Kentsel mekanların algılanması ve mekansal imaj ile Bornova Kenti meydanı örneğinde bir bilişsel haritalama çalışması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET KENTSEL MEKANLARIN ALGILANMASI VE MEKANSAL İMAJ İLE BORNOVA KENT MEYDANI ÖRNEĞİNDE BİR BİLİŞSEL HARİTALAMA ÇALIŞMASI KARA, Barış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Doç. Dr. E. Vecdi Küçükerbaş Mart 1997, 145 sayfa Bu tezin amacı insanların çevrelerine ilişkin algılarını, bilişlerini, düşüncelerini bunların farklılaşmasında etkili faktörleri ortaya koymak, elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda insanların insanca yaşayabildiği çağdaş mekanların tasarlanmasına yardımcı olan tasarım modellerini oluşturmaktır. Tezin araştırma bölümünde tabakalı örneklem yöntemi, soru formu ve bilişsel harita teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma peyzaj mimarlığı bölümü öğrencileri ve diğer meslek grupları olmak üzere 2 farklı denek grubu üzerinde yapılmıştır. Bireylerin aynı çevre hakkındaki algıları, bilişleri ve düşüncelerinde benzerlikler olduğu kadar bazı farklılıklarında bulunduğu bunda cinsiyet, meslek farklılıkları, alan kullanım sıklığı gibi faktörlerin etkili olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Biliş, tasarım modelleri, tabakalı örneklem, soru formu, bilişsel harita
ABSTRACT PERCEPTION OF URBAN PLACES AND A COGNITIVE MAPPING STUDY IN BORNOVA CITY PUPLIC SQUARE MODEL BY RESIDENTIAL IMAGE KARA, Bans Master's Thesis, Landscape Architecture Department Thesis Manager; Doç. Dr. E. Vecdi Küçükerbaş March 1997, 145 pages The aim of this thesis is to constitute individuals' perception, cognition, thoughts about environment and to make clear the factors that are effective in differentiating these and to constitute project models that contribute to the planning of contemporary residence in which people can live like human beings by the way the data obtained. In the research part of the thesis, layered sampling method, questioning form and cognitive map technics were used the study was carried out on 2 different subject groups like landscape architects and other profession groups. It was suggested that there were similarities in individuals perception, cognition and thoughts about the same environment as well as the differences and this was effected by the factors like sex, profession differences, area usage frequency. Key words: Cognition, project models, layered sampling, questioning form, cognitive mapping.
ABSTRACT PERCEPTION OF URBAN PLACES AND A COGNITIVE MAPPING STUDY IN BORNOVA CITY PUPLIC SQUARE MODEL BY RESIDENTIAL IMAGE KARA, Bans Master's Thesis, Landscape Architecture Department Thesis Manager; Doç. Dr. E. Vecdi Küçükerbaş March 1997, 145 pages The aim of this thesis is to constitute individuals' perception, cognition, thoughts about environment and to make clear the factors that are effective in differentiating these and to constitute project models that contribute to the planning of contemporary residence in which people can live like human beings by the way the data obtained. In the research part of the thesis, layered sampling method, questioning form and cognitive map technics were used the study was carried out on 2 different subject groups like landscape architects and other profession groups. It was suggested that there were similarities in individuals perception, cognition and thoughts about the same environment as well as the differences and this was effected by the factors like sex, profession differences, area usage frequency. Key words: Cognition, project models, layered sampling, questioning form, cognitive mapping.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture, Haritalama, Mapping, Kentsel mekan, Urban space, İzmir-Bornova, İzmir-Bornova