Yağ grefti sağ kalımının arttırılmasında eksozomların etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yağ dokusu insanda tüm vücudu saran vücudu mekanik yaralanmalardan koruyan, ısı regülasyonunu sağlayan ve enerji deposu olarak görev yapan bir organ gibi çalışmaktadır. Yağ greftleri ise uzun yıllardır rekonstrüktif ve estetik alanda kullanılmakta, non-immunojenik olması, biyouyumlu olması, bol bulunması, kolayca elde edilebilmesi ve doğal fizyolojik karakterlere sahip olması nedeniyle ideal dolgu maddeleri olarak kabul edilmekte-dir. Yağ greftleri gerek hacim artışı gerek gençleştirme amaçlı kullanılmakta olup, kullanıl-dıktan sonra yaşanan en önemli problemlerden biri yağ greftlerinin sağ kalım sonuçlarının kestirilememesidir. Deneysel çalışmamızda, yağ grefti sağ kalımlarında etkili oldukları bazı çalışmalarda ayrı ayrı gösterilmiş olan trombositten zengin plazma, adipoz doku doku kökenli kök hücre ve adipoz doku kökenli kök hücreden elde edilen eksozomların hayvan deneyinde karşılaştırıl-masını inceledik. Çalışmamızda 18 adet Wistar-Albino cinsi sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar intraperitoneal genel anestezi altında bilateral inginal bölgesi ve sırt bölgesi traş edildikten sonra her iki ingu-inal bölgeden yapılan insizyonlarla inguinal yağ yastıkçıkları çıkartıldı. Çıkartılan yağ yastık-ları toplamda 36 adet yağ grefti şeklinde 4 ayrı gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grup kontrol grubu, ikin-ci grup yağ grefti + PRP grubu, üçüncü grup yağ grefti + adipoz doku kökenli kök hücre gru-bu, dördüncü grup ise yağ grefti + adipoz doku kökenli kök hücreden elde edilen eksozom grubu olarak belirlendi. Yağ greftleri sıçanların sırtı iki ayrı bölge olacak şekilde ayrılarak sırt bölgesine verildi. 1. Ayın sonunda yağ greftleri sırttan eksize edilerek incelemeye alındı. Sonuçta eksozom grubunda en fazla sağ kalıma ulaşılırken kök hücre grubunda daha az, PRP grubu ve kontrol grubunda ise en düşük oranda bulunmuştur. Eksozom ve kök hücre gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre istatistiki açıdan anlamlı derecede greft sağ kalım farkı bu-lunurken, PRP grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır. Bu sonuçlar his-tolojik olarak da desteklenip eksozom grubunda kontrol ve PRP grubuna göre fibrozis ve inf-lamasyon istatistik olarak anlamlı olarak daha az olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlarla eksozom ile yağ grefti sağ kalım artışının, en az kök hücre ile yağ doku sağ kalım artışı tedavileri kadar etkili olduğunu gösterdik. Bu çalışmamız literatürdeki sonuçları da destekler nitelikte olup ileri dönemde konuyla ilgili daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır.
Adipose tissue in humans, acts as a organ which covers whole body for mechanical injuries, heat regulation and energy depot. Fat grafting has been used for reconstructive and esthetic purposes. Fat grafts are considered as an ideal filler due to abundancy, non-immunogenic, biocompatibility, easily harvested and natural physiological characteristic. Fat grafts usualy used for augmentation and rejuvenation. Main problem for fat grafting is uncer-tainty of fat survival. Our study evaluated difference between platelet rich plasma, adipose tissue derived stem cell and adipose tissue derived stem cell exosomes enrichment with fat grafting. These enrichment strategies have shown enhanced fat survival ratio in animal studies. 18 Wistar-albino rats used for study. Under general anesthesia, bilateral inguinal re-gion and dorsal area is shaved. Bilateral inguinal region incised and both fat pads excised. Total 36 fat pad tissue divided into 4 groups. First group is only fat graft, second group fat graft + PRP, third group fat graft + adipose tissue derived stem cell, fourth group designed as fat graft+ adipose tissue derived stem cell exosome group. Fat grafts transfered on back of rats as divided into two zones. After 1 month of follow up fat grafts excised. As a result, while the highest survival rate was reached in the exosome group, it was found to be less in the stem cell group, and the lowest in the PRP group and control group. While there was statistically significant graft survival difference in the exosome and stem cell groups compared to the control group, no significant difference was found in the PRP group compared to the control group. These results were also supported histologically, and fibrosis and inflammation were found to be statistically significant less in the exosome group compa-red to PRP and control group. With these results, we showed that exosome increases fat graft survival at least as effective as stem cell adipose tissue survival increase treatments. This study also supports the results in the literature, and there is a need for more studies on the sub-ject in the future.
Adipose tissue in humans, acts as a organ which covers whole body for mechanical injuries, heat regulation and energy depot. Fat grafting has been used for reconstructive and esthetic purposes. Fat grafts are considered as an ideal filler due to abundancy, non-immunogenic, biocompatibility, easily harvested and natural physiological characteristic. Fat grafts usualy used for augmentation and rejuvenation. Main problem for fat grafting is uncer-tainty of fat survival. Our study evaluated difference between platelet rich plasma, adipose tissue derived stem cell and adipose tissue derived stem cell exosomes enrichment with fat grafting. These enrichment strategies have shown enhanced fat survival ratio in animal studies. 18 Wistar-albino rats used for study. Under general anesthesia, bilateral inguinal re-gion and dorsal area is shaved. Bilateral inguinal region incised and both fat pads excised. Total 36 fat pad tissue divided into 4 groups. First group is only fat graft, second group fat graft + PRP, third group fat graft + adipose tissue derived stem cell, fourth group designed as fat graft+ adipose tissue derived stem cell exosome group. Fat grafts transfered on back of rats as divided into two zones. After 1 month of follow up fat grafts excised. As a result, while the highest survival rate was reached in the exosome group, it was found to be less in the stem cell group, and the lowest in the PRP group and control group. While there was statistically significant graft survival difference in the exosome and stem cell groups compared to the control group, no significant difference was found in the PRP group compared to the control group. These results were also supported histologically, and fibrosis and inflammation were found to be statistically significant less in the exosome group compa-red to PRP and control group. With these results, we showed that exosome increases fat graft survival at least as effective as stem cell adipose tissue survival increase treatments. This study also supports the results in the literature, and there is a need for more studies on the sub-ject in the future.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Greft Sağkalımı, Eksozomlar, Yağ Grefti, Graft Survival, Exosomes, Fat Graft