Sedatif müziğin preoperatif kaygı düzeyine intraoperatif kan basıncı ve nabız parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
69 ÖZET Bu araştırmada spinal-epidural anestezi planlanan inguinal hemi tamiri yapılacak hastalarda sedatif müzik kullanımının preoperatif dönemde yapılan hasta eğitimi esnasında durumluk kaygı düzeyine, intraoperatif dönemde de sistolik-diastolik kan basıncı ve nabız değerlerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniklerinde 15.9.1997-15.7.1998 tarihleri arasında yatan, inguinal herni tamiri yapılan spinal-epidural anestezi uygulanan, olasıiıksız örneklem yöntemi ile seçilen 40 hasta ile yapılmıştır. Hastalar deney ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Deney grubundaki hastalara preoperatif hasta eğitimi süresince ve ameliyat süresince sedatif müzik dinletilmiş, kontrol grubuna ise dinletilmemiştir. Veriler yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, medeni durum, anestezi şekli, ameliyat süreleri, sevdikleri müzik türü, eğitim öncesi ve sonrası durumluk kaygı değeri, sürekli kaygı değeri, preoperatif ve intraoperatif sistolik- diastolik kan basıncı ortalamaları olarak kayıt edilmiştir. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, eğitim durumu, medeni durumu, anestezi şekli, ameliyat süreleri, sevdikleri müzik türü açısından her iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak fark yoktur. Grupların homojenliği sağlanmıştır. (P>0.0 1 ) Preoperatif müzik kliniğe ait radyo teyp ile, intraoperatif dönemde de araştırıcıya ait walkmenle sağlanmıştır. Preoperatif hasta eğitimi esnasında70 kaygı düzeyi durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri ile ölçülmüştür. Sistolik- diastolik karı basıncı kliniklere ait tansiyon aleti ile ölçülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde sayı, % ki-kare, WILCOXON eşleştirilmiş iki örnek testi, Kovaryans analizi, Korelesyon testi, FRIEDMAN iki yönlü ANOVA testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre preoperatif hasta eğitimi esnasında müzik dinleyen grupta durumluk kaygı düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur.(P<0.05) Her iki grupta uygulanan sürekli kaygı düzeyleri ile durumluk kaygı düzeyleri arasında doğrusal bir orantı bulunmuştur.(P<0.05) Ameliyat sırasında hastalara walkmenle sedatif müzik dinletme ile preoperatif ve intraoperatif sistolik-diastolik kan basıncı ve nabız arasında bir düşüş olmasına rağmen istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. (P>0. 05) Ameliyat sırasında hastalara walkmenle sedatif müzik dinletmenin sistolik-diastolik kan basıncı ve nabız üzerine olumlu stabilleştirici etkisi olduğu görülmüştür.(P<0.05) Uygulama sonucunda hastalar bu uygulamayı çok rahatlatıcı bulduklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırmanın sonucunda; sedatif müziğin durumluk kaygı düzeyini azalttığı, sistolik -diastolik kan basıncı ve nabzı stabilleştirdiği bulunmuştur.7i Hastalar için oldukça stresli olan preoperatif dönemin neden olacağı duramluk kaygı düzeylerindeki artış sedatif müzik kullanımı ile azaltılabilir. Ameliyathane şartlarında spinal-epidural anestezi uygulanan hastaların kaygıya bağlı oluşabilecek sistolik-diastolik kan basıncı ve nabız değişikliklerini önlemek ve uyanık oldukları ameliyat süresince hoş vakit geçirmelerini sağlamak amacıyla walkmenle müzik dinletilebilir. Müzik kullanımı preoperatif ve intraoperatif dönemde hastalara psikolojik yardımı içeren bir hemşirelik işlevi olarak kullanılabilir. Bu araştırmada denek sayısının daha fazla tutularak yapılması, anestezi ekibi, ameliyat ekibi ve hemşirelerin bu işlemin hastaya psikolojik destek amaçlı yapıldığı konusunda bilinçlendirilmesi önerilir
72 SUMMARY In this research, the effect of the use of sedative music on anxiety state level during the patient education in pre operative period and systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse values in intra operative period on the patients who are planned to have spinal-epidural anaesthesia and inguinal hernia repair is examined. The research has been carried out by coincidental sampling method with 40 patients hospitalised at Department of General Surgery of Atatürk Educational Hospital between the dates September 15, 1997 and July 15,1998 and who have had spinal-epidural anaesthesia applied inguinal hernia repair. Patients have been splited into two groups as experimental and control groups. Patients in the experimental group have been made to listen the sedative music during preoperative patient education period but the control group have not been. The data has been registered as age, educational level, marital status, type of anaesthesia, surgery duration, kind of music, they like, pre and post education anxiety state value, pre operative and intra operative systolic- diastolic blood pressure averages. There is no statistical difference among the two groups as educational level, marital status, type of anaesthesia, surgery duration, kind of duration, kind of music they like. The homogeneity of the groups has been suppüed.(P 0.01)73 Pre operative music has been supplied by a clinic owned radio/tape player and by researcher owned walkman during intra operative period. Anxiety level has been measured by state-trait anxiety inventory during pre operative period patient education. Systolic-diastolic blood pressure has been measured by clinic owned blood pressure monitor. Number, %, chi-square, two WILCOXON paired samples test, COVERIANCE analysis, Correlation test, FRIEDMAN two way ANOVA test have been used for the data analysis. According to the research results, statistically meaningful difference at anxiety state level has been found at the music listening group during pre operative patient education. (P <0.05) A direct proportion has been found between trait anxiety level and state anxiety level which is applied to both groups. (P <0.05) No statistical meaningful difference has been found by making patients to listen to sedative music with walkman, though there is a decrease of pre operative and intra operative and intra operative systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse. (P> 0.05) Positive stabilising effect on. systolic-diastolic blood pressure and pulse has been seen by making patients to listen to sedative music by walkman during the operation. (p <0.05) As the result of application, patients stated that they have found this application very relaxing.74 As the result of the research: sedative music has been found as decreasing anxiety state level and stabilising systolic-diastolic blood pressure and pulse. Increase in anxiety state level caused by pre operative period which is pretty stressful for the patients can be decreased by the use of sedative music. The music broadcast can be given as general music broadcast at the hospitals. At the operation room conditions, the music can be made to be listened by walkman, in order to prevent anxiety connected systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse differences of spinal-epidural anaesthesia applied patients and for the purpose of making them have a good time during the operation. The use of music can be used as a nursing function containing psychological aid to patients during pre operative and intra operative periods. It is suggested that this research shall be made conscious that this application is carried out for aiming psychological support to the patient.
72 SUMMARY In this research, the effect of the use of sedative music on anxiety state level during the patient education in pre operative period and systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse values in intra operative period on the patients who are planned to have spinal-epidural anaesthesia and inguinal hernia repair is examined. The research has been carried out by coincidental sampling method with 40 patients hospitalised at Department of General Surgery of Atatürk Educational Hospital between the dates September 15, 1997 and July 15,1998 and who have had spinal-epidural anaesthesia applied inguinal hernia repair. Patients have been splited into two groups as experimental and control groups. Patients in the experimental group have been made to listen the sedative music during preoperative patient education period but the control group have not been. The data has been registered as age, educational level, marital status, type of anaesthesia, surgery duration, kind of music, they like, pre and post education anxiety state value, pre operative and intra operative systolic- diastolic blood pressure averages. There is no statistical difference among the two groups as educational level, marital status, type of anaesthesia, surgery duration, kind of duration, kind of music they like. The homogeneity of the groups has been suppüed.(P 0.01)73 Pre operative music has been supplied by a clinic owned radio/tape player and by researcher owned walkman during intra operative period. Anxiety level has been measured by state-trait anxiety inventory during pre operative period patient education. Systolic-diastolic blood pressure has been measured by clinic owned blood pressure monitor. Number, %, chi-square, two WILCOXON paired samples test, COVERIANCE analysis, Correlation test, FRIEDMAN two way ANOVA test have been used for the data analysis. According to the research results, statistically meaningful difference at anxiety state level has been found at the music listening group during pre operative patient education. (P <0.05) A direct proportion has been found between trait anxiety level and state anxiety level which is applied to both groups. (P <0.05) No statistical meaningful difference has been found by making patients to listen to sedative music with walkman, though there is a decrease of pre operative and intra operative and intra operative systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse. (P> 0.05) Positive stabilising effect on. systolic-diastolic blood pressure and pulse has been seen by making patients to listen to sedative music by walkman during the operation. (p <0.05) As the result of application, patients stated that they have found this application very relaxing.74 As the result of the research: sedative music has been found as decreasing anxiety state level and stabilising systolic-diastolic blood pressure and pulse. Increase in anxiety state level caused by pre operative period which is pretty stressful for the patients can be decreased by the use of sedative music. The music broadcast can be given as general music broadcast at the hospitals. At the operation room conditions, the music can be made to be listened by walkman, in order to prevent anxiety connected systolic- diastolic blood pressure and pulse differences of spinal-epidural anaesthesia applied patients and for the purpose of making them have a good time during the operation. The use of music can be used as a nursing function containing psychological aid to patients during pre operative and intra operative periods. It is suggested that this research shall be made conscious that this application is carried out for aiming psychological support to the patient.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Anestezi, Anesthesia, Anksiyete, Anxiety, Anksiyete, Anxiety, Hemşireler, Nurses, Müzik, Music, Stres, Stress