Preparation of unsymmetrical ortho-substituted benzophenone derivatives
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ÖZET SİMETRİK OLMAYAN ORTO-SÜBSTİTÜYE BENZOFENON TÜREVLERİNİN HAZIRLANMASI Selhan KARAGÖZ Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Yrd.Doç. Dr. Demet ASTLEY 1997, sayfa Aril bromür, lityum ve bakır(I) siyanürden, diarilbakırlityum reaktiflerinin hazırlanışı tanımlandı. Organometalik reaktiflerin benzoilklorür ve 2-Brom benzoil klorürle reaksiyonları benzofenon türevlerini verdi. Aril klorürdeki brom sübstütientinin ve arilbromürdeki orto-sübstütienlerin etkileri incelendi. Ürünler, İR, UV ve NMR spektrumları ve erime noktası tayini ile karakterize edildi. Bazı ürünlerde ayrıca HPLC analizi de yapıldı
ABSTRACT PREPARATION OF UNSYMMETRICAL ORTHO-SUBSTITUTED BENZOPHENONE DERIVATIVES KARAGÖZ, Selhan MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Yrd.Doç.Dr.Demet ASTLEY 1997, pages The preparation of diarylcopperlithium reagents from aryl bromides, lithium and copper(I) cyanide is described. Reactions of the organometallic reagents with benzoyl chloride and 2-bromobenzoyl chloride afforded benzophenone derivatives. The effect of the bromo substituent in the aroyl chloride, and of ortho substituents in the aryl bromide were investigated. The products were characterised by m.p. IR, UV and NMR spectroscopy. In two cases, HPLC analyses were also carried out.
ABSTRACT PREPARATION OF UNSYMMETRICAL ORTHO-SUBSTITUTED BENZOPHENONE DERIVATIVES KARAGÖZ, Selhan MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Yrd.Doç.Dr.Demet ASTLEY 1997, pages The preparation of diarylcopperlithium reagents from aryl bromides, lithium and copper(I) cyanide is described. Reactions of the organometallic reagents with benzoyl chloride and 2-bromobenzoyl chloride afforded benzophenone derivatives. The effect of the bromo substituent in the aroyl chloride, and of ortho substituents in the aryl bromide were investigated. The products were characterised by m.p. IR, UV and NMR spectroscopy. In two cases, HPLC analyses were also carried out.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Benzofenon, Benzophenone