Farklı yükseltilerde farklı ekim normlarının yemlik pancarda (Beta vulgaris va. rapacea kock) kimi verim ve verim özelliklerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET FARKLI YÜKSELTİLERDE FARKLI EKİM NORMLARININ YEMLÎK PANCARDA {Beta vulgaris var. rapacea Koch.) KÎMt VERİM VE VERİM ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİSİ ÖZ, Fahri Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Rıza AVCIO?LU Eylül -1997, 50 Sayfa Bu çalışma Suluova ve Ladik ekolojik koşullarında, 1995ı yılında farklı yükseltilerin ve farklı ekim normlarının yemlik pancarın kimi verim ve verim özelliklerine etkisini saptamak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma faktörlerini iki farklı lokasyon (Suluova, Ladik) ve beş değişik bitki sıklığı (6000 ad/da, 7000 ad/da, 8000 ad/da, 9000 ad/da, 10000 ad/da) oluşturmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar, yükseltinin verim ve verim komponentleri üzerinde olumsuz etkileri bulunduğunu, bitki sıklıklarının ise çok sayıda faktörün interaksiyonunun etkisinde kaldığını göstermiştir. Suluova koşullarında 8000 bitki /dekar' lık ekim normu en iyi sonucu vermiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Yükselti, Bitki Sıklığı, Yemlik Pancar, Ekim Oranlan
VI ABSTRACT EFFECT OF SOWING RATES IN DIFFERENT ALTTTUTES ON THE YIELD AND SOME YIELD COMPONENTS OF FODDER BEET (Beta vulgaris var. rapacea Koch.) Öz, Fahri MSc in Field Crops Department Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Rıza AVCIO?LU September 1997, 50 pages This study was contucted to determine the effect of different sowing rates in various altitutes on the yield and some other yields components of Fodder beet under the ecological conditions of Suluova and Ladik, during the growing season of 1995. Five different sowing rates (60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 100000 plants/ha) and two various altitutes (500 m and 865 m) were the factors tested in the experiments. According to the data obtained indicated that three were negative influences of altitute on yield and some other yield components and crop density were also highly being affected by the interaction of many environmental factors. Highest yield figures were recorded from the applications of 80000 plants per hectare under Suluova ecological conditions. Keywords: Altitute, Crop Density, Fodder Beet, Sowing Rates
VI ABSTRACT EFFECT OF SOWING RATES IN DIFFERENT ALTTTUTES ON THE YIELD AND SOME YIELD COMPONENTS OF FODDER BEET (Beta vulgaris var. rapacea Koch.) Öz, Fahri MSc in Field Crops Department Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Rıza AVCIO?LU September 1997, 50 pages This study was contucted to determine the effect of different sowing rates in various altitutes on the yield and some other yields components of Fodder beet under the ecological conditions of Suluova and Ladik, during the growing season of 1995. Five different sowing rates (60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 100000 plants/ha) and two various altitutes (500 m and 865 m) were the factors tested in the experiments. According to the data obtained indicated that three were negative influences of altitute on yield and some other yield components and crop density were also highly being affected by the interaction of many environmental factors. Highest yield figures were recorded from the applications of 80000 plants per hectare under Suluova ecological conditions. Keywords: Altitute, Crop Density, Fodder Beet, Sowing Rates
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ekim sıklığı, Seeding density, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Şeker pancarı, Sugar beet