Kişniş (Coriandrum sativum l. )'nin farklı ekim zamanı ve tohumluk miktarının agronomik ve teknolojik özellikleri üzerine olan etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ill ÖZET KİŞNİŞ (Coriandrum sativum L.)' İN FARKLI EKİM ZAMANI VE TOHUMLUK MİKTARININ AGRONOMİK VE TEKNOLOJİK ÖZELLİKLER ÜZERİNE OLAN ETKİSİ YAMANOL, Ayşegül Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ziraat Mühendisliği Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Ayhan Ceylan Mayıs 1996, 59 sayfa Bornova ekolojik koşullarında kişniş (Coriandrum satium L.) bitkisi'nin bazı agronomik ve teknolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümünün Bornova Araştırma Alanında, 1993- 1994 yıllan arasında yapılmıştır. Deneme, iki Faktörlü Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Desenine göre dört tekerrürlü olarak sıravari ekim şeklinde kurulmuştur. 1. Faktör olarak iki farklı ekim zamanı (Kasım-Ocak) ve 2. Faktör olarak dört farklı tohumluk miktarı (0.5 kg/da; 1.5kg/da; 2.5 kg/da;3.5 kg/da) uygulanmıştır. Bulgulara göre, en yüksek tarla verileri 3.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarı ile Kasım ayında elde edilmekle beraber, ortalama dane verimi; 49.4-72.1 kg/da, biyolojik verim; 150.8-312.3 kg/da arasında bulunmuştur. Dane verimi üzerine 2.Faktör olan tohumluk miktarı etkili olmuştur. En yüksek dane verimi (70.0 kg/da) 3.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarında, en düşük dane verimi ise (50.9 kg/da) 0.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarında bulunmuştur.Biyolojik verim açısından ise yine tohumluk miktarı etkili olmuştur. En yüksek biyolojik verim (295.3 kg/da) 3.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarında, en düşük biyolojik verim (152.6 kg/da) 0.5 kg/daIV tohumluk miktarında elde edilmiştir. Deneme faktörlerinin uçucu yağ oranlan üzerine etkili olmamasına rağmen %0. 12-0.27 arasında saptanmış ve en iyi sonucu Kasım ayı ekimi vermiştir. Deneme faktörlerinin üzerine belirgin bir etkisi bulunmamıştır. Kişniş uçucu yağı ana bileşeni olan Linalool %94.46-97. 16 arasında varyasyon göstermiştir.Uçucu Yağ verimi üzerine de deneme faktörlerinin etkilerinin olmadığı gözlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, en yüksek uçucu yağ verimi (1.63 kg/da) 2.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarında, en düşük değer (1.06 kg/da) 0.5 kg/da tohumluk miktarında elde edilmiştir
ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF AGRONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL SPECIALITIES OF DIFFERENT SOWING TIME AND SEEDING RATE OF CULTURE CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum L.) YAMANOL, Ayşegül Msc in Agricultural Eng. Supervisor; Prof. Dr. Ayhan Ceylan May 1996, 59 pages The study is to specify some agronomic and technological spesialities of culture coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) under the ecological conditions of Bornova. Coriandrum sativum L. production were assessed in trials at Agean University, Agricultural Faculty,Field Crop Department at Bornova between 1993-1994. The experiment was conducted in Random black experiments (four reps) design with two factors by the line seeding system. As first factor different two sowing times (Nowember- January) and second one, different four seeding rates (0.5kg/da; 1.5kg/da; 2.5kg/da;3.5kg/da) was applied. By the findings, the highest field yield were obtained 3.5kg/da seeding rate in Nowember. Howover, optimum grain yield value were found 49.4- 72.1 kg/da, biological yield value were found 150.8-312.3 kg/da. It was seen that the seeding rate which is the second factor were effective on grain yield. The highest grain yield value (opt. 70.0 kg/da) is found at 3.5kg/da seeding rate, the lowest value (opt.50.9 kg/da) at 0.5 kg/da seeding rate. The seeding rates haveVI affected the biological yield. The highest biological yield (opt.295.3 kg/da) was obtained 3.5 kg/da seeding rate and the lowest biological yield (opt. 152.6 kg/da) was obtained 0.5 kg/da seeding rate. Although Essential Oil Ratio was affected by the sowing times and seeding rates, it was determined from 0.12 to 0.27 % and also Nowember, among the sowing times experimented, gave the highest essential oil ratio. Different sowing times and seeding rates haven't affected the composition of essential oil. The main compenent of this composition was determined from 94. 46 to 97.16 %. Essential oil yield was no affected by the all factor used in this study. However the highest value of essential oil yield (Oft 1.63 kg/da) was obtained 2.5 kg/da seeding rate, the lowest value (1.06 kg/da) was obtained 0.5 kg/da seeding rate.
ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF AGRONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL SPECIALITIES OF DIFFERENT SOWING TIME AND SEEDING RATE OF CULTURE CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum L.) YAMANOL, Ayşegül Msc in Agricultural Eng. Supervisor; Prof. Dr. Ayhan Ceylan May 1996, 59 pages The study is to specify some agronomic and technological spesialities of culture coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) under the ecological conditions of Bornova. Coriandrum sativum L. production were assessed in trials at Agean University, Agricultural Faculty,Field Crop Department at Bornova between 1993-1994. The experiment was conducted in Random black experiments (four reps) design with two factors by the line seeding system. As first factor different two sowing times (Nowember- January) and second one, different four seeding rates (0.5kg/da; 1.5kg/da; 2.5kg/da;3.5kg/da) was applied. By the findings, the highest field yield were obtained 3.5kg/da seeding rate in Nowember. Howover, optimum grain yield value were found 49.4- 72.1 kg/da, biological yield value were found 150.8-312.3 kg/da. It was seen that the seeding rate which is the second factor were effective on grain yield. The highest grain yield value (opt. 70.0 kg/da) is found at 3.5kg/da seeding rate, the lowest value (opt.50.9 kg/da) at 0.5 kg/da seeding rate. The seeding rates haveVI affected the biological yield. The highest biological yield (opt.295.3 kg/da) was obtained 3.5 kg/da seeding rate and the lowest biological yield (opt. 152.6 kg/da) was obtained 0.5 kg/da seeding rate. Although Essential Oil Ratio was affected by the sowing times and seeding rates, it was determined from 0.12 to 0.27 % and also Nowember, among the sowing times experimented, gave the highest essential oil ratio. Different sowing times and seeding rates haven't affected the composition of essential oil. The main compenent of this composition was determined from 94. 46 to 97.16 %. Essential oil yield was no affected by the all factor used in this study. However the highest value of essential oil yield (Oft 1.63 kg/da) was obtained 2.5 kg/da seeding rate, the lowest value (1.06 kg/da) was obtained 0.5 kg/da seeding rate.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agronomik özellikler, Agronomic characteristics, Ekim zamanı, Sowing date, Kişniş, Coriander, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Teknolojik özellikler, Technological properties, Tohumlar, Seeds