Ulusötesi sinemada göç politikalarının ve göçmen kimliklerinin temsili: Mekansal ve toplumsal hareketlilikler, diasporik aidiyetlerin paradoksları
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İnsanlık tarihi kadar eski bir olgu olan göç, bugün de varlığını sürdürür. Yaşadıkları şehri/ülkeyi zorunlu veya isteyerek terk eden insanların tek dileği daha iyi bir yaşamdır. Genellikle ekonomik nedenlerin ön planda olduğu göç kararında savaş, siyasi baskılar ve otoriter rejimlerin etkileri de yadsınamaz. Daha iyi bir yaşam, iş ve gelecek için yaşadıkları şehri ya da ülkeyi terk eden/terk etmek zorunda kalan bu insanların gittikleri yerde karşılaştıkları durumlar sıklıkla dışlanma, ötekileştirilme ve ağır işlerde düşük ücrete sigortasız çalıştırılma şeklindedir. Diğer bir deyişle, her şeyin daha güzel olacağı umuduyla göç etmeye karar veren bu insanlar çoğu zaman hayal kırıklığı yaşarlar. Bugün küreselleşmenin etkisiyle göç, sınır ötesi insan hareketliliği olarak karşımıza çıkar. İtici (çevresel, demografik, ekonomik sebepler ve savaş, ihtilal, sıkıyönetim, otoriter yönetim biçimleri) ve çekici (iş fırsatları, siyasi özgürlükler, yüksek gelir ve yaşam standartları) faktörlerin etkisiyle uluslararası göçte yaşanan artış, beraberinde Avrupa ülkelerinin sınırlarında daha sıkı tedbirler almasına ve sert göç politikaları uygulamasına yol açar. Hedef ülkelerin göç ve göçmen konusunda uyguladığı sert politikalar ve sınırlardaki sıkı güvenlik tedbirleri özellikle düzensiz göçmenlerin yasa dışı yollara başvurmasına ve insan kaçakçılarının ağına düşmesine neden olur. Düzensiz göçmenleri ücreti karşılığı hedef ülkeye götürmeyi vaat eden, geçimini bu yolla sağlayan insan kaçakçıları için zor durumdaki bu göçmenler ticari bir metadır. Hedef ülkeye yasa dışı yollardan giriş yapma uğruna ölen, soyulan, cinsel-fiziksel şiddete maruz kalan düzensiz göçmenler, kolluk güçleri tarafından yakalanıp sınır dışı edilme tehlikesiyle de karşı karşıyadır. Bu da yasa dışı yollardan bir şekilde hedef ülkeye giriş yapan insanların her an sınır dışı edilme korkusuyla sürekli kaçak yaşaması anlamına gelir. Düzensiz göçmenlerin yanı sıra yasal yoldan hedef ülkeye göç eden insanlar da bir dizi problemle karşılaşır. Bunlar en temelde dışlanma, ötekileştirilme, ırkçılık, yabancı düşmanlığı (xenophobia), aidiyet, kimlik, dil, işsizlik, uyum sağlayamama, eğitim-sağlık-barınma gibi sosyal haklardan mahrumiyet, can ve mal güvenliklerinin olmaması, insanlıktan çıkarılma gibi sorunlardır. Düzenli ve düzensiz göçmenlerin yaşadığı bu acılar, sorunlar bütün sanat dallarının yanı sıra sinemanın da merkezi meselelerinden biridir. Göçmen sinemasında göç politikalarının, göçmen kimliklerinin, mekânsal-toplumsal hareketliliklerin ve diasporik aidiyetlerin incelendiği bu tezde savaş, işsizlik, daha iyi bir yaşam gibi çeşitli nedenlerle isteyerek veya istemeyerek göçü deneyimleyen insanlarla ilgili üretilmiş göç filmlerinde, göçmenlerin yaşadıklarını temsil düzleminde yorumlamak amaçlanır. Örneklem olarak belirlenen yerli/yabancı 11 filmde tespit edilen temalar niteliksel içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve çıkarılan 19 araştırma sorusu başlıklar haline getirilip, göçmen filmlerinde görülen görsel ve anlatısal izlekler kavramsal ve karşılaştırmalı şekilde ortaya koyulmuştur. Ayrıca filmlerdeki göç, göçmen, yerleşikliğe geçiş sürecinin sorunları, geride bırakılan toplumlarla devam eden aidiyet sorunları değerlendirilerek temsillerdeki ırkçı, ayrımcı, ötekileştirici örüntüler açığa çıkarılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, analiz edilen filmlerdeki sorunsallar ve tekrar eden temalar: Çaresizlik, işsizlik, yaşam mücadelesi, ekmek kavgası, daha iyi bir yaşam için yasa dışı yollarla Avrupa’ya gitmek isteyen düzensiz göçmenler, yasa dışı yollardan göçmenleri kaçıran insan kaçakçıları, göçmenlerin bedenlerini/organlarını metalaştıran insan tacirleri, kayıplar, acılar, yasal/yasa dışı yoldan gidilen hedef ülkede karşılaşılan sorunlar (dışlanma, ırkçılık, devlet ırkçılığı, ötekileştirilme, yabancı düşmanlığı, kimlik, aidiyet, sosyal haklardan mahrumiyet, işsizlik, uyum sağlayamama, dil, can ve mal güvenliğinin olmaması gibi), geçmişe ve vatana duyulan özlem, tireli kimlik (Türk-Alman), modern insanın sıkıntıları, yalnızlığı, bireyselliği ve bencilliği olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Migration, which is a phenomenon as old as the history of humanity, continues its existence today. The only wish of people who leave the city/country they live in, either compulsorily or voluntarily, is a better life. The effects of war, political pressures and authoritarian regimes cannot be denied in the decision to migrate, where economic reasons are generally at the forefront. The situations faced by these people, who left/had to leave their city or country for a better life, job and future, are often exclusion, marginalization and being employed in heavy jobs for low wages without insurance. In other words, these people who decide to migrate in the hope that everything will be better are often disappointed. Today, with the effect of globalization, migration emerges as cross-border human mobility. The increase in international migration with the effect of push (environmental, demographic, economic reasons and war, revolution, martial law, authoritarian forms of government) and pull (job opportunities, political freedoms, high income and living standards) factors causes European countries to take stricter measures at their borders and to implement harsh immigration policies. The harsh policies implemented by the target countries on immigration and immigrant and the tight security measures at the borders cause especially irregular migrants to resort to illegal ways and fall into the net of human smugglers. These immigrants are a commodity for human smugglers who promise to take irregular immigrants to the destination country for a fee and who make a living in this way. Irregular immigrants who die, are robbed, and are exposed to sexual-physical violence for the sake of illegally entering the target country also face the danger of being caught and deported by law enforcement. This means that people who enter the target country illegally live on the run for fear of being deported at any time. In addition to irregular migrants, people who migrate legally to the destination country also face a series of problems. These are basically problems such as exclusion, marginalization, racism, xenophobia, deprivation of social rights such as education, health and shelter, belonging, identity, language, unemployment, unadaptability, lack of security of life and property, and dehumanization. These sufferings and problems experienced by regular and irregular immigrants are one of the central issues of cinema as well as all branches of art. In this thesis, in which immigration policies, immigrant identities, spatial-social movements and diasporic belongings are examined in immigrant cinema, it is aimed to interpret the experiences of immigrants on the level of representation in immigration films produced about people who experience immigration willingly or unwillingly for various reasons such as war, unemployment, and a better life. The themes identified in 11 domestic/foreign films determined as samples were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method, and the 19 research questions were made into titles, and the visual and narrative themes in the immigrant films were revealed conceptually and comparatively. In addition, the racist, discriminatory and marginalizing patterns in the representations were revealed by evaluating the problems of immigration, immigrants, the transition to permanent settlement, and the ongoing problems of belonging to the societies left behind. In this context, the problematisations and recurring themes in the films analyzed: Desperation, unemployment, struggle for survival, fight for bread, irregular immigrants who want to go to Europe illegally for a better life, human smugglers who smuggle immigrants illegally, human traffickers who commodify the bodies/organs of immigrants, losses, suffering, problems (such as exclusion, racism, state racism, marginalization, xenophobia, identity, belonging, deprivation of social rights, unemployment, unadaptability, language, lack of security of life and property), encountered in the destination country arrived through the legal/illegal route, longing for the past and homeland, hyphenated identity (Turkey-German), modern man's troubles, loneliness, individuality and selfishness.
Migration, which is a phenomenon as old as the history of humanity, continues its existence today. The only wish of people who leave the city/country they live in, either compulsorily or voluntarily, is a better life. The effects of war, political pressures and authoritarian regimes cannot be denied in the decision to migrate, where economic reasons are generally at the forefront. The situations faced by these people, who left/had to leave their city or country for a better life, job and future, are often exclusion, marginalization and being employed in heavy jobs for low wages without insurance. In other words, these people who decide to migrate in the hope that everything will be better are often disappointed. Today, with the effect of globalization, migration emerges as cross-border human mobility. The increase in international migration with the effect of push (environmental, demographic, economic reasons and war, revolution, martial law, authoritarian forms of government) and pull (job opportunities, political freedoms, high income and living standards) factors causes European countries to take stricter measures at their borders and to implement harsh immigration policies. The harsh policies implemented by the target countries on immigration and immigrant and the tight security measures at the borders cause especially irregular migrants to resort to illegal ways and fall into the net of human smugglers. These immigrants are a commodity for human smugglers who promise to take irregular immigrants to the destination country for a fee and who make a living in this way. Irregular immigrants who die, are robbed, and are exposed to sexual-physical violence for the sake of illegally entering the target country also face the danger of being caught and deported by law enforcement. This means that people who enter the target country illegally live on the run for fear of being deported at any time. In addition to irregular migrants, people who migrate legally to the destination country also face a series of problems. These are basically problems such as exclusion, marginalization, racism, xenophobia, deprivation of social rights such as education, health and shelter, belonging, identity, language, unemployment, unadaptability, lack of security of life and property, and dehumanization. These sufferings and problems experienced by regular and irregular immigrants are one of the central issues of cinema as well as all branches of art. In this thesis, in which immigration policies, immigrant identities, spatial-social movements and diasporic belongings are examined in immigrant cinema, it is aimed to interpret the experiences of immigrants on the level of representation in immigration films produced about people who experience immigration willingly or unwillingly for various reasons such as war, unemployment, and a better life. The themes identified in 11 domestic/foreign films determined as samples were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method, and the 19 research questions were made into titles, and the visual and narrative themes in the immigrant films were revealed conceptually and comparatively. In addition, the racist, discriminatory and marginalizing patterns in the representations were revealed by evaluating the problems of immigration, immigrants, the transition to permanent settlement, and the ongoing problems of belonging to the societies left behind. In this context, the problematisations and recurring themes in the films analyzed: Desperation, unemployment, struggle for survival, fight for bread, irregular immigrants who want to go to Europe illegally for a better life, human smugglers who smuggle immigrants illegally, human traffickers who commodify the bodies/organs of immigrants, losses, suffering, problems (such as exclusion, racism, state racism, marginalization, xenophobia, identity, belonging, deprivation of social rights, unemployment, unadaptability, language, lack of security of life and property), encountered in the destination country arrived through the legal/illegal route, longing for the past and homeland, hyphenated identity (Turkey-German), modern man's troubles, loneliness, individuality and selfishness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası Göç, Sinema, Ulusötesi Sinema, Göçmen Sineması, Kimlik, Aidiyet, Diaspora, Diasporik Aidiyet, İnsanlıktan Çıkarma, Kutsal İnsan, Yaşamaya Değmeyen Hayat, Irkçılık, Devlet Irkçılığı, International Migration, Cinema, Transnational Cinema, Immigrant Cinema, Identity, Belonging, Diaspora, Diasporic Belonging, Dehumanization, Sacred Man, Life Not Worth Living, Racism, State Racism