Elektrik / Manyetik transkranial kortikal stimulasyon ile tibialis anterior ve soleus kaslarından erken ve geç latanslı yanıtlar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Saçlı deriden motor korteksin elektrik veya manyetik uyarımı ile sağlıklı kişilerde alt ekstremite kaslarından çok farklı yanıtlar kayıtlanmıştır. Yaklaşık 30 msn latanslı olarak saptanan kısa latanslı yanıtlar hızlı kortikospinal yola bağlı olarak ortaya çıkar. 200 msn içinde saptanan geç yanıtların kökeni ise iyi bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada 42 normal denek ve parkinson, MS, vaskuler hemiparezi, motor nöron hastalığı, servi kal lezyon gibi değişik nörolojik hastalıkları içeren 60 hastaya TCCS uygulanarak erken ve geç yanıtlar incelendi. TCCS için Digitimer elektrik ve Magstim 200 manyetik uyaran kullanıldı. Bütün normal denekler ve hasta grubundaki tüm deneklere üç deneysel paradigma uygulandı: 1) Denekler muayene masasına tam istirahat koşulunda yatar halde, 2) Ayak bileği 90 olacak şekilde istemli TA kasılması (dorsofleksiyon) 3) Ayak bileği 130 olacak şekilde istemli plantar fleksiyon Ayrıca pasif dorsofleksiyon, jendrassik manevrası, vibrasyon ve iskemi gibi değişik manevra ve testler bu üç deneysel paradigma kombine edildi. Bu çalışmalar sonucunda antagonist TA fasilite iken (istemli ayak dorsofleksiyonu) Soleus kasından 80-90 msn latanslı ve "Soleus MEP-80" olarak tanımlanan geç bir yanıt stabil olarak kayıtlandı. Normal deneklerde ve hasta gruplarında bu yanıtın özellikleri incelendi. Tüm normal deneklerde stabil olarak elde edilen bu yanıt hasta gruplarında değişik özellikler gösterdi, klinik tanıya spesifik bir özellik saptanmadı. Bu yanıtın periferik girdiler ve supraspinal yapıların konverjansı ile ortaya çıkan ve TCCS tetiklediği fizyolojik bir serbest kalma fenomeni olduğu kanısına varıldı. 90
SUMMARY Following transcranial magnetic or electrical motor cortex stimulation over the scalp vertex may different responses have been recorded from the healthy subjects especially the lower limb muscles. Short latency responses of about 30 msec may travel via the fastest corticospinal pathway. The later responses appearing with in 200 msec are not well understood. In this study 47 experiments were made normal subjects and 60 patients with different neurological disorders including Parkinsonizm, multiple sclerosis, vascular hemiparezis, motor neuron disorders and cervical lesion. In experiments we used Digitimer electrical and Magstim 200 magnetic coil stimulator. In all normal subjects and patient groups three experimental paradigms were performed: 1.Each subject was lied on an examination table with full relaxation. 2. Ankle was voluntary dorsiflexed at about 90* with mild voluntary contraction of TA 3. The ankle was voluntarily flexed in the planter direction at about 130* angle. Different kinds of maneuver and tests including passive dorsiflexion, jendrassik maneuver, vibration, ischemia were performed in all three paradigms. The stable late responses recorded from soleus muscle while voluntary activation of the antagonist TA muscle is called Soleus MEP-80. This response was elicited in all normal subjects. There were not a specific findings in any patients group. In conclusion the Soleus MEP-80 a polisynaptic extensor response related to postural mechanism and originated through convergence of descending motor commands and peripheral sensory feedback. 91 T.O, Yw"SElffilEETli 13 IMliiMlSTOi !Sk'
SUMMARY Following transcranial magnetic or electrical motor cortex stimulation over the scalp vertex may different responses have been recorded from the healthy subjects especially the lower limb muscles. Short latency responses of about 30 msec may travel via the fastest corticospinal pathway. The later responses appearing with in 200 msec are not well understood. In this study 47 experiments were made normal subjects and 60 patients with different neurological disorders including Parkinsonizm, multiple sclerosis, vascular hemiparezis, motor neuron disorders and cervical lesion. In experiments we used Digitimer electrical and Magstim 200 magnetic coil stimulator. In all normal subjects and patient groups three experimental paradigms were performed: 1.Each subject was lied on an examination table with full relaxation. 2. Ankle was voluntary dorsiflexed at about 90* with mild voluntary contraction of TA 3. The ankle was voluntarily flexed in the planter direction at about 130* angle. Different kinds of maneuver and tests including passive dorsiflexion, jendrassik maneuver, vibration, ischemia were performed in all three paradigms. The stable late responses recorded from soleus muscle while voluntary activation of the antagonist TA muscle is called Soleus MEP-80. This response was elicited in all normal subjects. There were not a specific findings in any patients group. In conclusion the Soleus MEP-80 a polisynaptic extensor response related to postural mechanism and originated through convergence of descending motor commands and peripheral sensory feedback. 91 T.O, Yw"SElffilEETli 13 IMliiMlSTOi !Sk'
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroloji, Neurology, Elektrikle uyarma, Electric stimulation, Kafatası, Skull, Kaslar, Muscles, Motor korteks, Motor cortex, Motor nöronlar, Motor neurons, Serebral korteks, Cerebral cortex, Uyarılmış potansiyeller, Evoked potentials