Topalak (Cyperus rotundus L. )'ın biyolojisi, ekolojisi ve yazlık sebzeler içinde savaş olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar

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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Investigations on the Biology, Ecology and Control Possibilities of Purple Nutsedge ( Cyperus rotundus L.) in Summery Vegetables. Purple nutsedge ( Cyperus rotundus L. ) which is among the most harmfull weeds of the world due to its competition with crops and difficulties to control; is the most important weeds in vegetable fields of Aegean region. In this study,the biology.ecology »allelopat- hic effect, competition and control possibilities in summery vegetab les of C. rotundus were investigated. It was observed that C. rotundus emerged in mid-April and survived till mid-November in the region. The maximum growth of C. rotundus was observed in August and September as indicated by maximum number of tubers, rhizom lenght and maximum amount of dry matter. The period of life cycle of C. rotundus was determined on 45 days. The viability " of C. rotundus seeds was observed as 16 %. There was not any development of endosperm and embryo in 27.3% of non-viable seeds. o C. rotundus was best developed at 30 C temperature and for 16 hours photoperiod. Maximum tuber formation, rhizom lenght and dry mat ter accumulation was observed in soil containing sand+clay+loam or sand+ loam comrared to the developments in clay and sandy soil. Planting depths of C. rotundus tubers and the irrigation pe riod had great influence on the growth of C. rotundus. Maximum number of tubers, rhizom lenght and amount of dry matter were obtained at 10-20 cm planting depths and for 1,5,10 days irrigation periods. The germination rate and root length of tomato.eggplant and-99- green bean seeds were decreased by the tuber and rhizom residues of C. rotundus which was incubated at different densities in light and heavy soil. Light soil was more effective than heavy soil in allelopathic ef fect. Increasing C. rotundus density decreased the amount of dry matter and macro(N,P,K) and micro(Mg»Mn,Fe,Cu) nutrients in fruits, lea- ves+stem+root of tomato.The minimum macro and micro nutrients and dry matter were observed at 150 C. rotundus tubers in per meter square. Clipping of C. rotundus at different development stages-4-6 leaves, at the beginning of stem formation and flowering- retarted the development of C. rotundus at the same level. Metolachlor.EPTC and glyphosate were used in control experi ment in pots and fields. Metolachlor and EPTC were applied to soil and incorporated. Glyphosate was applied on C. rotundus at 20% flowering stage. Pot experiments had shown that while metolachlor was effect ive to C. rotundus in 13-71% for 12 wweks period; EPTC waz 100% effective for three weeks period and this effect decreased to 59.5 % in 12 weeks period. On the other hand glyphosate controlled C. rotundus above 92.1% for 12 weeks period. Field trials had shown that metolachlor was effective 41%, 61% and 63% for 3,6 and 12 weeks after the application respectively. While EPTC was effective 89. 6%, 78. 7%,78.1% and glyphosate was effective 100%, 100%, 85% for 3,6 and 12 weeks after application respectively. Phytotoxic effect on tomato.eggplant, green bean and pumpkin was observed for the three chemicals used in control of C. rotundus in pot and field trials. By application of metolachlor by herbigation against to C. rotundus in tomato ; 82.9% and 64.5 % effectiveness were obtained for 4 and 12 weeks after application respectively. No phytotoxic symptom was observed on tomato for this case.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki ekolojisi, Plant ecology, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus rotundus, Glifosat, Glyphosate, Herbisitler, Herbicides, Kimyasal mücadele, Chemical control, Sebzeler, Vegetables, Topalak, Cyperus rotundus L., Yabancı otlar, Weeds


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