Ayna Dergisinin Özbek Türklerinin modernleşmesindeki rolü
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
XIX. yüzyıl sonu XX. yüzyıl başlarında Türkistan’da ortaya çıkan yenileşme hareketlerinde gazete ve dergiler önemli bir rol oynar. Türkistan’da Rusça ve mahalli dillerde hükümet tarafından çıkarılan resmi gazeteler 1870 yılında yayımlanmaya başlar. 1890’lı yıllarda özel gazete ve dergiler, 1910’lı yıllarda milli gazeteler ortaya çıkar. Türkistan’da yenileşmenin gerekliliğine inanan aydınların çabası ile Türkistan coğrafyasını cehaletten kurtarmak için bir “Ceditçilik Hareketi” başlar. Mahmudhoca Behbudî, 1901 yılından itibaren çeşitli süreli yayınlarda yazılarıyla bu harekete destek vermiş, 1913 yılından itibaren de gazetecilik faaliyetlerine bizzat katılmıştır.
Mahmudhoca Behbudî, ilk yayım tecrübesi olan Semerkand gazetesinden sonra 1913-1915 yılları arasında Semerkant’ta Ayna dergisini yayımlar. 1720 sayfadan oluşan bu dergi, Türkistan’da yeni bir edebiyat ve fikir muhiti oluşturarak halkın aydınlanmasında son derece etkili bir rol oynamıştır. Ayna dergisi, Türkistan halkının fikri uyanışına büyük hizmetleri olmuştur.
Çalışmamız “Giriş” ve “Sonuç” bölümünün dışında üç ana bölüm ve alt başlıklardan oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde dergiyi çıkaran Mahmudhoca Behbudî’nin hayatı ve eserleri üzerinde durulmuş, aynı zamanda Ayna dergisine kadar Türkistan’da süreli yayın faaliyetleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. “Ayna Dergisi” başlıklı birinci bölümde ise dergi şekil ve içerik bakımından ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Çalışmamızın “Ayna Dergisinin Özbek Türklerinin Modernleşmesindeki Rolü” başlıklı ikinci bölümünde Ayna dergisindeki yazılar eğitim, edebiyat, dil, matbuat, sosyal ve siyasi meseleler şeklinde tasnif edilerek Özbek Türklerinin modernleşmesindeki rolü araştırılmıştır. Ağırlıklı olarak Özbek Türkçesiyle yayımlanan dergide Farsça yazılar ve Rusça ilanlar da çalışmamız içerisinde değerlendirilmiştir. “Ayna Dergisinin Kronolojik Bibliyografyası” başlıklı üçüncü bölümde ise dergide yer alan bütün yazılar kronolojik bir şekilde verilmiştir.
XIX. end of century XX. early centuries, newspapers and magazines play an important role in the emerging innovation movements in Turkistan. Official newspapers issued by the government in Turkistan in Russian and local languages are started to be published in 1870. Private newspapers and magazines appeared in the 1890s and national newspapers in the 1910s. With the efforts of intellectuals who believe in the necessity of innovation in Turkistan, a “Ceditism Movement” begins to save Turkistan’s geography from ignorance. Mahmudhodja Behbudi supported this movement with his writings in various periodicals since 1901 and personally participated in journalistic activities since 1913. Mahmudhodja Behbudi published the journal Ayna in Semerkand between 1913-1915, after his first publishing experience, Semerkand newspaper. This journal, consisting of 1720 pages, has played an extremely influential role in the enlightenment of the public by creating a new literary and intellectual environment in Turkistan. The journal Ayna has had great services to the intellectual awakening of the people of the country. Our study consists of three main sections and sub-titles, apart from the “Introduction” and “Conclusion” section. In the introduction, the life and works of Mahmudhodja Behbudî, who published the journal, were emphasized and at the same time, information was given about the periodical publication activities in Turkistan until the journal Ayna. In the first chapter titled “the Journal Ayna”, the journal was examined in detail in terms of shape and content. In the second part of our study titled “Role of the Journal Ayna in Modernization of Uzbek Turks”, the articles in the journal Ayna were classified as education, literature, language, printing, social and political issues and their role in the modernization of Uzbek Turks was investigated. In the journal, which was published mainly in Uzbek Turkish, Persian writings and Russian advertisements were also evaluated in our study. In the third section titled “Chronological Bibliography of the Journal Ayna”, all the articles in the journal are given in chronologically.
XIX. end of century XX. early centuries, newspapers and magazines play an important role in the emerging innovation movements in Turkistan. Official newspapers issued by the government in Turkistan in Russian and local languages are started to be published in 1870. Private newspapers and magazines appeared in the 1890s and national newspapers in the 1910s. With the efforts of intellectuals who believe in the necessity of innovation in Turkistan, a “Ceditism Movement” begins to save Turkistan’s geography from ignorance. Mahmudhodja Behbudi supported this movement with his writings in various periodicals since 1901 and personally participated in journalistic activities since 1913. Mahmudhodja Behbudi published the journal Ayna in Semerkand between 1913-1915, after his first publishing experience, Semerkand newspaper. This journal, consisting of 1720 pages, has played an extremely influential role in the enlightenment of the public by creating a new literary and intellectual environment in Turkistan. The journal Ayna has had great services to the intellectual awakening of the people of the country. Our study consists of three main sections and sub-titles, apart from the “Introduction” and “Conclusion” section. In the introduction, the life and works of Mahmudhodja Behbudî, who published the journal, were emphasized and at the same time, information was given about the periodical publication activities in Turkistan until the journal Ayna. In the first chapter titled “the Journal Ayna”, the journal was examined in detail in terms of shape and content. In the second part of our study titled “Role of the Journal Ayna in Modernization of Uzbek Turks”, the articles in the journal Ayna were classified as education, literature, language, printing, social and political issues and their role in the modernization of Uzbek Turks was investigated. In the journal, which was published mainly in Uzbek Turkish, Persian writings and Russian advertisements were also evaluated in our study. In the third section titled “Chronological Bibliography of the Journal Ayna”, all the articles in the journal are given in chronologically.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ayna Dergisi, Mahmudhoca Behbudî, Özbek Türklerinin Modernleşmesi, The Journal Ayna, Mahmudhodja Behbudi, Modernization of Uzbek Turks