Gebelik döneminde epileptik nöbet geçiren sıçanların yenidoğan (P1) cerebellumlarının histolojik olarak incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Günümüze kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, epileptik annelere ait yenidoğanların klinik bakılarını gösteren ve alınacak önlemleri içeren çalışmalar yetersizdir. Dünya standartlarına uygun sağlıklı yeni nesiller oluşturma hedeflerine katkıda bulunmak adına hamile epileptik deneysel modeliyle yenidoğan cerebellumlarının incelenmesi amaçlandı. Bu araştırmada 225-250 gr ağırlığında genç sıçanlara hamileliğin 13.gününde stereotaksi aleti ile intrahippocampal CA3 bölgesine 400 IU penisilin-G uygulaması yapılarak ratlar (n=6) akut grand mal epileptik nöbet geçirilmeleri sağlandı.İkinci gruba intrahippokampal serum fizyolojik uygulanarak sham (n=6) kabul edildi. Üçüncü grup ise kontrol olarak cerrahi işlem yapılmadan bırakıldı.(n=6). Kafeslere ayrılan sıçanların doğum yapması beklendi. Neonatal 1. gündeki sıçanlara(Pl) letal doz anestezi altında intrakardiyak perfüzyon ile tespit edilen yenidoğan cerebellumlan ışık ve elektron mikroskopik olarak değerlendirildi. Kontrol ve serum fizyolojik uygulanan deneklerin yenidoğan gruplarında, yenidoğan cerebellumuna özgü histogenesisin migrasyon ve maturasyonun devamını gösteren bulgular saptandı. Geç embriyonal dönem cerebellum korteks histolojisinde görülen eksternal granüler tabaka, medial zon ve internal granüler tabaka katmanlarına uygunluk gösterdi. Epileptik sıçanlara ait yenidoğan cerebellum korteksinde ise daha erken embriyonal dönem cerebellar korteksine ait yapısal bulgular özellikle dendritler ve aksonal filopodia, interselüler aralık yoğunluğu ve medial zondaki purkinje perikary onlarının çok sıralı yerleşimleri gözlemlenerek değerlendirildi. Deney gruplarına ait purkinje hücre perikaryonların iç granüler tabakanın susbtantia alba'ya bakan bölgelerinde de saptanması migrasyondaki gecikmeyi ortaya koydu. Sonuç olarak epileptik olguların hamileliklerinin kontrolü yenidoğan bakılarına olası malformasyon ve mental retardasyon yönünden incelenmesi gereklidir. İleri çalışmalarla nörogenesise etkili çinko, omega 3 gibi preparatlarla çalışmalar desteklenmeli ve ileri araştırmalar planlanmalıdır. 82
SUMMARY Recently, studies which show clinic cares of epileptic mother's newborns and include precations have been unsufficient.While forming healty new generations according to world standarts, pregnant epileptic experimental model and newborn cerebellums experimental are supposed to investigate In this investigation 225-250 grams young rats are applied 400 IU penicilin-G in intrahippocampal CA3 region with stereotaxic device during the 13 day of pregnancy so that rats (n=6) have had acute grand mal epileptic seizure. Applying intrahippocampal saline- injection, sham (n=6) was accepted. The third group was left without doing operation as control (n=6). The rats in cages are waited to give birth. Neonatal 1 stday rats (PI) were given letal dose anestesia, newborns cerebellums which were determinated with intracardiac perfusion, light and electron microscobic studies were evaluated. In control and saline-injection groups; findings have shown the duration of migration and maturation of newborn cerebellar histogenesis. In cerebellar cortex histology; external granular layer which was seen in the late embryonal period, was compatible with medial zone and internal granular layers. Cerebellar cortex of newborn epileptic rats were evaluated by observing structural findings which belong to early embryonal period cerebellar cortex, such as dendrits and axonal filopodia, intercelular gap density and settlements of purkinje cell body in medial zone. Fixing of purkinje cell body which belongs to experiment groups in the region of internal granular level which looks at the region of substantia alba, showed the delay during migration. As a result it is necessary to investigate epileptic phenomenon in pregnancies to search the possible malformation and mental retardation. Because of the molecules such as Omega-3 and Zinc effect neurogenesis; further studies must be supported and further investigations must be planned. 83
SUMMARY Recently, studies which show clinic cares of epileptic mother's newborns and include precations have been unsufficient.While forming healty new generations according to world standarts, pregnant epileptic experimental model and newborn cerebellums experimental are supposed to investigate In this investigation 225-250 grams young rats are applied 400 IU penicilin-G in intrahippocampal CA3 region with stereotaxic device during the 13 day of pregnancy so that rats (n=6) have had acute grand mal epileptic seizure. Applying intrahippocampal saline- injection, sham (n=6) was accepted. The third group was left without doing operation as control (n=6). The rats in cages are waited to give birth. Neonatal 1 stday rats (PI) were given letal dose anestesia, newborns cerebellums which were determinated with intracardiac perfusion, light and electron microscobic studies were evaluated. In control and saline-injection groups; findings have shown the duration of migration and maturation of newborn cerebellar histogenesis. In cerebellar cortex histology; external granular layer which was seen in the late embryonal period, was compatible with medial zone and internal granular layers. Cerebellar cortex of newborn epileptic rats were evaluated by observing structural findings which belong to early embryonal period cerebellar cortex, such as dendrits and axonal filopodia, intercelular gap density and settlements of purkinje cell body in medial zone. Fixing of purkinje cell body which belongs to experiment groups in the region of internal granular level which looks at the region of substantia alba, showed the delay during migration. As a result it is necessary to investigate epileptic phenomenon in pregnancies to search the possible malformation and mental retardation. Because of the molecules such as Omega-3 and Zinc effect neurogenesis; further studies must be supported and further investigations must be planned. 83
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Morfoloji, Morphology