Aşil tendon ve yumuşak doku defektinin rekonstrüksyionunda serbest radial önkol flep transferi: Olgu sunumu
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Asil tendon ve çevresi yumuşak doku defektlerinin tedavisi zorluk arzetmektedir. Sıklıkla bu defektlerin kapatılması iki aşamalı uygulamalar ile yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu bölge defekti tek aşamada kapatılan bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Ateşli silah yaralanması ortaya çıkan asil tendon ve çevre yumuşak dokularda oluşan geniş bir defekt serbest bir nöromüskülokutanöz radial önkol flebi ile kapatıldı. Olguda asil tendon defekti 15 cm., üstündeki yumuşak doku defekti 18 x 10 cm. büyüklûğündeydi. Tibialis posterior arterine terminolateral anostomoz yapıldı. Flebin lateral yanında antibiyoterapi ile tedavi edilebilen bir ılımlı yumuşak doku enfeksiyonu dışında komplikasyon saptanmadı. Fonksiyonel sonucun memnuniyet verici olduğu izlendi. Asil tendon ve çevresindeki yumuşak doku defektlerinin tek aşamalı olarak kapatılmasında nöromüskülokutanöz serbest önkol kompozit flebinin uygun bir teknik olduğu bulunmuştur.
Reconstruction of the soft tissue defects around the Achilles tendon is a difficult challenge. This condition traditionally has been treated with staged procedures. We report a case treated with a one stage procedure. A neuromusculocutaneous radial forearm free flap was used for the reconstruction of an achilles tendon and for covering the overlying large soft tissue defect caused by a gun shot injury. The defect on the Achilles tendon was 15 cm in length and soft tissue loss was 18 x 10 cm. The flap including flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon was applied over the Achilles tendon. A terminolateral arterial anostomosis was performed on the tibialis posterior artery. There was no complication except a mild superficial infection on the lateral side of the flap treated by antibiotherapy. A satisfactory functional result was obtained. Application of a free neuromusculocutaneous radial forearm composite flap is a good technique to cover achilles tendon and soft tissue defects and to restore the function as a one stage procedure.
Reconstruction of the soft tissue defects around the Achilles tendon is a difficult challenge. This condition traditionally has been treated with staged procedures. We report a case treated with a one stage procedure. A neuromusculocutaneous radial forearm free flap was used for the reconstruction of an achilles tendon and for covering the overlying large soft tissue defect caused by a gun shot injury. The defect on the Achilles tendon was 15 cm in length and soft tissue loss was 18 x 10 cm. The flap including flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon was applied over the Achilles tendon. A terminolateral arterial anostomosis was performed on the tibialis posterior artery. There was no complication except a mild superficial infection on the lateral side of the flap treated by antibiotherapy. A satisfactory functional result was obtained. Application of a free neuromusculocutaneous radial forearm composite flap is a good technique to cover achilles tendon and soft tissue defects and to restore the function as a one stage procedure.
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