Donör hepatektomi sonrası canlı donörde kronik ağrının retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızda Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Organ Nakli Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi’nde donör hepatektomi operasyonu geçiren canlı donörlerde cerrahi
sonrası kronik ağrı (CSKA) gelişme insidasını ve klinik özelliklerini ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Organ Nakli Uygulama ve Araştırma
Merkezi’nde 17.02.2015 – 16.12.2020 tarihleri arasında canlı donör hepatektomi operasyonu geçiren 161 sağlıklı birey tıbbi kayıtlar üzerinden retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. 20-60 yaş aralığında telefon ile ulaşılabilen ve sorulara yanıt veren toplam 107 canlı donör değerlendirmeye alınmıştır (%66,4). Mercedes insizyon uygulanan 107 olgudan 86 olguya sağ hepatektomi, 3 olguya sol hepatektomi ve 18 olguya ise sol lateral sektörektomi yapılmıştır. 91 olguda (%85) epidural analjezi,16 olguda (%15) intravenöz analjezi uygulanmıştır. Olguların operasyon sonrası ortalama değerlendirilme süresi 34±14 aydır. CSKA insidansı %8,4 (n=9) olarak bulunmuştur. Bildirilen ağrı şiddeti 5 olguda (%4,6) orta, 4 olguda (%3,7) hafiftir. Olguların %2,8’inin ağrıları için ağrı polikliniğine başvurduğu ve ağrının en çok rahatsız eden sağlık sorunu olduğunu ifade ettiği görülmüştür. Kronik ağrı varlığı saptanan olguların %88’inde akut postoperatif ağrı derecelerinin şiddetli (NRS>8) olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmamızda donör hepatektomi sonrası CSKA gelişme insidansı %8.4 bulunmuş, hastaların tümü hafif-orta şiddette ağrı tariflemiştir. Olguların %2.8’inde nöropatik ağrı komponenti önde olup medikal tedavi gerekmiştir.
In our study, the goal of the study is to investigate the incidence and clinical characteristics of chronic postoperative pain (CPSP) in living donors who underwent donor hepatectomy at the Organ Transplantation Application and Research Center of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. 161 healthy individuals who had a living donor hepatectomy operation between 17.02.2015 and 16.12.2020 at the Organ Transplantation Application and Research Center of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital were examined retrospectively through medical records. A total of 107 living donors, aged between 20-60 years, who could be reached by telephone and answered the questions (66.4%), were evaluated. Right hepatectomy was performed in 86 cases, left hepatectomy in 3 cases, and left lateral sectorectomy in 18 cases out of 107 cases who underwent Mercedes incision. Epidural analgesia was applied in 91 cases (85%), and intravenous analgesia was applied in 16 cases (15%). The mean postoperative evaluation period of the cases was 34±14 months. The incidence of CSKA was found to be 8.4 . Reported pain intensity was moderate in 5 patients (4.6%) and mild in 4 patients (3.7%). It was observed that 2.8% of the cases applied to the pain outpatient clinic for their pain and stated that pain was the most disturbing health problem. It was observed that acute postoperative pain scores were high (NRS>8) in 88% of the cases with chronic pain. The incidence of CSKA after donor hepatectomy was found to be 8.4% in our study, and all patients described mild to moderate pain. In 2.8% of the cases, the neuropathic pain component was prominent and medical treatment was required.
In our study, the goal of the study is to investigate the incidence and clinical characteristics of chronic postoperative pain (CPSP) in living donors who underwent donor hepatectomy at the Organ Transplantation Application and Research Center of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital. 161 healthy individuals who had a living donor hepatectomy operation between 17.02.2015 and 16.12.2020 at the Organ Transplantation Application and Research Center of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital were examined retrospectively through medical records. A total of 107 living donors, aged between 20-60 years, who could be reached by telephone and answered the questions (66.4%), were evaluated. Right hepatectomy was performed in 86 cases, left hepatectomy in 3 cases, and left lateral sectorectomy in 18 cases out of 107 cases who underwent Mercedes incision. Epidural analgesia was applied in 91 cases (85%), and intravenous analgesia was applied in 16 cases (15%). The mean postoperative evaluation period of the cases was 34±14 months. The incidence of CSKA was found to be 8.4 . Reported pain intensity was moderate in 5 patients (4.6%) and mild in 4 patients (3.7%). It was observed that 2.8% of the cases applied to the pain outpatient clinic for their pain and stated that pain was the most disturbing health problem. It was observed that acute postoperative pain scores were high (NRS>8) in 88% of the cases with chronic pain. The incidence of CSKA after donor hepatectomy was found to be 8.4% in our study, and all patients described mild to moderate pain. In 2.8% of the cases, the neuropathic pain component was prominent and medical treatment was required.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Canlı Donör Hepatektomi, Karaciğer Nakli, Cerrahi Sonrası Kronik Ağrı, Living Donor Hepatectomy, Liver Transplantation, Chronic Post-Surgical Pain