Flumequine, fludif çözeltisi ve oxytetracycline'in Brachionus plicatilis, O. F. Müller üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET FLUMEQUINE, FLUDİF ÇÖZELTİSİ ve OXYTETRACYCLİNE'İN Brachionm plicatilis, O.F. MÜLLER. ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ GÖKSAN, Tolga Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Şevket GÖKPINAR Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Eylül 1999, 52 sayfa Yapılan bu tezde, Flumequine, Fludif çözeltisi ve Oxytetracycline'in farklı dozlarının, Brachionus plicatilis, O.F. MÜLLER. üzerindeki etkileri izlendi. Ayrıca rotifer'lerin absorbe ettikleri Oxytetracycline miktarı Elisa yöntemi ile tespit edildi. Böylece farklı dozlardaki Oxytetracycline ile muamele edilen rotifer gruplarındaki absorblanan antibiyotik miktarları bulundu. Denemelerde 50.0 lt.'lik polietilen torbalar kullanıldı. 0.0 ppm. (Kontrol grubu), 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., ve 200.0 ppm.'lik antibiyotik dozları torbalara eklendi. Dört saat sonra, her grup 45 um.lik plankton bezi ile süzüldü ve analize gönderildi. Rotifer'lerin absorbe ettiği antibiyotik miktarı tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak denemeler arasında en uygun antibiyotiğin Oxytetracycline olduğu tespit edildi. Yapılan analizlere göre; 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., 200.0 ppm.'lik Oxytetracycline dozları için absorblanan antibiyotik miktarları sırasıyla şöyledir: 3,58; 1,5; 3,91; 2,5 ve 4,46 ppb
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF FLUMEQUINE, FLUDIF SOLUTION AND OXYTETRACYCLINE ON Brachionus plicatilis, O.F. MÜLLER. GÖKSAN, Tolga Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Şevket GÖKPINAR MSc in Fisheries Faculty, Aquaculture Department September 1999, 52 pages In this thesis, the effects of different dosages of Flumequine, Fludif solution and Oxytetracycline were observed on a rotifer species. (Brachionus plicatilis O.F. MÜLLER) In addition, the amount of the Oxytetracycline that was absorbed by the rotifers was determined with Elisa test and the amounts of the absorbed of the antibiotic in rotifer groups treated with Oxytetracycline was found. 50 It. of polyethylene bags were used in each trial. 0.0 ppm. (control group), 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., and 200.0 ppm. dosages of antibiotic were added in to the bags and approximately, four hours later, each group was filtered with 45 urn mesh size filter and sent to the analyse. The amount of the antibiotic absorbed by the rotifers was determined. As a result, it was determined that the most suitable antibiotic is Oxytetracycline among the trials. According to the analyses; Antibiotic amounts that was absorbed for 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., and 200.0 ppm., are those according to circumstances; 3,58 ppb; 1,5 ppb; 3,91 ppb; 2,5 ppb; and 4,46 ppb. for 200.0 ppm. dosage.
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF FLUMEQUINE, FLUDIF SOLUTION AND OXYTETRACYCLINE ON Brachionus plicatilis, O.F. MÜLLER. GÖKSAN, Tolga Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Şevket GÖKPINAR MSc in Fisheries Faculty, Aquaculture Department September 1999, 52 pages In this thesis, the effects of different dosages of Flumequine, Fludif solution and Oxytetracycline were observed on a rotifer species. (Brachionus plicatilis O.F. MÜLLER) In addition, the amount of the Oxytetracycline that was absorbed by the rotifers was determined with Elisa test and the amounts of the absorbed of the antibiotic in rotifer groups treated with Oxytetracycline was found. 50 It. of polyethylene bags were used in each trial. 0.0 ppm. (control group), 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., and 200.0 ppm. dosages of antibiotic were added in to the bags and approximately, four hours later, each group was filtered with 45 urn mesh size filter and sent to the analyse. The amount of the antibiotic absorbed by the rotifers was determined. As a result, it was determined that the most suitable antibiotic is Oxytetracycline among the trials. According to the analyses; Antibiotic amounts that was absorbed for 25.0 ppm., 50.0 ppm., 100.0 ppm., 150.0 ppm., and 200.0 ppm., are those according to circumstances; 3,58 ppb; 1,5 ppb; 3,91 ppb; 2,5 ppb; and 4,46 ppb. for 200.0 ppm. dosage.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Antibiyotikler, Antibiotics, Brachionus plicatilis, Brachionus plicatilis, Flumequine, Flumequine, Oksitetrasiklin, Oxytetracycline