Kazdağı çevresi radyasyon gözlemleri ve uranyum anomali araştırması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Kazdağı masifini Edremit -Ayvacık -Ezine -Bayramiç Yenice ve Kalkım ilçeleri kapsar. Bu çalışmada bir uranyum anamoli keşfi amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun için Kazdağı çevresinde radyoaktivite ölçümleri ve ayrıca pınarlardan su örnekleri toplanmıştır. Araştırma için örnekleme Ağustos-1991 içinde yapılmısıtır. Bu çalışma, Nükleer Bilimler Enstitüsü tarafından yapılan ve Edremit'e kadar olan bölgeyi kapsayan Kuzeybatı-Ege Uranyum Araştırmaları projesinin devamı niteliğindedir. Motorlu araç ile gidilen mesafe toplam 270 Km'dir. Karasal radyoaktivite ölçümleri her 2 Km'de bir yapılmıştır ve 34 su örneği toplanmıştır. Su örneklerinde Kollektör yöntemi ile Ra~226 aktivitesi ölçülmüş ve sonuçlar ( Bq/L ) değerleri ile tablo halinde verilmiştir. Sonuçların birbiriyle olan ilişkileri tartışılmıştır. II
SUMMARY Edremit - Ayvacık - Ezine - Bayramiç - Yenice and Kalkım counties cover to Kazdağ massive. In this work, discovery of uranium anomaly region had been aimed. For this purpose, the gamma survey measurements are performed and spring water samples were collected from Kazdağ. The sample collections were performed in August, 1991. This work is a continuation of the project for discovery of uranium in the North-West Aegean region which has been reported by Institute of Nuclear Science. The North-West Aegean project is extens up to Edremit county. Gamma survey measurements were performed with an interval of 2 Km along the roads (270 Km) which surround this mount and 34 spring water samples were collected. The Ra-226 concentration in water samples has been determined using the collector chamber method. The results are given in tables. The relationship between Gamma survey and Radium concentrations have been discussed. Ill
SUMMARY Edremit - Ayvacık - Ezine - Bayramiç - Yenice and Kalkım counties cover to Kazdağ massive. In this work, discovery of uranium anomaly region had been aimed. For this purpose, the gamma survey measurements are performed and spring water samples were collected from Kazdağ. The sample collections were performed in August, 1991. This work is a continuation of the project for discovery of uranium in the North-West Aegean region which has been reported by Institute of Nuclear Science. The North-West Aegean project is extens up to Edremit county. Gamma survey measurements were performed with an interval of 2 Km along the roads (270 Km) which surround this mount and 34 spring water samples were collected. The Ra-226 concentration in water samples has been determined using the collector chamber method. The results are given in tables. The relationship between Gamma survey and Radium concentrations have been discussed. Ill
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Kaz Dağı, Kaz Mountain, Radyasyon, Radiation, Uranyum, Uranium