Deneysel trinitrobenzensülfonik asit (TNB) kolitinde balık yağından zengin diyetin lökotrien düzeylerine etkisi
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İltihabı barsak hastalıklarının (İBH) etyopatoge-nezindeki belirsizlik ve nükslerin önlenmesindeki yeter¬sizlik günümüzde de sürmektedir. Bu çalışmada balık yağından (BY) zengin bir diyet ile beslenen sıçanlarda oluşturulan trinitrobenzensülfonik asit (TNB) kolitinde BY'nin koruyucu rolü araştırılmıştır. Rastgele 2 gruba ayrılan erkek sıçanlar 6 hafta boyunca standart yem ile (grup-1) veya yemlerine %8 oranında BY eklenerek (grup-2) beslenmişlerdir. Bu süre sonunda iki gruba da 30 mg TNB, 0,25 mi %30 luk etanol içinde erimiş sıvı halde rektal yoldan verilmiştir. İki hafta boyunca ben¬zer şekilde beslenen sıçanlar sakrifiye edilerek distal 10 cm lik kolon segmenti çıkarılarak histopatolojik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca doku örneklerinden myelo-peroksidaz (MPO) enzim aktivitesi, lökotrien B4 (LTB4) ve LTC4 düzeyleri radyoimmunassay ile (RIA) tayin edilmiştir. Grup-1 de MPO aktivitesi 30,41 ± 1,94 (Ügr/yaş ağırlık) iken grup-2 de '. 2,43 ± 0,47 bulun¬muştur. LTB4 ise grup-1 de 372,1 ± 65,24 pg / mg do¬ku proteini bulunurken grup-2 de 34,5 ± 8,16 saptan¬mıştır. LTC4 ise grup l'de 450,0 ± 56,45 , grup--2'de 64,0 ± 10,46'dır. Histopatolojik skor grup- 1 de 2,125 ± 0,35 değerinde iken grup-2 de 1,555 ± 0,29' e geriledi. Bu bulgulara göre BY, MPO aktivitesini grup-l'e göre anlamlı şekilde azaltmaktadır (p=0,0108): LTB4 ile LTC4 düzeyleri BY grubunda anlamlı şekilde düşük¬tür (sırasıyla p= 0,0034, p= 0,0024 ). Sonuç olarak BY'dan zengin diyetle beslenen sıçanlarda TNB ile ge¬liştirilen kolon hasarı azalmaktadır.
The etiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still unknown and the treatment of recurrences oflBD is also inadequate. in this study, we investigated the protective role of a fish oil (FO) - enriched diet in a rat model of TNB colitis. 20 male Wistar- Albino rats were randomized into 2 groups (n=10). All of them were fed for 6 weeks with a standard diet (group-1) and stan¬dard diet plus FO (%8) (group-2). At the end of this pe¬riod, TNB (30 mg in 0,25 ml of%30 ethanol) were intra-rectally administered. After two weeks, the rats were sacrificed and the distal colon was removed. the Speci¬mens were histopathologically evaluated. the MPO enzyme activities were measured and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and LTC4 levels were determined by radioim-munoassay. MPO activities, LTB4 and LTC4 levels we¬re (respectively) 30,41 ± 1,94 Ug/wet weight, 372,1 ± 65,24 pg I mg tissue protein, 450,0 ± 56,45 pg/mg tis¬sue protein. These levels were reduced in group-2 (res¬pectively) 2,43 ± 0,47 Ug/wet weight, 34,5 ± 8,16 and 64,0 ± 10,46 pg I mg tissue protein. There were signifi¬cant differences in MPO activities, LTB4 and LTC4 le¬vels and histopathological scores between the two gro¬ups (respectively p= 0,0108, p= 0,0034, p= 0,0024, p= 0,002). in conclusion, FO-enriched diet could reduce the colon damage in TNB colitis in rats
The etiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still unknown and the treatment of recurrences oflBD is also inadequate. in this study, we investigated the protective role of a fish oil (FO) - enriched diet in a rat model of TNB colitis. 20 male Wistar- Albino rats were randomized into 2 groups (n=10). All of them were fed for 6 weeks with a standard diet (group-1) and stan¬dard diet plus FO (%8) (group-2). At the end of this pe¬riod, TNB (30 mg in 0,25 ml of%30 ethanol) were intra-rectally administered. After two weeks, the rats were sacrificed and the distal colon was removed. the Speci¬mens were histopathologically evaluated. the MPO enzyme activities were measured and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and LTC4 levels were determined by radioim-munoassay. MPO activities, LTB4 and LTC4 levels we¬re (respectively) 30,41 ± 1,94 Ug/wet weight, 372,1 ± 65,24 pg I mg tissue protein, 450,0 ± 56,45 pg/mg tis¬sue protein. These levels were reduced in group-2 (res¬pectively) 2,43 ± 0,47 Ug/wet weight, 34,5 ± 8,16 and 64,0 ± 10,46 pg I mg tissue protein. There were signifi¬cant differences in MPO activities, LTB4 and LTC4 le¬vels and histopathological scores between the two gro¬ups (respectively p= 0,0108, p= 0,0034, p= 0,0024, p= 0,002). in conclusion, FO-enriched diet could reduce the colon damage in TNB colitis in rats
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri