Kesirli mertebeden türev içeren lineer olmayan bazı evrim denklemlerinin çözümleri üzerine
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Fiziksel problemlerin, matematiksel modellemesinde kullanılan kesirli mertebeden türev içeren lineer olmayan denklemlere verilen önem son yıllarda oldukça artmıştır. Bu denklemlerin; matematiksel fizik, mühendislik, akışkan dinamiği, kontrol teorisi, görüntü ve sinyal işleme gibi birçok uygulama alanı vardır. Kesirli mertebeden türev içeren modellerin tam çözümlerini araştırmak gerçeğe daha yakın ve daha etkili sonuçlar verdiği için çok önemlidir. Bu tez çalışmasında, kesirli mertebeden türev içeren lineer olmayan bazı evrim denklemlerinin farklı tip dalga çözümleri; İlk İntegral Yöntemi, Fonksiyonel Değişken Yöntemi ve Genişletilmiş Üstel (−φ(ξ))−Açılım Yöntemi ile elde edilmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çözümlerin doğruluğu incelenmiş ve üç boyutlu grafikleri Mathematica paket programı yardımıyla çizilmiştir. Ayrıca, bazı önemli kesirli türev tanımları ve bu tanımlara ait bazı önemli kavramlar verilmiştir ve bu çalışmada kullanılan yöntemlerin temel adımları tanıtılmıştır.
The importance given to nonlinear fractional differential equations used in mathematical modeling of physical problems has considerably increased in recent years. These equations have many application areas such as mathematical physics, engineering, fluid dynamics, control theory, image and signal processing. As these models give more realistic and more effective results, it is very important to investigate the exact solutions of the models containing fractional order derivatives. In this thesis, different types of wave solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations containing fractional order derivatives have been obtained by the First Integral Method, Functional Variable Method and Extended Exp (−φ(ξ))−Expansion Method and the results obtained have been compared. The correctness of these solutions has been examined and three-dimensional graphics have been drawn with the help of Mathematica program. Additionally, some important definitions of fractional derivative and some important concepts relating with these definitions have been given, the basic steps of the methods used in this study have been introduced.
The importance given to nonlinear fractional differential equations used in mathematical modeling of physical problems has considerably increased in recent years. These equations have many application areas such as mathematical physics, engineering, fluid dynamics, control theory, image and signal processing. As these models give more realistic and more effective results, it is very important to investigate the exact solutions of the models containing fractional order derivatives. In this thesis, different types of wave solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations containing fractional order derivatives have been obtained by the First Integral Method, Functional Variable Method and Extended Exp (−φ(ξ))−Expansion Method and the results obtained have been compared. The correctness of these solutions has been examined and three-dimensional graphics have been drawn with the help of Mathematica program. Additionally, some important definitions of fractional derivative and some important concepts relating with these definitions have been given, the basic steps of the methods used in this study have been introduced.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kesirli Mertebeden Lineer Olmayan Evrim Denklemleri, Yeni Analitik Dalga Çözümleri, İlk İntegral Yöntemi, Fonksiyonel Değişken Yöntemi, Genişletilmiş Üstel (−φ(ξ))−Açılım Yöntemi, Nonlinear Fractional Differential Evolution Equations, New Analytical Wave Solutions, First Integral Method, Functional Variable Method, Extended Exp (−φ(ξ))−Expansion Method