Arkeolojik ve coğrafi veriler ışığında MÖ I. bin yılda Yukarı Dicle Havzası'nda (Bismil-Batman) Assur varlığı
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Assurlular Mezopotamya’da tarih sahnesine çıktıkları andan itibaren
anayurtlarında yaşamakla yetinmemiş, yıllar içinde çevre topraklara da ilgi göstermeye
başlamışlardır. İmparatorluğa açılan kapının temel nedenlerinden biri olan çevre
topraklara ilgi “Yukarı Dicle Havzası”nı da kapsamaktadır.
Assurlular imparatorluk çağlarında Yukarı Dicle Havzası’na gelmekle
kalmamışlar söz konusu bu topraklarda eyalet merkezleri kurmuşlar ve bölgede oldukça
güçlü bir toprak yönetim mekanizması geliştirmişlerdir. Yukarı Dicle Havzası’ndan elde
ettikleri tarımsal ürünler, vergiler ve doğal kaynaklar gibi birçok maddeyi Assur
merkezine Dicle Nehri üzerinden göndermişler, ilgi göstermedikleri, yerleşim şablonu
kriterlerine uymayan sorunlu bölgeleri gerek vasallık gerekse tampon bölgelere de
ayırmışlardır. Üstelik tüm bu alanlara toplu nüfus aktarımları yaparak yeniden inşaa
ettikleri bölgelerin kendilerine sorun çıkarmayan ya da daha az sorun çıkaran alanlara
dönüşmesini de sağlamaya çalışmışlardır.
Kendi anayurtlarından oldukça uzak coğrafyalarda başarılı yönetim modelleri
geliştiren, imparatorluk sürecinde oldukça önemli rol oynayan Assur yayılım ve sömürge
politikası birçok bilim insanının ilgisini çekmiştir. Çalışmamız içinde Yukarı Dicle
Havzası’nda görülen Assur İmparatorluk Dönemi mevcut bilgiler ışığında yeniden ele
alınmış ve bazı yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır.
From the moment they appeared on the stage of history in Mesopotamia, The Assyrians did not only live in their homeland, but also started to show interest in the surrounding lands over the years. Interest in the surrounding lands, which is one of the main reasons for the door to the empire, includes the "Upper Tigris River Basin." The Assyrians did not only come to the Upper Tigris River Basin during the imperial times, but also established state centers in these lands and developed a very strong land management mechanism in the region. They sent many items such as agricultural products, taxes and natural resources obtained from the Upper Tigris River Basin to the Assyrian center via the Tigris River and divided the problem areas that they did not pay attention to and did not meet the criteria of the settlement template into either vassal states or buffer zones. Moreover, by making mass population transfers to all these areas, they also tried to ensure that the regions they reconstructed were transformed into areas that would not not cause them problems or would cause less problems. The Assyrian expansion and colonial policy, which developed successful management models in geographies far from their homeland and played a very important role during the imperial period, attracted the attention of many scientists. In our study, the Assyrian Imperial Period seen in the Upper Tigris River Basin was reviewed in the light of existing information and some new approaches have been tried to be developed.
From the moment they appeared on the stage of history in Mesopotamia, The Assyrians did not only live in their homeland, but also started to show interest in the surrounding lands over the years. Interest in the surrounding lands, which is one of the main reasons for the door to the empire, includes the "Upper Tigris River Basin." The Assyrians did not only come to the Upper Tigris River Basin during the imperial times, but also established state centers in these lands and developed a very strong land management mechanism in the region. They sent many items such as agricultural products, taxes and natural resources obtained from the Upper Tigris River Basin to the Assyrian center via the Tigris River and divided the problem areas that they did not pay attention to and did not meet the criteria of the settlement template into either vassal states or buffer zones. Moreover, by making mass population transfers to all these areas, they also tried to ensure that the regions they reconstructed were transformed into areas that would not not cause them problems or would cause less problems. The Assyrian expansion and colonial policy, which developed successful management models in geographies far from their homeland and played a very important role during the imperial period, attracted the attention of many scientists. In our study, the Assyrian Imperial Period seen in the Upper Tigris River Basin was reviewed in the light of existing information and some new approaches have been tried to be developed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yeni Assur, Dicle, Üçtepe, Hollik, Tushan, Ara Liman