Tanı amacıyla kullanılmak üzere metotreksatın Tc-99m ile işaretlenmesi ve kalite kontrolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dünyada önemli bir sağlık sorunu olan kanserin erken evrede tanısı amacıyla pek çok araştırmacı, kanser hücresine spesifik yeni radyofarmasötikler geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalar; folat reseptörlerinin tümör dokusunda, sağlıklı dokulara kıyasla, oldukça yüksek miktarda bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Bu özellik folat reseptörlerini, tümör dokusunu hedefleme amacı ile kullanılabilecek hedefleyici ajan haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada folat reseptörlerine olan yüksek afinitesi sebebi ile kemoterapötik bir ilaç olan Metotreksat (MET) 99mTc radyonüklidi ile işaretlenerek yeni bir radyofarmasötik hazırlanması amaçlanmıştır. MET'in 99mTc işaretlenmesi sırasında varolan yöntem modifiye edilip yeni bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. İşaretleme verimine kalay tartarat, askorbik asit ve 99mTcmiktarının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deneysel koşulların radyoişaretli kompleksin işaretleme verimi, radyokimyasal saflığı ve stabilitesi üzerindeki etkisi ince tabaka kromatografisi ve radyo yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Optimum formülasyon olarak 1 mg MET 1 mg kalay tartarat ve 0,1mg askorbik asit ve 1 mCi 99mTciçeren formülasyon seçildi. Formülasyonun işaretleme verimliliğinin %90'dan büyük olduğu ve oda sıcaklığında yapılan stabilite testinde 24 saat boyunca stabil olduğu gözlendi. Ayrıca parenteral preparatlar için yapılması gereken sterilite testi ve izotoni testi hazırlanan formülasyon için uygulanmıştır. Formülasyonun steril ve hipertonik olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, MET'in terapötik dozdan düşük dozda 99mTcile yüksek verimlilik ile işaretlendiği ve tümör dokularının görüntülenmesinde görüntüleme ajanı olarak kullanılabileceği bulunmuştur
Diagnosed at an early stage of cancer is an important health problem in the world. Many researchers study on developing new radiopharmaceuticals which are specific to cancer cells. Recent studies showed that folate receptors in tumor tissue compared with healthy tissue indicates that they have been high amount in tumor tissue. This feature aims to the use of folate receptors in tumor tissue makes the potential tumor targeting agent. In this study, a chemotherapeutic drug that is the cause of high affinity folate receptor (Methotrexate) labeled with 99mTc radionuclide as a new radiopharmaceuticals. There is a method for labeling Methotrexate with 99mTc. This method is modifying and a new method has been developed. The effect of tin tartarate, ascorbic acid and the amount of 99mTc on labeling efficiency was investigated. The effect of experimental conditions on the radiolabeled complex labeling efficiency, the radiochemical purity and stability was examined by using thin layer chromatography and radio high pressure liquid chromatography. The optimal formulation 1 mg Methotrexate, 1 mg tin tartrate, 0,1 mg ascorbic acid and 1 mCi 99mTc the formulation was chosen. The formulation is greater than 90% labeling efficiency. Stability tests performed at room temperature for 24 hours and formulation was found to be stable. In addition, the sterility test and isotonic test were applied to the formulation. The formulation was determined to be sterile and hypertonic. Consequently, methotrexate is labeled with 99mTc at high efficiency with low therapeutic doses and 99mTc labeled methotrexate has been found that can be used as imaging agents for imaging tumor tissue.
Diagnosed at an early stage of cancer is an important health problem in the world. Many researchers study on developing new radiopharmaceuticals which are specific to cancer cells. Recent studies showed that folate receptors in tumor tissue compared with healthy tissue indicates that they have been high amount in tumor tissue. This feature aims to the use of folate receptors in tumor tissue makes the potential tumor targeting agent. In this study, a chemotherapeutic drug that is the cause of high affinity folate receptor (Methotrexate) labeled with 99mTc radionuclide as a new radiopharmaceuticals. There is a method for labeling Methotrexate with 99mTc. This method is modifying and a new method has been developed. The effect of tin tartarate, ascorbic acid and the amount of 99mTc on labeling efficiency was investigated. The effect of experimental conditions on the radiolabeled complex labeling efficiency, the radiochemical purity and stability was examined by using thin layer chromatography and radio high pressure liquid chromatography. The optimal formulation 1 mg Methotrexate, 1 mg tin tartrate, 0,1 mg ascorbic acid and 1 mCi 99mTc the formulation was chosen. The formulation is greater than 90% labeling efficiency. Stability tests performed at room temperature for 24 hours and formulation was found to be stable. In addition, the sterility test and isotonic test were applied to the formulation. The formulation was determined to be sterile and hypertonic. Consequently, methotrexate is labeled with 99mTc at high efficiency with low therapeutic doses and 99mTc labeled methotrexate has been found that can be used as imaging agents for imaging tumor tissue.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Teknesyum Tc-99m, Technetium Tc-99m