Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin motivasyonel durumlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Motivasyon, insan davranışlarının belirli amaçlar doğrulutusunda yönlendirilmesi şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Motivasyon 2 yönlü olmaktadır. Birincisi, insanın gösterdiği davranışların nedenlerinin araştırılması, ikincisi ise nedenleri bilinen insan davranışlarının belirli amaçlar doğrultusunda yönlendirilmesidir. Hastane ortamında motivasyon çok önemlidir. Yeterli hasta bakımının sağlanması için etkin olarak görev yapan insana ihtiyaç vardır. Hemşirelerin vardiya sisteminde çalışması, uyku düzensizliği, fiziksel koşulların yetersizliği, mesleki riskler ve stress yaratıcı etmenlerle çok sık karşılaşılması, iş doyumsuzluğu yaratmakta, performansın düşmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada yönetici moivasyon araçlarından faydalanmalıdır. Hemşirelerin motivasyonel durumlarını, motivasyon araçlarını kullanma durumu ve her bir motivasyon aracına ilişkin motivasyon düzeyleri, yönetici- işgören ilişkisini belirlemek amacı ile planlanan bu çalışmanın örneklemini Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerden ulaşılabilen 181 hemşire oluşturmaktadır. Tüm hemşirelerin sayısı 205 olup, evrene ulaşma oranı % 88.72'dir. Bu araştırma, tanımlayıcı ve kısmen analitik bir çalışma olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri hemşirelerin sosyo-demografik öelliklerini, motivasyonel durumlarını ve yönetici-işgören ilişikilerine yönelik motivasyon düzeylerini içeren 3 bölümlük bir anket formu uygulanarak elde edilmiştir. Anket formunun motivasyon araçlarına ilişkin bölümünde bulunan araçların geçerlilik değerleri r=0.53-0.83, güvenirlilik katsayısı r=0.88, yönetici-işgören ilişkisine yönelik olan bölümün geçerlilik değerleri r=0.42-0.65, güvenirlilik katsayısı rs0.91'dir. Araştırmada veriler yüzdelik hesapları, varyans analizi ve t testi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde; hemşirelerin orta motivasyon düzeyinde (2.56) olduğu, yüzyüze haberleşme olanağına ilişkin yüksek (4.37) motivasyon düzeyinde, gelişme ve başarı olanağı (3.22) yetki ve sorumululuk (3.00), karara katılma (2.83) sosyal katılma (2.74), kontrol düzeyi (2.70), çevreye uyum (2.43) değer ve statü (2.39) ve fiziksel koşullarailişkin (2.39) orta motivasyon düzeyinde, başarının ödüllendirilmesi (2.29), maaş (2.29), eğitim ve yükselme (2.00) amaç birliği (1.82) ve sosyal uğraşlara ilişkin (1.38) düşük motivasyon düzeyinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Evli hemşirelerin motivasyon düzeyi, bekar hemşirelere göre, devamlı gündüz çalışan hemşirelerin ise vardiya çalışan hemşirelere göre motivasyon düzeyi daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe, kararlara katılma, değer ve statü, başarının ödüllendirilmesi, eğitimde ve yükselme ve kontrol düzeyine ilişkin motivasyon düzeyinin düştüğü saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin kararlara katılma, sosyal katılma, kontrol düzeyi, değer ve statü ve başarının ödüllendirilmesine ilişkin motivasyon düzeyleri ile çalışma yılları arasında yapalın analizde grublar arasında fark önemli bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin yönetici-işgönen ilişkisine yönelik orta motivasyon düzeyinde (2.85) oiduğu saptanmıştır. Sorumlu hemşirelerin yönetici-işgören ilişkisinin, sosyo-demografik grafik özellikler ve çalışma durumlarına ilişkin bulgulara göre farklılık göstermediği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin yönetici-işgören ilişkisi, medeni durum, görev alanları, çalışma süreleri ve çalışma şekillerine göre farklılık göstermiştir. Bu bilgiler ışığında, başarının ödüllendirilmesi, eğitim ve yükselmede fırsat eşitliğinin sağlanması, bireysel ve örgütsel amaçların uyumlandırılması ve kararlara katılma olanaklarının sağlanmasına ilişkin motivasyon araçlarının kullanılması ve bu konularda yeniden düzenlemeler yapılması önerilmiştir
Motivation is defined as motivating human behaviour to wards certain aims motivation is of two kinds. The first is achieved by searching the reasons of human behaviour, the second is achieved by directing human behaviour the reasons of which are known towards certain aims. Motivation is very important in hospital environment. Those serving effectively are needed to obtain saticfactory patient care. It creates dissatisfection and causes decrease of performancee that the nurses work in shifting hours, they have irregular sleepinghours, they work under insufficient physical conditions and that they often face proffessional risks and stress-creating effects. At this point, the unit manager must use the motivational means.. Of the nurses working at Atatürk University Research and application Hospital 181 whom we could reach from the samples of this study which was planned to determine the motivational conditions of the nurses, the manner of use of motivation means, and the relations between the administrator and the employees. Total number of the nurses was 205 and the rate of the totality reach is 88.72 %. This investigation was conducted to be both definitive and partially analythical. The resulting data has been obtained by a three stage questionaire including the socie-demographical features, the motivational conditions of the nurses and the motivational levels towards administrator-emplayee relations. The validity coefficient of the means included in the section related to the motivational means in the questionaire is r=0.53-0.83, the coefficient of reliability is r=0.88, the validity coefficient of the section related to the administrator- employee relations is r=0.42-0.65, and the coefficient of reliability is r=0.91. In this research, the percentage calculations were evaluated by applying variant analyses and "t" test. When the findings obtained through this research have been evaluated the following data have been determined: the nurses were of a mid-level (2.56) motivation, they had high (4.37) motivation in terms of face-to-face communication facilities; the progress and success facility (3.22), authority and responsibility (3.00), contribution to the decisions (2.83), joining social activities (2.74), overcontrol level (2.70), social integration (2.43), value andstatus (2.39); In terms of physical conditions: mid-level, motivation (2.39), admiration of success (2.29), payment (2.29), training and progress (2.00); unity of common aims (1.82); and in terms of social activities (1.38) low-level. The motivation level of married nurses as compared to that of the single ones and the motivation level of nurses serving continuosly daytime as compared to that of those serving in day-and night shift was found to be higher. It, has been determined that the motivation level in joining the decisions, value and status, admiration of success, training and progress, and the overcontrol level decreased as the education level of the nurses went up. As a result of the analysis made between the years of service and the motivation levels concerning the joining of decisions, social integration, overcontrol level, value and status, and admiration of success the distinction between the gruops has been found to be significant. It has been determined that the nurses were of mid- level (2\85) motivation level in terms of administrator-employee relations. It has also been dedermined that the unit managers showed no differences in trems of socio-demographical and occupational conditions of the administrator-employee relations. The administrator-employee relations of the nurses have proved to be different according to marital status, occupational fields, working periods, and the working status. In the light of these findings, it has been recommended that the motivational means related to admiration of success the opportunity equality in training and progress, the accordance of individual and organisational aims, and facilitating the joining in decisions be used and that revisions be made in these regards.
Motivation is defined as motivating human behaviour to wards certain aims motivation is of two kinds. The first is achieved by searching the reasons of human behaviour, the second is achieved by directing human behaviour the reasons of which are known towards certain aims. Motivation is very important in hospital environment. Those serving effectively are needed to obtain saticfactory patient care. It creates dissatisfection and causes decrease of performancee that the nurses work in shifting hours, they have irregular sleepinghours, they work under insufficient physical conditions and that they often face proffessional risks and stress-creating effects. At this point, the unit manager must use the motivational means.. Of the nurses working at Atatürk University Research and application Hospital 181 whom we could reach from the samples of this study which was planned to determine the motivational conditions of the nurses, the manner of use of motivation means, and the relations between the administrator and the employees. Total number of the nurses was 205 and the rate of the totality reach is 88.72 %. This investigation was conducted to be both definitive and partially analythical. The resulting data has been obtained by a three stage questionaire including the socie-demographical features, the motivational conditions of the nurses and the motivational levels towards administrator-emplayee relations. The validity coefficient of the means included in the section related to the motivational means in the questionaire is r=0.53-0.83, the coefficient of reliability is r=0.88, the validity coefficient of the section related to the administrator- employee relations is r=0.42-0.65, and the coefficient of reliability is r=0.91. In this research, the percentage calculations were evaluated by applying variant analyses and "t" test. When the findings obtained through this research have been evaluated the following data have been determined: the nurses were of a mid-level (2.56) motivation, they had high (4.37) motivation in terms of face-to-face communication facilities; the progress and success facility (3.22), authority and responsibility (3.00), contribution to the decisions (2.83), joining social activities (2.74), overcontrol level (2.70), social integration (2.43), value andstatus (2.39); In terms of physical conditions: mid-level, motivation (2.39), admiration of success (2.29), payment (2.29), training and progress (2.00); unity of common aims (1.82); and in terms of social activities (1.38) low-level. The motivation level of married nurses as compared to that of the single ones and the motivation level of nurses serving continuosly daytime as compared to that of those serving in day-and night shift was found to be higher. It, has been determined that the motivation level in joining the decisions, value and status, admiration of success, training and progress, and the overcontrol level decreased as the education level of the nurses went up. As a result of the analysis made between the years of service and the motivation levels concerning the joining of decisions, social integration, overcontrol level, value and status, and admiration of success the distinction between the gruops has been found to be significant. It has been determined that the nurses were of mid- level (2\85) motivation level in terms of administrator-employee relations. It has also been dedermined that the unit managers showed no differences in trems of socio-demographical and occupational conditions of the administrator-employee relations. The administrator-employee relations of the nurses have proved to be different according to marital status, occupational fields, working periods, and the working status. In the light of these findings, it has been recommended that the motivational means related to admiration of success the opportunity equality in training and progress, the accordance of individual and organisational aims, and facilitating the joining in decisions be used and that revisions be made in these regards.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Hemşireler, Nurses, Motivasyon, Motivation