Etlik piliçlerde performans ve yağlanma üzerine genotip, kısıtlı yemleme ve protein düzeyinin etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ETLİK PİLİÇLERDE PERFORMANS VE YAĞLANMA ÜZERİNE GENOTİP, KISITLI YEMLEME VE PROTEİN DÜZEYİNİN ETKİLERİ AÇIKGÖZ, Zümrüt Doktora Tezi, Zootekni Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Kahraman ÖZKAN Kasım 1999, 127 sayfa Bu araştırmada, etlik piliçlerde genotip, kısıtlı yemleme ve karma yem protein düzeyinin, performansa (canlı ağırlık, canlı ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma ve yaşama gücü) ve karkas bileşimine (karkas yağı, karkas proteini ve karın boşluğu yağı) etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla iki deneme yürütülmüştür. Birinci denemede, dört farklı genotipten toplam 960 adet etlik civciv kullanılmıştır. Etlik civcivler yedi haftalık deneme süresince ticari karma yemlerle beslenmişlerdir. Denemenin sonunda canlı ağırlık, canlı ağırlık artışı ve yaşama gücünün genotipe bağlı olarak değiştiği saptanmıştır. Ancak, yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma, karkas randımanı, göğüs randımanı, but randımanı, karın boşluğu yağ oranı, karkas protein oranı ve karkas yağ oram genotipler arasında önemli derecede farklılık göstermemiştir. İkinci denemede, birinci deneme sonuçlarına göre en iyi performansla birlikte en yüksek karkas yağına sahip G2 genotipine ait 990 adet etlik civciv kullanılmıştır. Bu denemede 3 'er tekerrürlü altı deneme grubu oluşturulmuştur. Birinci deneme grubu, kontrol grubu olarak kabul edilmiş ve standart karma yemlerle serbest yemleme yapılmıştır. İkinciVI deneme grubunda 7-14.günler arasında, üçüncü deneme grubunda 35- 42.günler arasında yem tüketimi kısıtlanmıştır. Dördüncü, beşinci ve altıncı deneme gruplarındaki piliçler ise farklı bileşime sahip karma yemlerle (yüksek proteinli, üre veya methionine ilaveli) beslenmişlerdir. İkinci denemenin sonuçlan, kısıtlı yemlemenin ve karma yeme %0.05 methionine ilavesinin performansı ve yağlanmayı etkilemediği göstermiştir. Ancak, karma yemde protein düzeyini yükseltmek veya üre ilave etmek canlı ağırlığı ve yağlanmayı azaltmıştır. Ayrıca karın boşluğunda biriken yağın ve serum trigliserit düzeyinin yağlanma hakkında güvenilir bilgiler verdiği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Etlik piliç, genotip, kısıtlı yemleme, protein düzeyi, performans, yağlanma,
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF GENOTYPE, RESTRICTED FEEDING AND PROTEIN LEVEL ON PERFORMANCE AND FATTENING IN BROILERS AÇIKGÖZ, Zümrüt PhD in Animal Nutrition Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kahraman ÖZKAN November, 1999, 127 pages In this study, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of genotype, restricted feeding and protein levels of diet on performance (body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion) and carcass composition (abdominal fat, carcass protein and carcass fat) in broilers. In first experiment, 960 chicks from four different genotype were used. The chicks were fed with commercial diets for seven weeks. At the end of the experiment, body weight, body weight gain and liveability were changed depends on genotype. But feed consumption, feed conversion, carcass yield, breast yield, leg yield, abdominal fat rate, carcass protein and fat rate were not showed differences significantly between genotypes. In the second experiment, 990 broiler chicks of G2 genotype which have the best performance with the highest carcass fat according to the first experiment results were used. This experiment was consisted of 6 groups with 3 replicates. First group was accepted as control group and was given adlibitum access to standard diets. Feed was restricted between 7vm and 14 days for second experimental group and between 35 and 42 days for third experimental group. The chicks of the fourth, fifth and sixth experimental groups were, fed with diets, including in high protein, supplemented urea or methionine. ' Results of the second experiment showed that restricted feeding and 0,05% methionine supplement have not effect to performance and fattening. But increasing protein level and supplement urea in concentrate have decreased body weight and fattening. In addition, it was obtained that the fat, accumulated into abdominal cavity and serum triglyserid level gives reliable informations on fattening. Keywords: Broiler, genotype, restricted feeding, protein levels, performance, fattening.
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF GENOTYPE, RESTRICTED FEEDING AND PROTEIN LEVEL ON PERFORMANCE AND FATTENING IN BROILERS AÇIKGÖZ, Zümrüt PhD in Animal Nutrition Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kahraman ÖZKAN November, 1999, 127 pages In this study, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of genotype, restricted feeding and protein levels of diet on performance (body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion) and carcass composition (abdominal fat, carcass protein and carcass fat) in broilers. In first experiment, 960 chicks from four different genotype were used. The chicks were fed with commercial diets for seven weeks. At the end of the experiment, body weight, body weight gain and liveability were changed depends on genotype. But feed consumption, feed conversion, carcass yield, breast yield, leg yield, abdominal fat rate, carcass protein and fat rate were not showed differences significantly between genotypes. In the second experiment, 990 broiler chicks of G2 genotype which have the best performance with the highest carcass fat according to the first experiment results were used. This experiment was consisted of 6 groups with 3 replicates. First group was accepted as control group and was given adlibitum access to standard diets. Feed was restricted between 7vm and 14 days for second experimental group and between 35 and 42 days for third experimental group. The chicks of the fourth, fifth and sixth experimental groups were, fed with diets, including in high protein, supplemented urea or methionine. ' Results of the second experiment showed that restricted feeding and 0,05% methionine supplement have not effect to performance and fattening. But increasing protein level and supplement urea in concentrate have decreased body weight and fattening. In addition, it was obtained that the fat, accumulated into abdominal cavity and serum triglyserid level gives reliable informations on fattening. Keywords: Broiler, genotype, restricted feeding, protein levels, performance, fattening.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Etlik piliç, Broiler chickens, Genotip, Genotype, Performans, Performance, Proteinler, Proteins, Yemleme, Feeding