Güneydoğu Anadolu projesi (GAP) master planı örnek tarım işletmeleri için mekanizasyon planlamasına bir yaklaşım
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi ÇGAP) sulama ve enerji projelerinin yanı sıra ekonomik ve sosyal sektörleri kapsayan entegre bir kalkınma projesidir. GAP kapsamında 3.081.170 ha gibi çok büyük bir alan ekilebilir durumdadır. Halihazırda bu alanın çok küçük bir kısmında sulu tarım uygulanmaktadır. Projenin tamamlanmasıyla 1.7 milyon hektar gibi büyük bir alan sulamaya açılacak ve bölgede tarımsal işgücü, makina/traktör ve diğer tarımsal girdiler için dikkate değer talep artışına yol açacaktır. Tarımsal girdilerin etkin biçimde uygulanmasını sağlayan mekanizasyon pahalı bir girdidir. Mekanizasyon düzeyinin yükselmesiyle üretimin karlılığı giderek artan ölçüde mekanizasyon maliyetine bağlı olmaktadır. Bu nedenle uygun mekanizasyon sistem seçimi ve bunların etkin kullanımı amaçlarına yönelik mekanizasyon planlaması çalışmaları büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada iki Doğrusal Programlama (DP) modelinin altyordam olarak kullanıldığı bir benzetim (Simülasyon) modeli oluşturulmuştur. Bu model yardımıyla GAP Master Planı örnek tarım işletmeleri için; (i) işletmenin gelirini en büyükleyen optimum ürün desenini saptamak, (i i) bu ürün deseninin üretiminde gereken Traktör/Makina ve İşçilik kapasitelerinin seçimi amaçlanmıştır. Model; (i) İşçilik, Alan, Traktör ve Makina gibi sınırlı kaynakların optimum bileşimini sağlayacak olan kısıt denk 1 em ler iyle, (i i) maximum net geliri amaçlayan amaç fonksiyonunu içermektedir. Sistemin fiziksel sınırlarının açıklanabilmesi için model alan, traktör/makina şeklinde iki tip kısıt denklemini içermektedir. Modelin girdileri; öngörülen üretim alanları, üretimde gerek duyulan işlemler için traktör/makina zamanı gereksinim leri, her bir periyottaki çalışılabilir zaman sunuları, mekanizasyon ve işçilik maliyetleridir.68 Bu çalışmada kurulan Doğrusal Programlama (DP) Modellerinin çözümü NAG (Numerical Algorithm Group) kitaplığında bulunan H01ADF altyordamı yardımıyla yapılmıştır. H01ADF altyordamına ait parametreler FORTRAN 77 Bilgisayar Programlama dilinde yazılan yardımcı program vasıtasıyla verilmiştir. H01ADF altyordamına ulaşmada ve yardımcı programın çalıştırılmasında Ege üniversitesi Bilgisayar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (BAUM) Görüntü Makina (VM) olanağından faydalanılmıştır. GAP Master Planı örnek tarım işletmeleri için uygulanan mekanizasyon sistem seçim analizi sonucunda ; (i) öngörülen ürün seçenekleri arasından farklı büyüklükteki işletmelerin net gelirlerini en büyükleyen ürün desenleri, (i i) bu ürün desenlerinin üret iminde gerekli traktör/makina ve işçilik kapasiteleri belirlenmiştir. Seçilen ürün desenlerinin yüksek verimli ve gelir getirici olması nedeniyle küçük işletme birimleri 'nde dahi (2 ha'lık) seçilen traktör/makina setinin kullanımı ekonomik olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dikkate alınan alternatif mekanizasyon sistemle rinde; traktör gücünün artması ve makina performans değerlerinin yükselmesiyle sistemin toplam insan işgücü gereksiniminin azaldığı ve ayrıca insan işgücü birimine düşen net gelirinde arttığı belirlenmiştir
69 SUMMARY Besides irrigation and energy projects: Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP) is an integrated development project which also comprises economical and social sectors. In the GAP region 3.081.170 ha is in cultivable condition. Intensive farming has been practised in a quite small part of this area. With the completion of the irrigation projects, as cited in the GAP, will result in considerably increased demand for labour, machinery and tractors in the region. Mechanization is an expensive input which provides the application of the agricultural inputs efficiently. As the mechanization level rises, profitability of the production depend on mechanization cost with an increasing rate. For this reason appropriate mechanization system choice and mechanization planning studies which aim the efficient use of the systems that earns greater importance. In the study, a simulation model which uses two Linear Programming (LP) models as a subroutine was created. With the help of the model for the sample farms, as cited in the GAP Master Plan, it was aimed to choose; (i) optimum crop pattern which maximizes net revenue of the farm, (ii) tractor /machinery and labour capacities which is required in production of the fixed crop pattern. Models include; (i) constraint equations which provide optimum compounds of the bounded sources such as labour, crop area, tractor, machinery, (ii) an objective function which aims the maximum net revenue. For the description of the physical boundries of the system, model includes two different type of constraint equations: land, tractor and machinery time requirements. The inputs to the model were crop areas planned, tractor/ machinery time requirements of mechanization operations, the workable hours available in each period, mechanization and labour costs.70 In the study, the solution of the LP models were taken by a subroutine in the NAG ('Numerical Algorithm Group) library called H01ADF. The parameters to the H01ADF subroutine were provided by an auxilary program which was written in FORTRAN 77 programming language. A terminal of the computer system of the Computer Research and Application Center ÇBAUM) of the Ege University, was used for accessing H01ADF subroutine and running the auxilary program As a result of the appropriate mechanization system selections for the sample farms given in the GAP Master Plan; (i) the optimum crop pattern which maximizes net revenue of the farm, (ii) tractor/machinery and labour capacities required for this optimum system were determined. Due to the high yield and profit making characteristics of the selected crop patterns, the use of the tractor and its matching machinery sets would be economical even for small scale farms of 2 ha. Within the alternative mechanization systems taken into consideration in this study, as the tractor power and the machinery performance are increased, it has been determined that the total labour requirement decreases and the net profit per labour increases.
69 SUMMARY Besides irrigation and energy projects: Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP) is an integrated development project which also comprises economical and social sectors. In the GAP region 3.081.170 ha is in cultivable condition. Intensive farming has been practised in a quite small part of this area. With the completion of the irrigation projects, as cited in the GAP, will result in considerably increased demand for labour, machinery and tractors in the region. Mechanization is an expensive input which provides the application of the agricultural inputs efficiently. As the mechanization level rises, profitability of the production depend on mechanization cost with an increasing rate. For this reason appropriate mechanization system choice and mechanization planning studies which aim the efficient use of the systems that earns greater importance. In the study, a simulation model which uses two Linear Programming (LP) models as a subroutine was created. With the help of the model for the sample farms, as cited in the GAP Master Plan, it was aimed to choose; (i) optimum crop pattern which maximizes net revenue of the farm, (ii) tractor /machinery and labour capacities which is required in production of the fixed crop pattern. Models include; (i) constraint equations which provide optimum compounds of the bounded sources such as labour, crop area, tractor, machinery, (ii) an objective function which aims the maximum net revenue. For the description of the physical boundries of the system, model includes two different type of constraint equations: land, tractor and machinery time requirements. The inputs to the model were crop areas planned, tractor/ machinery time requirements of mechanization operations, the workable hours available in each period, mechanization and labour costs.70 In the study, the solution of the LP models were taken by a subroutine in the NAG ('Numerical Algorithm Group) library called H01ADF. The parameters to the H01ADF subroutine were provided by an auxilary program which was written in FORTRAN 77 programming language. A terminal of the computer system of the Computer Research and Application Center ÇBAUM) of the Ege University, was used for accessing H01ADF subroutine and running the auxilary program As a result of the appropriate mechanization system selections for the sample farms given in the GAP Master Plan; (i) the optimum crop pattern which maximizes net revenue of the farm, (ii) tractor/machinery and labour capacities required for this optimum system were determined. Due to the high yield and profit making characteristics of the selected crop patterns, the use of the tractor and its matching machinery sets would be economical even for small scale farms of 2 ha. Within the alternative mechanization systems taken into consideration in this study, as the tractor power and the machinery performance are increased, it has been determined that the total labour requirement decreases and the net profit per labour increases.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, GAP, Southeastern Anatolian Project, Makineleşme, Mechanization, Tarım işletmeleri, Agricultural enterprises, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery