Egzersiz öncesi uygulanan oksijen aplikasyonunun performans ve rejenerasyon üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Maksimal oksijen kullanımı dayanıklılık sporlarında önemli bir performans kriteridir. Aerobik enerji eldesi anaerobik enerji kazanımından çok daha efektiftir. Bu nedenle mVO^nin özellikle aerobik kısmım geliştirmek endürans ağırlıklı spor branşlarryla uğraşan sporcuların ana hedeflerinden biridir. Bu doğrultuda, antrenman ile geliştirilebilecek adaptasyonların dışında, solunan havanın 02 içeriğini arttırarak performans ve rejenerasyonun pozitif etkilenmesi teorik olarak beklenebilir. Birinci dönem 46 spor akademisi öğrencisine (19 kadın, 27 erkek) 2-4 gün arayla iki ergometre testi uygulandı: birinde egzersiz öncesi 10. dakikaya kadar 15 dakika süreyle ilaveten 5 1/dk O2, diğerinde ise normal hava verildi. Katılanlara, basamaklı artan dirençlere karşı, sübjektif bitkinliğe kadar sürdürülen bisiklet ergometre testi uygulandı. Yüklenme sonrasında düşük dirençte altı dakika aktif rejenerasyon dönemi uygulandı. Anaerobik eşikte V02, Ve, kalp atım sayısı, Eq02, direnç ve RQ değerleri; bitlanlikte V02, Ve, kalp atım sayısı, Eq02, direnç, RQ, P02, PC02, BE ve pH değerleri; rejenerasyonda kalp atım sayısı, pH, CK, üre, laktat ve RQ değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Bu prospektif, randomize ve tek kör çalışmanın istatistiksel analizi bağımlı örnekler için Student t-testine göre yapıldı. Değerlendirme sonucu ilgili parametreler arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Egzersiz öncesi yukarıda tarif edilen şekilde ilave 02 solumanın, uygulanan egzersiz tipinde, performansı ve rejenerasyonu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı etkilemediği sonucuna varıldı. Ancak elit atletler arasında minimal farkların yarışma sonucunu etkilediğini düşünürsek, bu konunun farklı protokollerle daha derin araştırılmasında fayda olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. 27
EFFECTS OF OXYGEN APPLICATION PRIOR TO EXERCISE ON PERFORMANCE AND REGENERATION SUMMARY Maximal oxygen consumption is an important performance criterion in endurance sports. Aerobic energy production is fer more effective than the anaerobic one. For this reason, to improve especially the aerobic component of mV02 is one of the main aims of athletes involved in endurance oriented sports activities. For this purpose, apart adaptations obtainable by training, to increase the O2 content of inspired air may be a theoretically effective means to positively effect performance and regeneration. First semestre physical education students (n = 46: 19 females, 27 males) have randomly undergone two incremental bicycle ergometer tests 2-4 days apart, until subjective exhaustion. Normal air was inhaled during one of the tests and 5 1/min O2 was additionally inhaled for 15 min until 10 min prior to the test in the other one. An active regeneration period of six min long using a low resistance immediately followed the tests. VO2, Ve, heart rate, Eq02, power output and RQ at the anaerobic threshold; VO2, Ve, heart rate, EqÛ2, power output, RQ, PO2, PCO2, BE and pH at exhaustion; heart rate, pH, CK, urea, lactate and RQ at regeneration were compared. The statistical analysis of this prospective, randomized and single-blind study was done using the Student t- and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. No statistically significant differences were found between any of the above mentioned parameters. Performance and regeneration of the subjects were not significantly effected during the prior O2 inhalation test as described. Nevertheless, as minimal differences between elite athletes decide about success in competition, it might be worthwhile to further study the subject using different protocols. 28
EFFECTS OF OXYGEN APPLICATION PRIOR TO EXERCISE ON PERFORMANCE AND REGENERATION SUMMARY Maximal oxygen consumption is an important performance criterion in endurance sports. Aerobic energy production is fer more effective than the anaerobic one. For this reason, to improve especially the aerobic component of mV02 is one of the main aims of athletes involved in endurance oriented sports activities. For this purpose, apart adaptations obtainable by training, to increase the O2 content of inspired air may be a theoretically effective means to positively effect performance and regeneration. First semestre physical education students (n = 46: 19 females, 27 males) have randomly undergone two incremental bicycle ergometer tests 2-4 days apart, until subjective exhaustion. Normal air was inhaled during one of the tests and 5 1/min O2 was additionally inhaled for 15 min until 10 min prior to the test in the other one. An active regeneration period of six min long using a low resistance immediately followed the tests. VO2, Ve, heart rate, Eq02, power output and RQ at the anaerobic threshold; VO2, Ve, heart rate, EqÛ2, power output, RQ, PO2, PCO2, BE and pH at exhaustion; heart rate, pH, CK, urea, lactate and RQ at regeneration were compared. The statistical analysis of this prospective, randomized and single-blind study was done using the Student t- and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. No statistically significant differences were found between any of the above mentioned parameters. Performance and regeneration of the subjects were not significantly effected during the prior O2 inhalation test as described. Nevertheless, as minimal differences between elite athletes decide about success in competition, it might be worthwhile to further study the subject using different protocols. 28
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Egzersiz, Exercise, Egzersiz, Exercise, Laktatlar, Lactates, Oksijen, Oxygen, Solunum sistemi, Respiratory system