Türkiye Ege (Akdeniz) bölgesi ballarının biyokimyasal ve polinolojik yönden incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET 6u mel i ssopal i noloji k çalışma £«je Bölgesinden 1991- 1993 yılları arasında toplanan 50 adet bal örneğinde gerçek leştirilmiştir. 8u amaçla Muğla'dan 15, izmir'den 14, (Denizli den 6, Aydın' dan 5, Manisa1 dan 5, Uşak' tan 2, Balıkesir- » den 2, Çanakkale' den 1 adet bal örneği alınmıştır. 8al ör nekleri Biokimyasal ve palinolojik yönden incelendi, elde edilen bulgular aşağıdaki şekilde özetlenebilir. örneklerimizin Total Protein içeriği % 0.225 - 1.080^, invert Şekerin % 52.8 - 90.9, Sakkarozun % 1.14 - 8.05, Külün % 0.04 - 0.69 ve suyun % 112 - 0.245 mgr. değerler arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. 8u değerler TSE ( Türkiye Standratlar enstitüsü) nin belirlediği sınır değerler arasında yer aldığı ortaya çıkmıştır. örneklerimizin içerdiği polen tiplerinin en çok Fabace- ae, Asteraceae, Cistaceae, Apiaceae, Fagaceae ve Lamiaceae fa mi 1 yaları na ait oldukları belirlenmiştir. Mikroskobik incele melerde en çok rastlanan türlerin Cistus, Castanea sativa,Vi- tex agnus-castus, Papaver rhoeas, Helianthus annuus olduğu görülmüştür. -103-
S UM MA R Y This Mel i ttopal ynological study was performed on 50 diffe rent honey samples wich were obtained from the Ftegean region between 1991 - 1993. 15 of ' the samples were taken from Muğla 14 from izmir, 6 from Oeni srl i, 5 from Aydın, 5 from Ma nisa,? from Uşak, 2 from Balıkesir and one of the samples was from Çanakkale. Biochemical and pollen content analyses were made on the samples. The following results were obtai ned; total protein content of the samples was between 0.225 and 1.080 mg Saccaroz between 1.14 and 8.05 mg\dl, invert sugar between 52.6 and 90.9 mg\dl, ash between 0.04 and 0.89 mg\dl., Watter between 0.245 and 1.12 mg\dl. It was noted that these values were in the range given by the Turkish Institute of standards The majority of the pollens in the samples belonged to Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Compositae ( Asteraceae), Cistaceae, Cruciferae, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Fagaceae and Lamiaceae f ami 1 ies. Microscopic analyses of the pollens showed that most common species were Cistus, Castanea sativa, vitex agnus-cas- tus, PBpBver rhoeas, Helianthus annuus. 109-
S UM MA R Y This Mel i ttopal ynological study was performed on 50 diffe rent honey samples wich were obtained from the Ftegean region between 1991 - 1993. 15 of ' the samples were taken from Muğla 14 from izmir, 6 from Oeni srl i, 5 from Aydın, 5 from Ma nisa,? from Uşak, 2 from Balıkesir and one of the samples was from Çanakkale. Biochemical and pollen content analyses were made on the samples. The following results were obtai ned; total protein content of the samples was between 0.225 and 1.080 mg Saccaroz between 1.14 and 8.05 mg\dl, invert sugar between 52.6 and 90.9 mg\dl, ash between 0.04 and 0.89 mg\dl., Watter between 0.245 and 1.12 mg\dl. It was noted that these values were in the range given by the Turkish Institute of standards The majority of the pollens in the samples belonged to Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Compositae ( Asteraceae), Cistaceae, Cruciferae, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Fagaceae and Lamiaceae f ami 1 ies. Microscopic analyses of the pollens showed that most common species were Cistus, Castanea sativa, vitex agnus-cas- tus, PBpBver rhoeas, Helianthus annuus. 109-
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Bal, Honey, Biyokimyasal analiz, Biochemical analysis, Ege bölgesi, Aegean region, Polinoloji, Polinology