Açık ve kapalı ilmek yapılarının bazı çözgülü örme kumaşların fiziksel özelliklerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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rv ÖZET AÇIK VE KAPALI İLMEK YAPILARININ BAZI ÇÖZGÜLÖ ÖRME KUMAŞLARIN FİZİKSEL ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİSİ TERCAN, Mevlüt Doktora Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Arif KURBAK Ağustos 1998, 150 sayfa Bu çalışmada, açık ve kapalı ilmek yapılarının çözgülü örme kumaşların bir takım fiziksel özelliklerini etkileme şekli araşfcnlmıştır. Bu amaçla, akrilik (PAC), poliester (PES) ve pamuk iplikleri kullanılarak, firanse, triko ve tuch örgülerinin açık ve kapalı ilmekli türlerini içeren toplam 6 değişik örgü türünde numuneler üretilmiş ve bu numunelerin üzerinde boyutsal değişim analizi, patlama mukavemeti, sürtünme mukavemeti, gramaj, kalınlık, toplam uzama (streç) ve kalıcı uzama testleri yapılmıştır. Söz konusu testlerden boyutsal değişim analizi için, atkı örmeciliğinde yapılan çalışmalara benzer şekilde, numuneler kuru relaksasyon, yaş relaksasyon ve yıkama işlemlerine tabi tutulmuş ve her işlemden sonra numune üzerinde en ve boy ölçümü ile yalnızca kuru relaksasyondan sonra ümek iplik uzunluğu ölçümü yapılmışta-. Daha sonra bu ölçümlerden yararlanılarak ilmek yüksekliği, ilmek genişliği, ilmek iplik uzunluğu ve ilmek yoğunluğu her numune için bulunup, bunlardan bağımsız değişken olarak alman ilmek iplik uzunluğuyla diğerleri arasındaki ilişki istatistiksel olarak incelenmiş ve genelde ilmek parametreleri arasındaki ilişkinin doğrusallığının örgü türüne göre değiştiği anlaşılmıştır. Patlama mukavemeti, sürtünme mukavemeti, gramaj ve kalınlık testlerinin her biri için her bir numune üzerinde 5'şer ölçüm yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler her bir örgü türü için istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçta materyalden bağımsız olarak, ilmeklerin açıkveya kapalı oluşunun alt yatırımın büyüklüğüyle birlikte örgülerin patlama ve sürtünme mukavemetini etkilediği, bununla birlikte iplik kopma mukavemetiyle örgülerin sürtünme ve patlama mukavemetlerinin doğru orantılı olduğu görülmüştür. Gramaj ve kalınlık özelliklerinde ise ilmeğin açık veya kapalı oluşunun pek etkili olmadığı, bunun yerine ilmek yoğunluğunun etkili olduğu, ayrıca iplik numarasıyla gramaj ve kalınlığın doğru orantılı olarak değiştiği anlaşılmıştır. Toplam uzama ve kalıcı uzama testlerinin her birisi için de, her bir numune üzerinde 5 'şer ölçüm yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler her bir örgü türü için istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçta ilmek yapısının açık veya kapalı olusunun örgülerin toplam uzaması ve kalıcı uzaması üzerinde etkili olmadığı, benzer şekilde iplik kopma uzamasıyla numunelerin toplam uzaması ve kalıcı uzaması arasındada doğru orantı olmadığı, söz konusu uzama değerleri üzerinde daha çok örgü konstrüksiyonunun ve özellikle alt yatırımın şeklinin ve büyüklüğünün etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Sözcükler : Çözgülü örme, açık ilmek, kapalı ilmek, kumaş geometrisi
VI ABSTRACT THE AFFECT OF OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP STRUCTURES ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME WARP KNITTED FABRICS TERCAN, Mevlüt Ph. D. in Textile Engineering Super visor: Prof. Dr. Arif KURBAK August 1998, 150 pages In this work, the affect of open and closed loop structures on some mechanical properties of warp knitted fabrics was investigated. For this purpose, the samples which are franse, tricot and tuch knits which include the open and closed loop structures in 6 kinds of knits were produced using PAC, PES and cotton yarns and dimensional stabilities, bursting strengths, friction resistance, weights, thicknesses, total elongations and permanent elongations of this samples were tested. The treatments of dry relaxation, wet relaxation and washing were applied on the samples and after every process length and width measurements were made on and the loop yarn length measurements were made only dry relaxed samples for the dimensional stability tests similar to works in weft knitting. After that, for every sample loop height, loop width, loop yarn length and the loop density were found using these measurements. The relation between the loop yarn length which is the free variable and the others was examined statistically and it was understood that the linearity of relation between loop parameters change according to kind of knit. Five measurements were made on each sample for each of bursting strength, friction resistance, weight and thickness and the data obtained were examined statistically for each kind of knit. Finally it was understood that, the open and closed loop structures and the underlap, effected the bursting strength and friction resistance free from material,however the friction resistance and the bursting strength of knits were directly proportional with yarn strength. For weight and thickness properties it was understood that, the open and closed loop is not effective so much and loop density is more effective, however weight and thickness are directly proportional with yarn counts. Five measurements were made on each sample for each of total elongation and permanent elongation and the data obtained were examined as statistical for each kind of knit. Finally, it was understood that, the open and closed loop structure is not effective on total and permanent elongations of knits and there is not direct proportion between yarn breakage elongation and total elongations and permanent elongations of the samples, knitting structure and the shape of underlap are more effective on the elongations mentioned above. Key words : Warp knitting, open loop, closed loop, fabric geometry
VI ABSTRACT THE AFFECT OF OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP STRUCTURES ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME WARP KNITTED FABRICS TERCAN, Mevlüt Ph. D. in Textile Engineering Super visor: Prof. Dr. Arif KURBAK August 1998, 150 pages In this work, the affect of open and closed loop structures on some mechanical properties of warp knitted fabrics was investigated. For this purpose, the samples which are franse, tricot and tuch knits which include the open and closed loop structures in 6 kinds of knits were produced using PAC, PES and cotton yarns and dimensional stabilities, bursting strengths, friction resistance, weights, thicknesses, total elongations and permanent elongations of this samples were tested. The treatments of dry relaxation, wet relaxation and washing were applied on the samples and after every process length and width measurements were made on and the loop yarn length measurements were made only dry relaxed samples for the dimensional stability tests similar to works in weft knitting. After that, for every sample loop height, loop width, loop yarn length and the loop density were found using these measurements. The relation between the loop yarn length which is the free variable and the others was examined statistically and it was understood that the linearity of relation between loop parameters change according to kind of knit. Five measurements were made on each sample for each of bursting strength, friction resistance, weight and thickness and the data obtained were examined statistically for each kind of knit. Finally it was understood that, the open and closed loop structures and the underlap, effected the bursting strength and friction resistance free from material,however the friction resistance and the bursting strength of knits were directly proportional with yarn strength. For weight and thickness properties it was understood that, the open and closed loop is not effective so much and loop density is more effective, however weight and thickness are directly proportional with yarn counts. Five measurements were made on each sample for each of total elongation and permanent elongation and the data obtained were examined as statistical for each kind of knit. Finally, it was understood that, the open and closed loop structure is not effective on total and permanent elongations of knits and there is not direct proportion between yarn breakage elongation and total elongations and permanent elongations of the samples, knitting structure and the shape of underlap are more effective on the elongations mentioned above. Key words : Warp knitting, open loop, closed loop, fabric geometry
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Fiziksel özellikler, Physical properties, Kumaşlar, Fabrics, Örme kumaşlar, Knitted fabrics, İlmek, Loop