Güneşten koruyucu olarak kullanılan preparatlarda formülasyon ve stabilite çalışmaları
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
56 ÖZET Mentil antranilat, güneşten koruyucu preparatlarda kullanılan ve UVA ışınlarını absorbe eden bir UV fıltresidir. Çalışmamızda bu maddenin yapay UV ışınlan altındaki stabilitesi incelendi. Bu amaçla mentil antranilatın siklometikon ve propilen glikol çözeltileri, ayrıca krem, losyon ve jel tipi preparatlan hazırlandı. Hazırlanan bu çözelti ve preparatlar 40°C deki havalı etüv içine yerleştirilen, toplam gücü 440 watt olan UVA floresan lambalar altında tutuldu. Zamana bağlı olarak etken madde miktar tayinleri yapıldı. Parçalanmanın olup olmadığını anlamak için ince tabaka kromatografisine tatbik edildi. Yapılan çalışmalar sonunda parçalanmanın en çok propilen glikol ve siklometikon çözeltilerinde olduğu, preparatlarda ise jel, losyon ve krem şeklinde sıralandığı tespit edildi. Ayrıca mentil antranilatın çok stabil bir madde olduğu, bunun da literatüre uygun olduğu görüldü
57 SUMMARY Menthyl anthranilate is an UV filter which is used in sun protective preparations and absorbs UVA rays. In this research, the stability of this material under artificial rays has been investigated. In this respect, menthyl anthranilate in cyclometicon and propylen glycol solutions have been prepared as well as cream, lotion and gel type preparations. These solutions and preparations have been applied under 440 watt UVA flourescent lamps which are placed in the light stability test cabinett at 40°C±2. The amount of the active material have been determined depending to the period of time. In order to investigate the division, it has been applied at thin layer chromatography. Finally, the division is mostly investigated at propylen glycol and cyclometicon solutions and in the preparations, it has been found gradually, in gel, lotion and cream. Besides, it has been determined that menthyl anthranilate is an extremely stable material which is in accordance with the literature.
57 SUMMARY Menthyl anthranilate is an UV filter which is used in sun protective preparations and absorbs UVA rays. In this research, the stability of this material under artificial rays has been investigated. In this respect, menthyl anthranilate in cyclometicon and propylen glycol solutions have been prepared as well as cream, lotion and gel type preparations. These solutions and preparations have been applied under 440 watt UVA flourescent lamps which are placed in the light stability test cabinett at 40°C±2. The amount of the active material have been determined depending to the period of time. In order to investigate the division, it has been applied at thin layer chromatography. Finally, the division is mostly investigated at propylen glycol and cyclometicon solutions and in the preparations, it has been found gradually, in gel, lotion and cream. Besides, it has been determined that menthyl anthranilate is an extremely stable material which is in accordance with the literature.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Deri, Skin, Güneşten koruyucu ilaçlar, Sunscreening agents