İzmir piyasasındaki üzüm pekmezlerinin şeker içeriklerinin değişik metodlarla incelenmesi konusunda bir çalışma
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Üzüm pekmezi, üzümün yöresel adetlere göre kaynatı larak koyulaştırılmasıyla elde edilen koyu renkli ve koyu kıvamda bir üründür. üzüm pekmezinde indirgen şeker miktarı önemli bir kalite kriteridir. Türk Standardları Enstitüsü tarafından çıkartılmış olan "Üzüm Pekmezi" standardı (TS-3792, 1982) zorunlu bir standard olmakla birlikte indirgen şeker mik tarları ile ilgili bir değer belirtilmemiştir. GMT (1987)' de ise indirgen şeker miktarının % 60'dan az olmaması gerektiği belirtilmiştir. Ancak ticari firmalara ait pekmezlerdeki indirgen şeker miktarları incelendiğinde bu değerlerin % 60'ın altında olduğu görülmüştür. TS 3792 (1982)'de bir değer. veri lmediği için GMT (1987)' ne göre değerlendirilen ticari pekmez örnekleri kontrol laboratu varları tarafından kabul edilmemektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda üzüm pekmezlerindeki indirgen şeker miktar larının belirlenerek TS 3792 (1982)'na esas olacak sınırın saptanması ve bu değerlerin belirlenmesinde kullanılması önerilecek sabit, doğru, kesin ve hızlı bir metodun araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla İzmir piyasasında satılan pekmez örnekleri klasik Lane-Eynon metodu ve Yüksek Basınç Sıvı Kromatogra- fisi (YBSK) metodu ile ayrı ayrı analizlenerek şeker mik tarları tayin edilmiştir. Her iki metoddan elde edilen sonuçlar, çabukluk, doğruluk, kesinlik ve basitlik açısın dan karşı laştırılmıştır. Ticari pekmezlerin ve köy pekmez lerinin yapım teknolojisi arasındaki farkların indirgen şeker miktarına etkisini araştırmak amacıyla iki köy pek mezi de analizlenmiştir. Duyusal değerlendirme teknik lerinden Rank (sıralama) analizi uygulanarak panelin tercih ettiği şeker miktarı da saptanmıştır.Araştırma sonuçları YBSK metodunun Lane-Eynon metodu na göre daha basit ve hızlı olduğunu ve daha kesin ve doğru sonuç verdiğini göstermiştir. HPLC metodu ile ana- lizlenen örneklerde indirgen şeker miktarı % 47.20 ile % 59.50 arasında olup bu sonuçlar GMT (1987)'de belirtilen sınırın altındadır. Rank analizi sonuçlarına göre ise panelin tercihinin yüksek şeker miktarı yönünde olduğu gözlenmiştir. YBSK ve duyusal test sonuçları göz önünde bulunduru larak ticari pekmezler için % 49-55 arasında, köy pek mezleri için ise % 58-62 arasında indirgen şeker miktarı öneri lmiştir
A study on Determination of the Sugar Contents of Grape Molasses Sold Within İzmir Market by Using Different Methods of Analysis. Grape molasses in a dark colored and viscous product obtained by boiling and concentrating grapes according to traditional procedures. The reducing sugar content is an important quality criteria for grape molasses. According to the mandatory Turkish Grape Molesses Standard (TS-3792, 1982), there is not any value given for reducing sugar content. In Turkish Food Legislation (GMT, 1987) it is indicated that the reducing sugar content should not be lower than % 60. However, the sugar analysis of the commercially produced grape molasses have shown that, the reducing sugar contents are usually lower than % 60. Since these is no value given in the Turkish Grape Molasses Standard, most of the commercially produced grape molasses samples evaluated according to GMT 1987 are rejected by the goverments control laboratories. So, this study was planned for determining reducing sugar values for TS 3792 (1982) and for selecting the most simple, precise, accurate and rapid metod for measuring these reducing sugars. For this purpose, the sugar contents of commercially produced grape molasses which are sold within Izmir area were determined according to classical Lane-Eynon and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques. The results obtained from both techniques were compared according to their speed, accuracy, precision and simplicity. In order to detect the effect of manufacturing process on reducing sugar content, two grape molesses samples produced traditionally in different villages were also analysed. All the samples were also evaluated by ranking method for determining the effect of reducing sugars on panel's preference.The results of the analysis have shown that, the HPLC method' is more simple and rapid than the classical Lane-Eynon method and it gives more precise and accurate results in determining the reducing sugar content of grape molasses. It was observed that the reducing sugar contents of the samples analysed by HPLC ranged from % 47.20 to 1 59.50 and all of them were below the limit indicated in GMT 1987. According to the results of the ranking test, it was found that the panel's preference was higher as the sugar content increased. By taking into consideration the HPLC and sensory test results, the reducing sugar limits for commerical grape molesses were found to be % 49-55 while limit of % 58-62 was determined for traditionally produced grape molasses.
A study on Determination of the Sugar Contents of Grape Molasses Sold Within İzmir Market by Using Different Methods of Analysis. Grape molasses in a dark colored and viscous product obtained by boiling and concentrating grapes according to traditional procedures. The reducing sugar content is an important quality criteria for grape molasses. According to the mandatory Turkish Grape Molesses Standard (TS-3792, 1982), there is not any value given for reducing sugar content. In Turkish Food Legislation (GMT, 1987) it is indicated that the reducing sugar content should not be lower than % 60. However, the sugar analysis of the commercially produced grape molasses have shown that, the reducing sugar contents are usually lower than % 60. Since these is no value given in the Turkish Grape Molasses Standard, most of the commercially produced grape molasses samples evaluated according to GMT 1987 are rejected by the goverments control laboratories. So, this study was planned for determining reducing sugar values for TS 3792 (1982) and for selecting the most simple, precise, accurate and rapid metod for measuring these reducing sugars. For this purpose, the sugar contents of commercially produced grape molasses which are sold within Izmir area were determined according to classical Lane-Eynon and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques. The results obtained from both techniques were compared according to their speed, accuracy, precision and simplicity. In order to detect the effect of manufacturing process on reducing sugar content, two grape molesses samples produced traditionally in different villages were also analysed. All the samples were also evaluated by ranking method for determining the effect of reducing sugars on panel's preference.The results of the analysis have shown that, the HPLC method' is more simple and rapid than the classical Lane-Eynon method and it gives more precise and accurate results in determining the reducing sugar content of grape molasses. It was observed that the reducing sugar contents of the samples analysed by HPLC ranged from % 47.20 to 1 59.50 and all of them were below the limit indicated in GMT 1987. According to the results of the ranking test, it was found that the panel's preference was higher as the sugar content increased. By taking into consideration the HPLC and sensory test results, the reducing sugar limits for commerical grape molesses were found to be % 49-55 while limit of % 58-62 was determined for traditionally produced grape molasses.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Pekmez, Grape molasses, Üzüm pekmezi, Boiled grape juice, İzmir, Izmir, Şeker, Sugar