Hastane yatak kapatisesinin verim ve personelle ilişkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Hastane yatak kapasitesinin verim ve personelle ilişkilerinin araştırıldığı bu çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, bireyin yıllık hasta gün kriteri üzerinden hesaplanan yatak sayısının diğer ülkelerden katlarca düşük çıktığı ve bu kadar yatağımızın yıllardır mevcut olduğu gözlenmiştir. İnsanların klinik tedavi gereksinimi uyruklarına bağlı bulunamayacağına ve hastalanma oranı da batıdan az olamayacağına göre, ülkemizde bireyin yıllık hasta-gün kriterinin bu denli düşük çıkmasının nedeni, ilgililerce çok kez yatak ve personel azlığı ile ekonomik güçsüzlüğe bağlanmıştır. Ülkemizde "mevcut yatakların ancak yarısının hizmete sunulması, günlük ortalama klinik hasta başına düşen hekim, hemşire ve personel sayılarının batı kriterlerine erişmiş olması ve hastaların ücret ödemeden tedavi edildikleri Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu hastanelerinde yatakların üçte biri boş iken, yatırma oranının, diğer kamu hastanelerimizden bile yaklaşık bir kat daha düşük çıkması" şeklinde belirlenen bulgulara göre, vatandaşlarımıza hastane hizmetinin gereğinden az gerçekleştirme nedenlerinin, yatak, para ve personel yetersizliğinden önce, tıbbi yönetim, eğitim ve sistem yoksunluğundan kaynaklandığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Diğer yönden ülkemizde, hastane başına düşen mevcut yatak sayısının batının yarısını bulmadığı ve bunun da on yıldır giderek azaldığı, aynı süre içinde 25-100 yataklı küçük hastaneler sayısı beşte iki oranında yükselirken, 200-400 yataklı grupta biraz düştüğü, 500 den büyüklerde ise yarıdan fazla çoğaldığı, Sağlık Bakanlığı Hastanelerinde ise daha çarpıcı boyutlarda izlenen bu değişimlerin batıda tümüyle karşıt yönde oluştuğu görülmüştür. Ülkemizle batı arasında tümüyle çelişkili süregelen bu değişimden hangisinin doğru yönde geliştiği tıbbi yönetim bilimi açısından incelendiğinde; Personel (Hekim ve Hemşire) başına düşen yatak ile günlük ortalama klinik hasta sayılarının, Uzman/Pratisyen oranı ile tıpta uzmanlık alanlarının, tıbbi endikasyona göre zamanında hasta çıkarma kararlarının ve yatak başına devreden klinik hastaların en üst düzeyde 230-350 yataklı hastaneler grubunda gerçekleştirildiği anlaşılmıştır. Sonuçta yatak ve tüm personel gücünden en yoğun düzeyde yararlanılarak, tıbbın tüm uzmanlık alanlarında üstün kaliteli ve yüksek verimli düzeyde gerçekleştirilen hastane hizmetinin ülkemizde ve batıda 250-350 yatak kapasiteli genel hastaneler grubunda sunulduğu saptanmıştır. Bu araştırmamızla saptanan sonuçlar ve Batı'da 75-1 00 yataktan küçük hastanelerin yapımına, pahalı yetersiz, dar kapsamlı ve düşük verimli tıbbi hizmet ürettikleri gerekçesi ile izin verilmemesi, mevcut olanların da sigortalarca dışlanıp devlet desteğinden yoksun bırakılması, özellikle Sağlık Bakanlığımızın politika gereği de olsa, karşıt yöndeki gayretlerinde yarar bulunmadığını ve Devlet Planlama Teşkilatının da yeni yapılacak genel hastanelerde 200-400 yatak kapasitesi barajını koruması gerektiğini kanıtlamıştır
SUMMARY In the first stage of this study which aims at investigating the relation ship between the hospital bed capacity and productivity and staff, the number of beds calculated on the basis of the criterion of the rate of annual patient day has been observed to be many times lower than that in other countries. As the need of the patients for hospital treatment cannot be dependent upon their nature of citizenship and their rate of being diseased cannot be lower that the rates in western countries, the considerably low rate of annual diseased day of the individuals observed in our country has been often attributed by the concerned authorities to the limited number of beds and staff as well as economic incapacity. While, in our country, only half of the available beds are put to service, the number of the physicians, nurses, and service personel per daily average number of in-patients has reached the critaria in western countries, However, one-third of the available beds in the Social Security Hospitals where patients are treated free of charge remain unoccupied. Yet, the rate of patient admission to the hospitals is about half that to other public hospitals which have much lower staff values. Thus, it is concluded that the inadequacy of the hospital service offered to our citizens is due to to inefficiency of administrative medicine, training, and the system, rather than inadequacy of the available beds, staff and financial sources. On the other hand, while the number of beds per hospital in our country is lower than even half of that in western countries and has been decreasing within the last ten years, with the number of smaller hospitals with 25-100 beds incerasing within the same period by a ratio of 2/5, the number of the hospitals in the 200-400 bed group has been found to somewhat decrease and that of those in the 500+ bed group to be more than double, with these values observed in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health in more striking dimensions sharply contrasting with the values in western countries. An investigation from the standpoint of Medical Administrative Science as to which of these changes which have been taking place in a totally contradictory fashion with those in the west has revealed that number of beds per hospital staff (Physician and Nurse), average daily number of in-patients, the specialist/general practitioner ratio and fields of specialization in medicine, decisions made to discharge patients in time on the basis of medical indication, and in patient turnover per bed have been at the optimum level in hospitals with 250-350 beds. In conclusion, it has been found that, by utilizing bed capacity and total man-power at the optimum level, high quality, fully comprehensive and highly productive hospital service has been offered in our country in general hospitals with 250-350 beds. The results obtained in the present study supported by the fact that hospitals with a bed capacity of less than 75"1 00 are not allowed in the western countries on the grounds that they effect costly, inadequate, incomprehensive, and unproductive medical service, rejection of the existing ones by social security organizations and their deprivation of governmental support have proven that efforts of our Ministry of Health in the opposite direction, even if with political objectives, are useless, and that the State Planning Organization should preserve the limit of 200-400 beds for the future general hospitals.
SUMMARY In the first stage of this study which aims at investigating the relation ship between the hospital bed capacity and productivity and staff, the number of beds calculated on the basis of the criterion of the rate of annual patient day has been observed to be many times lower than that in other countries. As the need of the patients for hospital treatment cannot be dependent upon their nature of citizenship and their rate of being diseased cannot be lower that the rates in western countries, the considerably low rate of annual diseased day of the individuals observed in our country has been often attributed by the concerned authorities to the limited number of beds and staff as well as economic incapacity. While, in our country, only half of the available beds are put to service, the number of the physicians, nurses, and service personel per daily average number of in-patients has reached the critaria in western countries, However, one-third of the available beds in the Social Security Hospitals where patients are treated free of charge remain unoccupied. Yet, the rate of patient admission to the hospitals is about half that to other public hospitals which have much lower staff values. Thus, it is concluded that the inadequacy of the hospital service offered to our citizens is due to to inefficiency of administrative medicine, training, and the system, rather than inadequacy of the available beds, staff and financial sources. On the other hand, while the number of beds per hospital in our country is lower than even half of that in western countries and has been decreasing within the last ten years, with the number of smaller hospitals with 25-100 beds incerasing within the same period by a ratio of 2/5, the number of the hospitals in the 200-400 bed group has been found to somewhat decrease and that of those in the 500+ bed group to be more than double, with these values observed in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health in more striking dimensions sharply contrasting with the values in western countries. An investigation from the standpoint of Medical Administrative Science as to which of these changes which have been taking place in a totally contradictory fashion with those in the west has revealed that number of beds per hospital staff (Physician and Nurse), average daily number of in-patients, the specialist/general practitioner ratio and fields of specialization in medicine, decisions made to discharge patients in time on the basis of medical indication, and in patient turnover per bed have been at the optimum level in hospitals with 250-350 beds. In conclusion, it has been found that, by utilizing bed capacity and total man-power at the optimum level, high quality, fully comprehensive and highly productive hospital service has been offered in our country in general hospitals with 250-350 beds. The results obtained in the present study supported by the fact that hospitals with a bed capacity of less than 75"1 00 are not allowed in the western countries on the grounds that they effect costly, inadequate, incomprehensive, and unproductive medical service, rejection of the existing ones by social security organizations and their deprivation of governmental support have proven that efforts of our Ministry of Health in the opposite direction, even if with political objectives, are useless, and that the State Planning Organization should preserve the limit of 200-400 beds for the future general hospitals.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hastaneler, Hospitals, Hastane yatak kapasitesi, Hospital bed capacity, Personel-hastane, Personnel-hospital, Verimlilik, Productivity