Akhisar ilçesi Kapaklı Köyü'ndeki tarım işletmelerinin ekonomik yapısı ve faalyet sonuçları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6. ÖZET VE SONUÇ Bu araştırma, Akhisar ilçesi Kapaklı köyü tarım isletmelerinin genel özelliklerini belirlemek, isletme sonuçlarını analiz ederek ortaya kaymak ve A. T. 'da kullanılan brüt-marj analiz tekniğini uygulamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, tabakalı tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 76 tarım isletmesini kapsamaktadır. 1990-1991 üretim dönemine ilişkin işletme sonuçları anket yöntemiyle toplanmıştır. işletmeler arazi genişlikleri itibariyle, 0-25 dekar, 25 'den büyük-50 dekar ve 50 dekar 'dan büyük olmak üzere üc gruba ayrılarak; örnek hacmi saptanmış ve analiz her grup için ayrı ayrı yapılmıştır. Analizler iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. ilk aşamada; üc gruba ayrılan işletmelerin çeşitli değişkenler itibariyle grup ortalamaları ve yüzde oranları hesaplanmıştır. örneÇJe giren işletmeler; nüfus, işletme yöneticilerinin yaşı ve oQrenim durumu, aile işgücü potansiyeli ve işletmede işgücü kullanılışı, sermaye miktar ve kompozisyonu, işletme arazisi ve arazi kullanılış şekli ve işletme faaliyet sonuçları ayrıntılarıyla ince 1 en m i s tir. 108isletme sonuçlarının ortaya konulmasında brüt-marj analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca A. T. 'da kullanılan brüt-marj analiz tekniği uygulanarak brüt-marj hesaplanmıştır. ikinci alarak; isletmeler tek bir grup altında toplanarak isletme arazisinin dekarına düsen brüt- marj grup ortanca değerinin, 7.125 'inden fazla dekara brüt-marj sağlayan isletmeler başarılı, 7.125-75 'i arasında brüt-marj sağlayan isletmeler orta derecede başarılı ve 7.75' inden az brüt-marj saÇlayan isletmeler başarısız isletme olarak kabul edilmiştir. Basarı derecelerine göre gruplandırı lan isletmeler, basanda etkili bazı sosyal ve ekonomik faktörler bakımından karsı lastırı Imıstır. Sonraki aşamada; ciftci ailesine iyi bir hayat seviyesi sağlayacak geliri temin edebilecek yeterli isletme büyüklüğünün tesbitine çalışılmıştır. Yeterli gelir seviyesi aile işgücünün asgari ücret düzeyi esas alınarak hesaplanmıştır. 16-65 yas arası toplam nüfusun asgari ücret düzeyinden yıllık geliri, yeter gelir olarak kabul edilmiştir. Yeterli isletme büyüklüğünün tesbitinde net Çiftlik geliri esas alınmıştır. Yeter gelir 16.444.0S0 TL, bu yeter geliri saklayacak isletme büyüklüğü ise 56,72 daa olarak hesaplanmıştır. 109Yukarıda kullanılan yöntem ve anahatlar konusunda bilgi verilen bu çalışmadan çıkabilecek sonuçlar, aşağıda kısaca özetlenmiştir. incelenen işletmelerde nüfus, isletme arazisi genişledikçe artmakta olup; genel olarak isletmeler ortalaması 2,39 kişi erkek, 2,58 kişi kadın olmak üzere toplam 4,97 kişidir. Faal nüfus oranı '/.66,60 olarak hesaplanmıştır, işletmecilerin yas ortalaması 44,65 'tir. 3. Gruptaki isletmeciler diÇer gruplara göre daha yaşlıdır. Ayrıca en yüksek eğitim düzeyi 3.Gurptaki işletmecilerde görülmektedir. Nüfusun okuma yazma oranı genel alarak 7.93,19 alarak hesaplanmıştır. - Aile işgücü potansiyelinin tüm gruplarda önemli bir kısmının kullanılmadığı; geçici isçi kullanımının 3. Grup işletmelerde, isletme dışında kullanılan aile işgücünün ise l.Grup isletmelerde en yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. - Sermaye yapısı içinde en önemli varlık aktifin 7.74,57 'sini oluşturan arazi varlığıdır. Tüm gruplarda arazi varlığı içinde en önemli paya sahip olan toprak varlığı arazi genişliği ile birlikte artmaktadır, işletme varlığı aktifin 7.25,43 'ünü oluşturmaktadır. Borçların aktife oranı 71,55 olarak hesaplanmıştır. En önemli bare kaynaQi İİOyöredeki Tarım Kredi Kooperatifidir. isletme arazisi genişliği arttıkça borçlanma artmaktadır. Kira ve ortakçılıkla tutulan arazi deQeri en yüksek l.Grup isletmelerdedir. - incelenen isletmelerde, l.Grup dışında diQer gruplarda mülk arazi toplam isletme arazileri içinde oldukça önemli bir pay almaktadır. Mülk arazi miktarı ve ortakçılıkla isletilen arazi miktarının isletme arazisi genişliği ile aynı yönde bir gelişme gösterdiği, kiralanan arazi miktarının ise isletme arazisi genişliği ile ters yönde bir seyir gösterdiği saptanmıştır, isletme arazisi büyüklüsünün ortalama 44,06 daa olduQu tesbit edilmiştir. Arazi nev 'ileri içinde tarla arazileri ilk sırayı almaktadır. Nadas l.Grup isletmelerde görülmemektedir. Gen arazinin ise 3. Grup dışında nadas araziye göre daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Ekilis alanları yönünden, 1. ve 2. Grup isletmelerde tütün, 3. Grup isletmelerde pamuk birinci sırayı almaktadır, ürün grupları itibariyle 1. ve 3. Grupta endüstri bitkileri, 2. Grupta tahıllar ilk sırada yer almaktadır. incelenen isletmelerde brüt üretim deQeri bakımından fazla olan ürünlerin genel alarak tütün, pamuk, hayvancılık, buŞday ve arpa olduğu saptanmıştır. Demişken 111masraf grubu içinde her üç isletme grubunda da geçici isçi ücretleri en önemli masraf unsurudur. Tüm isletme gruplarında en fazla brüt-marjı tütün üretim dalı saklamaktadır, ikinci sırayı ilk iki grupta hayvancılık, 3. Grupta pamuk almaktadır. Ekilis alanına düşen brüt-marj en fazla tütün üretim dalındadır. Büyük isletmelerde dekara brüt-marj lar toplam itibarıyla daha düşüktür. - A. T. 'da uygulanan esaslara göre hesaplanan brüt-marj lar, hayvancılık dışında daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Hayvancılık üretim dalında değişmemiştir. isçilik masrafları direkt masraflar içinde yer almamıştır. - Müşterek masraflar içinde en önemli masraf grubu amortisman 1 ardır. - Dekara düsen net çiftlik. geliri en düşük 3. Grup isletmelerdedir. Net çiftlik gelirinin yeterli olup olmadığı konusunda bir analiz yapıldığında tüm isletme gruplarında net çiftlik gelirinin yetersiz olduQu ortaya çıkmı stır. Basarı derecelerine göre yapılan analiz sonucunda ortaya çıkan tablo kısaca şöyledir; başarılı isletmelerde isletmecinin ortalama alarak daha küçük yasta daha az i 1 yöğrenim görmüş olduğu, faal nüfus oranının en düşük ve aile işgücü potansiyelinin en düşük oranda kullanıldığı saptanmıştır. isletme arazisinin az olması, kiralanan arazi oranının, borç miktarı ve borç faizlerinin yüksek olması başarılı isletmeleri etkilemektedir. Ancak bu isletmeler yüksek gelir sağlayan ürünlere yer vererek, en yüksek net çiftlik gelirini elde etmektedir. ıı;
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study has been carried out in order to describe general features of farms located at Kapaklı village of Akhisar County. Economic farm results were calculated by means of gross-margin analysis and this technique is compared to standard gross margin technique applied at the European Community. The study covers 76 farms which are sellected by stratified random sampling method. Farm results related to İ990-91 production period were collected by personal interviews. The studied farms were classified into three groups according to total farm land as 0 - 25; greater than 25 - 50; Over 50 decars. Analysis were realized at two stages. Group averages and percentages of several variables were calculated according to the classification mentioned above. The ages and educational status of the farm operators, total family papulation and its distribution according to age groups and sex, family labor potential and labor use at the farms, amount of capital available; farms' land supply and land use, and economic farm results were studied in detail. Gross margin analysis were employed in describing 114farm results. In order to make a comparison gross margin analysis technique of European Community were also appplied to the research data. At the second stage perfomance levels of the farms and the factors affecting the performance were studied. Performance levels were determined according to gross-margin per decar of total farm land. If it is over 125% of median gross margin per decar the farmland the farm classified as "Head" farm; conversely it is below 75/C the farm classified as "Tail"; and if the gross margin per decar between these two limits the farm is classified as "Medium" farm. Comparisons were made according to some social and economic factors. Later adequate farm size for supporting a good level of living to the farm family was determined. Adequate level of income was calculated depending on minimum wages earned if the family labor was employed at the industrial sector. This is amounted to 16,444,080 Tl. per year and dividing it by average net farm income per decar it is found that 56.72 decars of farmland will be adeaqute for good level of living. Some of the research findings may be summarized as f o 1 lows : - Average population per farm is 4.97 which was 115consisted of 2.39 males and 2.58 females. Population per farm increases as the farm size increases. Rate of economically active population is 66.60 "/. and average age of farmers is 44.65 years. The operators of bigger farms a.re older than the others and they had more formal education also. Literacy rate is calculated as 93.19 percent. - An important part of family labor remained unused in all of the groups; while casual labor use was high in the third group and off-farm useage of family labor was high in the first group. - Landlords' capital constitutes the most important item of total assets (74.57 7.). Tenants capital constitutes the remaining 25.43 percent. The importance of land capital increases as the farm size increased. The percentage of debts to total assets is 1.55 7. and the most important source of credit is the local Farmers' Credit Cooperative. The amount of debts increases as the farm size increased. - Owned land has the most important share in total farm land except the first group of the farms. The amounts of owned and share cropped land increase as the farm size increases, but the amount of rented land shows a reverse relation with the farm size. Average farm size is 44.06 decars. The land devoted to field crops constitutes the 116largest proportion in total farm land. Fallow land was not found in the first group. The amount of land which are left idle is higher than fallow land except the third group. Tobacco takes the first order according to the acreage of the first and second groups of farms, while cotton is the most important crop of the third group. -Tobacco, cotton, livestock products, wheat and barley are the most important products according to the gross output respectively. Casual labor costs are the most important item of total direct costs. The highest total gross margin is provided by tobacco in all groups. The second order is occupied by cotton in the third group while it was the animal products in the other two groups. The highest gross-margin per decar is provided by tobacco. Total gross margin per decar of farm land decreases as the farm size increases. -Gross margins recalculated according to European Community regulations are found higher than original calculations because of the casual labor costs are not included in direct costs. Livestock enterprise is run by family labor so no difference is found between the two system of calculation of gross-margins. - Depreciations are the mast important item of common costs. - Net farm income per decar is lowest in the third 117group of farms. Insufficient amounts of total net farm incomes are provided in all groups. - Analysis of farms according to perfomance levels revealed that "Head" farms are managed by younger and less educated operators. Economically active population is lower and a smaller proportion of family labor is used on these farms. A small amount of farm land, a higher percentage of rented land, amount of debts and high interest rates of credits are the most important factors affecting those farms. In spite of all these factors "Head" farms are providing highest net farm income by producing high valued craps. 113
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study has been carried out in order to describe general features of farms located at Kapaklı village of Akhisar County. Economic farm results were calculated by means of gross-margin analysis and this technique is compared to standard gross margin technique applied at the European Community. The study covers 76 farms which are sellected by stratified random sampling method. Farm results related to İ990-91 production period were collected by personal interviews. The studied farms were classified into three groups according to total farm land as 0 - 25; greater than 25 - 50; Over 50 decars. Analysis were realized at two stages. Group averages and percentages of several variables were calculated according to the classification mentioned above. The ages and educational status of the farm operators, total family papulation and its distribution according to age groups and sex, family labor potential and labor use at the farms, amount of capital available; farms' land supply and land use, and economic farm results were studied in detail. Gross margin analysis were employed in describing 114farm results. In order to make a comparison gross margin analysis technique of European Community were also appplied to the research data. At the second stage perfomance levels of the farms and the factors affecting the performance were studied. Performance levels were determined according to gross-margin per decar of total farm land. If it is over 125% of median gross margin per decar the farmland the farm classified as "Head" farm; conversely it is below 75/C the farm classified as "Tail"; and if the gross margin per decar between these two limits the farm is classified as "Medium" farm. Comparisons were made according to some social and economic factors. Later adequate farm size for supporting a good level of living to the farm family was determined. Adequate level of income was calculated depending on minimum wages earned if the family labor was employed at the industrial sector. This is amounted to 16,444,080 Tl. per year and dividing it by average net farm income per decar it is found that 56.72 decars of farmland will be adeaqute for good level of living. Some of the research findings may be summarized as f o 1 lows : - Average population per farm is 4.97 which was 115consisted of 2.39 males and 2.58 females. Population per farm increases as the farm size increases. Rate of economically active population is 66.60 "/. and average age of farmers is 44.65 years. The operators of bigger farms a.re older than the others and they had more formal education also. Literacy rate is calculated as 93.19 percent. - An important part of family labor remained unused in all of the groups; while casual labor use was high in the third group and off-farm useage of family labor was high in the first group. - Landlords' capital constitutes the most important item of total assets (74.57 7.). Tenants capital constitutes the remaining 25.43 percent. The importance of land capital increases as the farm size increased. The percentage of debts to total assets is 1.55 7. and the most important source of credit is the local Farmers' Credit Cooperative. The amount of debts increases as the farm size increased. - Owned land has the most important share in total farm land except the first group of the farms. The amounts of owned and share cropped land increase as the farm size increases, but the amount of rented land shows a reverse relation with the farm size. Average farm size is 44.06 decars. The land devoted to field crops constitutes the 116largest proportion in total farm land. Fallow land was not found in the first group. The amount of land which are left idle is higher than fallow land except the third group. Tobacco takes the first order according to the acreage of the first and second groups of farms, while cotton is the most important crop of the third group. -Tobacco, cotton, livestock products, wheat and barley are the most important products according to the gross output respectively. Casual labor costs are the most important item of total direct costs. The highest total gross margin is provided by tobacco in all groups. The second order is occupied by cotton in the third group while it was the animal products in the other two groups. The highest gross-margin per decar is provided by tobacco. Total gross margin per decar of farm land decreases as the farm size increases. -Gross margins recalculated according to European Community regulations are found higher than original calculations because of the casual labor costs are not included in direct costs. Livestock enterprise is run by family labor so no difference is found between the two system of calculation of gross-margins. - Depreciations are the mast important item of common costs. - Net farm income per decar is lowest in the third 117group of farms. Insufficient amounts of total net farm incomes are provided in all groups. - Analysis of farms according to perfomance levels revealed that "Head" farms are managed by younger and less educated operators. Economically active population is lower and a smaller proportion of family labor is used on these farms. A small amount of farm land, a higher percentage of rented land, amount of debts and high interest rates of credits are the most important factors affecting those farms. In spite of all these factors "Head" farms are providing highest net farm income by producing high valued craps. 113
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ekonomik yapı, Economic structure, Manisa-Akhisar-Kapaklı, Manisa-Akhisar-Kapaklı, Tarım ekonomisi, Agricultural economy, Tarım işletmeleri, Agricultural enterprises