Investigation of Caretta caretta population in Patara and Kızılot
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Caretta caretta' nın Kızılot (1990) ve Patara (1992) kumsallanndaki populasyonianrun bir üreme sezonunda yuva yapma, yumurta ve yavru sayıları ile bunlara zarar veren predator etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma sezonunda Kızılot Kumsalı'nda 299 adet çıkış saptanmış, bunlardan 4 tanesi Chelonia mydas türüne, 295 tanesi ise Caretta caretta ' ya aittir. Caretta caretta ' ya ait çıkışlardan 143 (%48,47) tanesinde yuva yapılmıştır. Chelonia mydas 'a ait 4 çıkıştan ise 3 tanesi yuva ile sonuçlanmıştır. Yuvalardaki ortalama yumurta sayısı 79,69 (min.46, max. 137) dur. Yumurta sayısı bilinen 114 yuvadaki toplam yumurta sayisı 9085'dir. Bu yumurtalardan çıkan ancak 7670 (% 84,42) yavru denize ulaşabilmiştir. Tahrip olan yumurta ve yavruların çoğunluğu tilkiler, kum yengeci ve köpekler tarafından tahrip edilmiş, yuvaların bir kısmı da nemli bölgede kaldığı için yumurtalarda embriyonik gelişim olmadığı veya tamamlanmadığı gözlenmiştir. Kuluçka süresi 70 yuva için ortalama 59,63 (min. 51, max. 75) gündür. Vücut ölçüsü alinan dişilerin Düz Karapax Boyu; 66,44 (min.59,0; max. 74,0) cm. dir. Patara Kumsalı'ndaki araştırmada ifâ 163 adet Caretta tarette çıkışı saptanmış ve bunlardan 52 (%3l,90)'si yuva İle sonuçlanmıştır. Toplam 42 yuvada ortalama yumurta sayısı 69,52 (min. 33, max. 134) dir. Bu yuvalardaki toplam yumurta sayısı 2920' dir. Bu yumurtalardan çıkan ancak 1086 (%37,19) yavru denize ulaşabilmiştir. Kızılot Kumsalı'nda olduğu gibi tahrip olan yumurta ve yavruların çoğunluğu tilkiler ve kum yengeçleri tarafından tahrip edilmiş, ayrıca yuvaların büyük bir kısmı nemli bölgede kaldığından yumurtalarda embriyonik gelişim olmadığı gözlenmiştir. Kuluçka süresi 25 yuva için ortalama 60 (min. 51, max. 78) gündür. Vücut ölçüsü alınan dişilerin Düz Karapax Boyu; 74,50 (min. 66,0; max. 84,6) cm. dir. II
In this survey, the numbers of nests, eggs and hatchlings of Caretta caretta population in Kızılot (1990) and Patara (1992) beaches and predators negative effect to their population were investigated during a single reproduction season. 299 emergences found out on Kızılot Beach during investigation season, four of them belong to Chelonia my das species and 295 of them belong to Caretta caretta. Among the emergences which belong to Caretta caretta, 143 (48,47 %) numbers of them had nested. From 4 emergences belong to Chelonia my das 3 of them had nested. Avarage eggs numbers at nests were 79,69 (min. 46, max. 137). Total eggs numbers among the 114 nests which were known to us were 9085. Only 7670 (84,42 %) hatchlings, emergenced from these eggs, have been able to reach to the sea. Majority of destroyed eggs and hatchlings have been destroyed utterly by foxes, harmful crabs and dogs. It was observed that some eggs' embryonic development could not be started or complated in some neste because of being in wet areas. Avarage of incubation periods for 70 nests was 59,63 (min. 51, max. 75) days. Straight carapace length of adult females which had measured was ftfr,44 (min. 59,0, max. 74,0) cm. The number of Caretta caretta emergence was 163 on Patara Bşach, among these 52 (31,90%) of them nested. Avarage eggs numbers at nests were 69,52 (min. 33, max. 134). Total eggs numbers in these nests were 2920. 1086 (37,19 %) hatchlings emergenced from these eggs have been able to reach to the sea. As at Kızılot Beach, eggs and hatchlings have been destroyed by foxes and harmful crabs in Patara Beach. Besides, since an important part of nests' residence was in wet areas, it was observed that embryonic development on these eggs could not start or complate exactly. Avarage of incubation periods for 25 nests was 60 (min. 51, max. 78) days. Straight carapace length of adult females which had measured was 74,50 (min. 66,0, max. 84,6) cm.
In this survey, the numbers of nests, eggs and hatchlings of Caretta caretta population in Kızılot (1990) and Patara (1992) beaches and predators negative effect to their population were investigated during a single reproduction season. 299 emergences found out on Kızılot Beach during investigation season, four of them belong to Chelonia my das species and 295 of them belong to Caretta caretta. Among the emergences which belong to Caretta caretta, 143 (48,47 %) numbers of them had nested. From 4 emergences belong to Chelonia my das 3 of them had nested. Avarage eggs numbers at nests were 79,69 (min. 46, max. 137). Total eggs numbers among the 114 nests which were known to us were 9085. Only 7670 (84,42 %) hatchlings, emergenced from these eggs, have been able to reach to the sea. Majority of destroyed eggs and hatchlings have been destroyed utterly by foxes, harmful crabs and dogs. It was observed that some eggs' embryonic development could not be started or complated in some neste because of being in wet areas. Avarage of incubation periods for 70 nests was 59,63 (min. 51, max. 75) days. Straight carapace length of adult females which had measured was ftfr,44 (min. 59,0, max. 74,0) cm. The number of Caretta caretta emergence was 163 on Patara Bşach, among these 52 (31,90%) of them nested. Avarage eggs numbers at nests were 69,52 (min. 33, max. 134). Total eggs numbers in these nests were 2920. 1086 (37,19 %) hatchlings emergenced from these eggs have been able to reach to the sea. As at Kızılot Beach, eggs and hatchlings have been destroyed by foxes and harmful crabs in Patara Beach. Besides, since an important part of nests' residence was in wet areas, it was observed that embryonic development on these eggs could not start or complate exactly. Avarage of incubation periods for 25 nests was 60 (min. 51, max. 78) days. Straight carapace length of adult females which had measured was 74,50 (min. 66,0, max. 84,6) cm.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Antalya, Antalya, Caretta caretta, Caretta caretta, Deniz kaplumbağası, Sea turtles, Kızılot kumsalı, Kızılot beach, Patara kumsalı, Patara beach, Popülasyon, Population