Meristem kültürü yöntemi ile üretmenin bazı çilek çeşitlerinin (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) vegetatif ve generatif özelliklerine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma; Pocahontas, Tioga ve Yalova-110 çilek çeşitlerinin değişik uygulamalara karşı gösterdikleri reaksiyonları incelemek amacıyla, Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü' nün bitki doku kültürleri laboratuvarı, serası ve deneme arazisinde 1987-1990 yılları arasında ele alınmıştır. Çeşitlere ait stolonlar deneme parselinden alınmış; steril edildikten sonra binoküler altında bu stolonlardan alınan 0,2-0,4 mm büyüklüğündeki meristemler besin ortamına dikilmişlerdir Meristemlerin dikildiği Murashige-Skoog (MS) temel ortamına meristemin gelişmesi ve sürgün oluşumu için 0,5-1,0-2,0-3,0-4,0 ve 5,0 mg/1. BAP ve oluşan sürgünlerin köklenmesi için ise 0,5-1,0-2,0-3,0-4,0 ve 5,0 mg/1. IBA ilave edilerek in vitro koşullardaki (23-24°C sıcaklık, 8/16 saat karanlık/aydınlık) reaksiyonları incelenmiştir. Meristem kültürü yöntemi ile üretilen bitkilerden bir bölümü +4°C sıcaklıkta 15 gün süre ile tutulmuş; diğerleri ise in vitro koşullarda tutulduktan sonra saksılara şaşırtılarak alıştırma serasına alınmışlardır. Denemede doku kültürü+soğuk (A), doku kültürü (B), frigo (C), arazide üretim (D) uygulamalarından elde edilen fidelerin dikimi temmuz ayında yapılmış; ayrıca yine araziden elde edilen fideler (E) aralık ayında dikilmişlerdir. Deneme, her tekerrürde 20 bitki olmak üzere, üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuş tur. Denemede yukarıda sözü edilen beş farklı uygulamanın çilek bitkisinin generatif ve vegetatif özelliklerine etkileri araştırılmıştır.- 117 - Elde edilen bulgular aşağıda özetlenmiştir: In vitro koşullarda yapılan deneme sonunda, çilek çeşitlerinde meristem gelişmesi ve sürgün oluşumu için 1,0 mg/1. BAP, kök oluşumu için ise 1,0 mg/1 IBA içeren MS ortamlarının en uygun ortamlar olduğu belirlenmiştir. In vitro koşullarda elde edilen bitkilerin; 2 kısım orman toprağı + 1 kısım kum + 1 kısım koyun gübresinden oluşan harçta % 90 oranında tutma ve gelişme gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Arazi koşullarında yapılan denemede; kol sayısı, bitki eni, topraküstü yaş ağırlık, toprakaltı yaş ağırlık, toprakaltı kuru ağırlık, ikinci kalite meyve iriliği ve ortalama meyve iriliği açısından Tioga, toplam meyve sayısı ve toplam verim açısından Pocahontas, bitki boyu bakımından ise Yalova-110 çeşidi ilk sırayı almıştır. Uygulamaların incelenen vegetatif ve generatif özellikler üzerine olan etkilerinde ise; doku kültürü kaynaklı A(DK+soğuk) ve B(DK) uygulamalarının ilk iki sırayı aldığı; bunları C(frigo) uygulamasının izlediği; D(normal yaz dikimi) ve E(kış dikimi) uygulamalarının ise dördüncü ve beşinci sırada yer aldıkları saptanmıştır. A(DK+soğuk) ve B(DK) uygulamalarının bir çok özelliğe etkileri benzer olmakla beraber, ortalama meyve sayısı ve toplam verim bakımından A uygulamasının; bitki boyu, topraküstü kuru ağırlık ve toprakaltı yaş ağırlık bakımından ise B uygulama sının daha etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.- 118 Toprakaltı yaş ağırlık, toprakaltı kuru ağırlık, ikinci kalite meyve iriliği ortalama meyve iriliği ve toplam verim üzerine yıl x çeşit interaksiyonunun etkili olduğu; buna karşılık diğer özelliklere yıl x çeşit interaksiyonunun her hangi bir etkisinin olmadığı saptanmıştır. Kol sayısı, bitki eni, kardeş sayısı, yaprak sayısı ve topraküstü yaş ağırlık özelliklerine yıl x uygulama interaksiyonunun etkisi önemsiz, diğer tüm özelliklerde ise önemli olduğu bulunmuştur. Toprakaltı yaş ağırlık, ikinci kalite meyve iriliği, üçüncü kalite meyve iriliği ve ortalama meyve iriliğine çeşit x uygulama interaksiyonunun etkisinin önemsiz, buna karşılık diğer özelliklere etkisinin önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Verim özelliği dikkate alındığı zaman doku kültürü kaynaklı A ve B uygulamalarının C uygulamasına göre % 50, D uygulamasına göre % 100 ve E uygulamasına göre de % 600 lük bir ürün artışı sağladıkları saptanmıştır. A ve B uygulamalarında elde edilen ürünün % 55 'i birinci kalite, % 40' ı ikinci kalite ve % 5' i üçüncü kalite olurken; C ve D uygulamalarında birinci ve ikinci kalite ürün oranı % 45' er, üçüncü kalite ürün oranı % 10; E uygulamasında ise birinci ve ikinci kalite ürün oranı %42'şer, üçüncü kalite ürün oranı, da %15 civarında olmuştur. Diğer özelliklerin birbiriyle olan ikili ilişkisinde ise; kol sayısı ile bitki eni, birinci kalite meyve iriliği ile ortalama meyve iriliği ve kardeş sayısı ile bitki eni arasındaki ilişkilerin en yüksek korelasyon değerleri verdiği saptanmıştır
SUMMARY This study was carried out to investigate the vegetative and generative characteristics of strawberry cultivars named Pocahontas, Tioga, and Yalova-110 propagated with tissue culture, frigo and classical methods and was conducted at the plant tissue laboratory, greenhouse and experimental fields of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) between the years 1987-1990. Runners of above-mentioned cultivars were taken from plants in the experimental plots. After sterilizing them, meristems 0,2-0,4 mm in length taken under binocular microscope were placed into murashige- Skoog (MS) basal medium added BAP and IBA in different amounts (0,5-1,0-2,0-3-0-4-0 and 5,0 mg/l)for meristem development and shoot formation, and shoot rooting, respectively and the reactions of explants were determined in vitro conditions at the regime of temperature 23-24°C and 8/16 hours darkness/light. A part of plants were kept at 4°C for 15 days. Others, after kept, in vitro conditions, were transferred into pots and taken into greenhouse. In the experiment, the seedlings obtained from different methods, namely A (tissue culture + cold) B (tissue culture), C (frigo) and D (field) were planted in July; in addition to, seedlings produced from field (E) were planted in December, also. The experiment was established with 20 plants in each row with 3 replications.- 120 - In the experiment, the effect of (liferent applications on the vegetative and generative characteristics of strawberry cultivars were investigated. The results were summarized as follow: In the result of experiment carried out in vitro conditions, the MS basal medium added 1,0 mg/1 BAP was found to be appro priate for meristem development and shoot formation. For rooting of shoots, the best results were obtained with MS basal medium added 1,0 mg/1 IBA. It was determined that the plants obtained from in vitro conditions established and developed, with percentages of 90 %, in a mixture of 2 parts peat + 1 part sand + 1 part barnyard manure. In the result of experiment carried out under field condi tions, Tioga (in terms of runner numbers, plant width, fresh and dryweights of underground and aboveground plant parts, second-quality fruit size and average fruit size), Pocahontas (in terms of total fruit number and total yield) and Yalova-110 (in terms of plant height) have occupied the first places in rank. In consideration of the effects of applications on vegetative and generative characteristics, it was determined that the applica tions of A,B,C,D and E have occupied ' first, second, third, fourth and fifth places, respectively. Although the effects of A and B a lot of characteristics were similar. A was more effective for average fruit number- 121 - and total yield than B and B was more efective for plant height, dry weight of aboveground plant parts and fresh weight of underground plant parts than A. The interaction of year x cultivar was found to be effective on the characteristics of both fresh and dry weights of underground plant parts, second-quality fruit size, average fruit size and total yield; while no effect was on other characteris tics. The interaction of year x application was determined to be insignificant on characteristics of runner numbers, plant width, proliferate numbers, leaf numbers, and fresh weight of aboveground plant parts; while it was significant on the other characteristics. The interaction of cultivar x application was found to be insignificant on the characteristics of fresh weight of underground plant parts, second and third-quality fruit sizes and average fruit size; while it was significant on the other characteristics. In consideration of yield, it was determined that both A and B applications have accomplished increases in percentages of 50, 100 and 600 % comparing to the applications C, D and E, respectively. In consideration of quality degrees of harvested fruits, it was determined that the percentages of first- quality fruits were 55, 45, and 42; the percentages of second-quality ones were 40, 45 and 42; the percentages of third-quality ones were 5,10 and 16 % in the applications of A and B, C and D, and E, respectively.- 122 - In point of view bilateral relations, it was determined that yield was more closely related with total fruit numbers, average fruit size and proliferate numbers. The highest correlation values were determined in the relations between runner numbers and plant width, first-guality fruit size and average fruit size, and proliferate numbers and plant width.
SUMMARY This study was carried out to investigate the vegetative and generative characteristics of strawberry cultivars named Pocahontas, Tioga, and Yalova-110 propagated with tissue culture, frigo and classical methods and was conducted at the plant tissue laboratory, greenhouse and experimental fields of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) between the years 1987-1990. Runners of above-mentioned cultivars were taken from plants in the experimental plots. After sterilizing them, meristems 0,2-0,4 mm in length taken under binocular microscope were placed into murashige- Skoog (MS) basal medium added BAP and IBA in different amounts (0,5-1,0-2,0-3-0-4-0 and 5,0 mg/l)for meristem development and shoot formation, and shoot rooting, respectively and the reactions of explants were determined in vitro conditions at the regime of temperature 23-24°C and 8/16 hours darkness/light. A part of plants were kept at 4°C for 15 days. Others, after kept, in vitro conditions, were transferred into pots and taken into greenhouse. In the experiment, the seedlings obtained from different methods, namely A (tissue culture + cold) B (tissue culture), C (frigo) and D (field) were planted in July; in addition to, seedlings produced from field (E) were planted in December, also. The experiment was established with 20 plants in each row with 3 replications.- 120 - In the experiment, the effect of (liferent applications on the vegetative and generative characteristics of strawberry cultivars were investigated. The results were summarized as follow: In the result of experiment carried out in vitro conditions, the MS basal medium added 1,0 mg/1 BAP was found to be appro priate for meristem development and shoot formation. For rooting of shoots, the best results were obtained with MS basal medium added 1,0 mg/1 IBA. It was determined that the plants obtained from in vitro conditions established and developed, with percentages of 90 %, in a mixture of 2 parts peat + 1 part sand + 1 part barnyard manure. In the result of experiment carried out under field condi tions, Tioga (in terms of runner numbers, plant width, fresh and dryweights of underground and aboveground plant parts, second-quality fruit size and average fruit size), Pocahontas (in terms of total fruit number and total yield) and Yalova-110 (in terms of plant height) have occupied the first places in rank. In consideration of the effects of applications on vegetative and generative characteristics, it was determined that the applica tions of A,B,C,D and E have occupied ' first, second, third, fourth and fifth places, respectively. Although the effects of A and B a lot of characteristics were similar. A was more effective for average fruit number- 121 - and total yield than B and B was more efective for plant height, dry weight of aboveground plant parts and fresh weight of underground plant parts than A. The interaction of year x cultivar was found to be effective on the characteristics of both fresh and dry weights of underground plant parts, second-quality fruit size, average fruit size and total yield; while no effect was on other characteris tics. The interaction of year x application was determined to be insignificant on characteristics of runner numbers, plant width, proliferate numbers, leaf numbers, and fresh weight of aboveground plant parts; while it was significant on the other characteristics. The interaction of cultivar x application was found to be insignificant on the characteristics of fresh weight of underground plant parts, second and third-quality fruit sizes and average fruit size; while it was significant on the other characteristics. In consideration of yield, it was determined that both A and B applications have accomplished increases in percentages of 50, 100 and 600 % comparing to the applications C, D and E, respectively. In consideration of quality degrees of harvested fruits, it was determined that the percentages of first- quality fruits were 55, 45, and 42; the percentages of second-quality ones were 40, 45 and 42; the percentages of third-quality ones were 5,10 and 16 % in the applications of A and B, C and D, and E, respectively.- 122 - In point of view bilateral relations, it was determined that yield was more closely related with total fruit numbers, average fruit size and proliferate numbers. The highest correlation values were determined in the relations between runner numbers and plant width, first-guality fruit size and average fruit size, and proliferate numbers and plant width.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Generatif özellikler, Generative properties, Meristem kültürü, Meristem culture, Vejetatif gelişme, Vegetative development, Çilek, Strawberry