İzmir tulum peynirlerinin olgunlaşma süresi üzerinde kültürün ve ticari enzimlerin rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Ill ÖZET İZMİR TULUM PEYNİRLERİNİN OLGUNLAŞMA SÜRESİ ÜZERİNDE KÜLTÜRÜN VE TİCARİ ENZİMLERİN ROLÜ BEDEL, Ali Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süt Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Doç.Dr. Sevda KILIÇ Ocak 1999, 114 Sayfa Bu araştırmada, izmir Tulum Peynirinin olgunlaşmasını incelemek üzere mesophil homofermantatif 0 - Kültür (R-707 D VS) + Streptococcus faecium (DRI- VAC) kültürleri, "Validase AFP" enzimi (%0.01, %0.03) kullanarak ve kültür kullanmaksızın pastörize sütten peynir üretilmiştir. Örneklerin 1., 30., 60. ve 90.günlerdeki fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal analizleri yapılmıştır. Peynir örneklerinin kurumadde, yağ, asitlik, pH, tuz, kül, protein, suda eriyen azot, olgunlaşma indeksi ve olgunlaşma derecesi üzerine kültür ve enzimin etkisi önemli bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerin değerlendirilmesi sonunda peynir örnekleri arasında B örneği (kültür katılarak yapılan peynir örneği) en çok beğeni kazanmıştır. Denemede kültür + %0.01 enzim ile yapılan peynirlerde öO.günden itibaren; kültür + %0.03 enzim ile yapılan peynirlerde ise olgunlaşmanın başlangıcından itibaren belirgin acılaşma tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: İzmir Tulum Peyniri, Starter kültür, proteolitik enzim, hızlandırılmış olgunlaşma
IV ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF STARTER CULTURE AND COMMERCIAL ENZYMES ON RIPENING PERIOD OF IZMHl TULUM CHEESES. BEDEL, Ali MSc in Department of Dairy Technology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Sevda KELIÇ January 1999, 114 pages In this research, Izmir Tulum cheese's ripening was made from by using mesophil homofermantative 0-culture (R-707 DVS) + Streptococcus faecium (DRI- VAC) cultures, "Validase AFP" enzyme (0.01 %, 0.03 %) and from pasteuraized milk without starter culture in order to find out Izmir Tulum cheese's ripening. The cheese samples were analysed physically, chemically and sensory on the 1, 30, 60th and 90th days of the ripening period. It was found that the effects of cultures and enzymes on the dry matter, fat, lactic acid, pH, salt, crude ash, total protein, water soluble nitrojen, ripening degrees and ripening index of the cheese samples were important. At the end of the investigations, the sample of B which adds culture was the best cheese samples. In this Investigation, It was understood, that using culture + 0.01% enzyme there was abitting after 60th days and using culture + 0.03 % enzyme there was abitting from the begining of the ripening too. Keywords: İzmir Tulum cheese, starter culture, proteolitic enyzme, accelerated ripening.
IV ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF STARTER CULTURE AND COMMERCIAL ENZYMES ON RIPENING PERIOD OF IZMHl TULUM CHEESES. BEDEL, Ali MSc in Department of Dairy Technology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Sevda KELIÇ January 1999, 114 pages In this research, Izmir Tulum cheese's ripening was made from by using mesophil homofermantative 0-culture (R-707 DVS) + Streptococcus faecium (DRI- VAC) cultures, "Validase AFP" enzyme (0.01 %, 0.03 %) and from pasteuraized milk without starter culture in order to find out Izmir Tulum cheese's ripening. The cheese samples were analysed physically, chemically and sensory on the 1, 30, 60th and 90th days of the ripening period. It was found that the effects of cultures and enzymes on the dry matter, fat, lactic acid, pH, salt, crude ash, total protein, water soluble nitrojen, ripening degrees and ripening index of the cheese samples were important. At the end of the investigations, the sample of B which adds culture was the best cheese samples. In this Investigation, It was understood, that using culture + 0.01% enzyme there was abitting after 60th days and using culture + 0.03 % enzyme there was abitting from the begining of the ripening too. Keywords: İzmir Tulum cheese, starter culture, proteolitic enyzme, accelerated ripening.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Enzimler, Enzymes, Starter kültür, Starter culture, Süt teknolojisi, Milk technology, Tulum peyniri, Tulum cheese, İzmir, Izmir