=0,01), average oocyte count >7.5 (p=0,01), metaphase 2 oocyte count >7 (p=0,02), and total testosterone level <24 ng/dL (p=0,04). AMH, insulin, fasting glucose levels and BMIs were not found to be related to pregnancy rate. CONCLUSION: Transfer with frozen / fresh embryo, oocyte count, metaphase 2 oocyte count, number of embryos transferred and total testosterone levels were found to be independent risk factors affecting pregnancy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
PCOS, Primer Infertilite, Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri, PCOS, Primary Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technology