Dayanıklılık gelişiminde kullanılan güncel kesintili ve kesintisiz antrenman modellerinin kardiyovasküler yanıtlar üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, dayanıklılık geliştirmede kullanılan güncel antrenman modellerinin maksimal oksijen kullanım düzeyini (VO2maks) oluşturan merkezi ve periferik bileşene ait gelişim potansiyellerini ortaya koymaktı. 5 farklı yüksek yoğunluklu antrenman modelinin (HIT), yüklenme ve toparlanma fazlarına ait O2 kullanım düzeyi (VO2) ve bu değeri oluşturan kardiyak çıktı (KÇ), kalp atım hacmi (KAH), kalp atım sayısı (KAS) ve arterio-venöz O2 farkı (a-vO2farkı) yanıtları analiz edildi. Çalışmaya orta ve ileri düzeyde antrene 8 erkek bisiklet sporcusu katıldı. Uyum seanslarını takiben, sporcuların aerobik güç (V ?O2maks) düzeyleri ölçüldü ve sonrasında bireysel maksimal KÇ, KAH, a-vO2farkı, ve KAS düzeyleri (KÇmaks), (KAHmaks), (a-vO2farkı_maks), (KAS_maks), V ?O2maks'ın %40'ından %110'una kadar olan farklı egzersizlerle nitröz-oksit tekrar-soluma yöntemi kullanılarak saptandı. Daha sonra farklı günlerde rastgele şekilde beş farklı egzersiz modeli; HIT1: VO2maks'ın ~%110'una denk gelen güç çıktısıyla (p@~%110 VO2maks) 45-sn × 16 tekrar, 1:1 yüklenme/toparlanma (y/t) oranıyla kesintili model; HIT2: p@~%95VO2maks ile 3-dk × 4 tekrar, 1:1 y/t oranıyla kesintili model; HIT3: 1-dk p@~VO2maks + 4-dk p@~Anaerobik eşik (AnE) yükünde × 5 tekrar değişken yüklü kesintisiz model; HIT4: 25-dk sabit yüklü kesintisiz model; HIT5: vücut kütlesinin %7,5'i ile 30-sn × 6 tekrar, 1:7 y/t sprint yüklenme özellikli HIT modelleri maksimal eforla uygulandı. Elde edilen veriler arasındaki farklar tekrarlayan ölçüm varyans analizi sonrasında post-hoc olarak parametrik değerler LSD, nonparametrik değerler Wilcoxon testleriyle değerlendirildi. VO2maks'a %5 yakınlık kriterine göre bu düzeyde en uzun süreye HIT2 modelinde ulaşıldı (p<0.05). KÇmaks düzeyinde geçirilen süre, kesintisiz HIT3 ve HIT4 modellerinde, kesintili HIT1, HIT2 ve HIT5 modellerine oranla daha büyüktü (p<0.05). KAHmaks düzeyinde geçirilen süre HIT4 modelinde, HIT1 ve HIT2 modellerine oranla daha büyüktü (p<0.05). a-vO2farkı_maks düzeyinde geçirilen süre, HIT1 ve HIT2 modellerinde HIT3 ve HIT4 modellerine oranla daha büyüktü (p<0.05). Ulaşılan laktat düzeyi ve egzersiz sonrası yağ oksidasyonu HIT5 seansında daha yüksekti (p<0.05). Bu sonuçlar benzer VO2maks düzeyine ulaşan farklı egzersiz modellerinin, VO2maks ile ilişkili farkı bileşenlerin gelişiminde etkili olabileceğini göstermektedir. Kesintili HIT modellerinin periferik, kesintisiz HIT modellerininse VO2maks'ın merkezi bölümünü geliştirmede daha etkili olabileceği söylenebilir
The purpose of the present study was to examine the potentials of the endurance-related training methods based on central and peripheral components of maximal oxygen consumption level (VO2max). We analysed O2 consumption (VO2), cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR) and arteriovenous O2 difference (a-vO2diff) during 5 different regimes of high intensity training (HIT) loading and recovery periods for the aims. Eight well-trained male competitive cyclists take part in the study (age: 22.1±3.1 years; body mass: 66.2±8.5 kg; height: 175.4±5.2 cm; body fat: 7.2%±1.1%; V ?O2max: 64±5.61 mL?min-1?kg-1). Following familiarization sessions, VO2max was determined, and then, maximal SV, HR, Q and a-vO2diff (SVmax), (HRmax), (Qmax), (a-vO2diff_max) were evaluated using exercise intensities corresponding to 40 to 110% of VO2max separately, by nitrous-oxide re-breathing method. Thereafter, training models; HIT1: 16 repetitions with power at ~110% of VO2maks (p@~ 110%VO2maks) for 45-sec with 1:1 work and recovery (w/r) ratio, intermittent model; HIT2: 4 repetitions with p@~93%VO2maks for 3-min with 1:1 w/r ratio, intermittent model; HIT3: 1-min with p@~VO2maks and 4-min with p@anaerobic threshold (AnT) × 5 repetitions alternating continuous model; HIT4: 25-min constant-load continuous model; HIT5: 6 repetitions of 30-sec at 7,5% body weight with 1:7 w/r ratio sprint interval specific HIT model were performed. Maximal session effort prescription was adopted for all exercise sessions. After the repeated-measures analyses, possible significant differences will be investigated by post-hoc LSD test or Wilcoxon test. Time spent (Tspent) above 95% of VO2max is higher in HIT2 session than other exercise modalities (p<0.05). Tspent at Qmaks is higher in HIT3 and HIT4 sessions than Short and Long HIT (p<0.05). Tspent at SVmaks was higher in Constant-Loading HIT session than HIT1, HIT2 and HIT5 sessions (p<0.05). Tspent at a-vO2diff_max were higher HIT1 and HIT2 sessions than HIT3 and HIT4 sessions. Maximal lactate and maximal post exercise fat oxidation were attained in HIT5 session (p<0.05). These results show that different exercise modalities reaching similar VO2max levels may be effective in the development of different components associated with VO2max. It may be said that continuous HIT modalities are more appropriate to improve central component of VO2max, while intermittent HIT modalities seems better for peripheral one.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the potentials of the endurance-related training methods based on central and peripheral components of maximal oxygen consumption level (VO2max). We analysed O2 consumption (VO2), cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR) and arteriovenous O2 difference (a-vO2diff) during 5 different regimes of high intensity training (HIT) loading and recovery periods for the aims. Eight well-trained male competitive cyclists take part in the study (age: 22.1±3.1 years; body mass: 66.2±8.5 kg; height: 175.4±5.2 cm; body fat: 7.2%±1.1%; V ?O2max: 64±5.61 mL?min-1?kg-1). Following familiarization sessions, VO2max was determined, and then, maximal SV, HR, Q and a-vO2diff (SVmax), (HRmax), (Qmax), (a-vO2diff_max) were evaluated using exercise intensities corresponding to 40 to 110% of VO2max separately, by nitrous-oxide re-breathing method. Thereafter, training models; HIT1: 16 repetitions with power at ~110% of VO2maks (p@~ 110%VO2maks) for 45-sec with 1:1 work and recovery (w/r) ratio, intermittent model; HIT2: 4 repetitions with p@~93%VO2maks for 3-min with 1:1 w/r ratio, intermittent model; HIT3: 1-min with p@~VO2maks and 4-min with p@anaerobic threshold (AnT) × 5 repetitions alternating continuous model; HIT4: 25-min constant-load continuous model; HIT5: 6 repetitions of 30-sec at 7,5% body weight with 1:7 w/r ratio sprint interval specific HIT model were performed. Maximal session effort prescription was adopted for all exercise sessions. After the repeated-measures analyses, possible significant differences will be investigated by post-hoc LSD test or Wilcoxon test. Time spent (Tspent) above 95% of VO2max is higher in HIT2 session than other exercise modalities (p<0.05). Tspent at Qmaks is higher in HIT3 and HIT4 sessions than Short and Long HIT (p<0.05). Tspent at SVmaks was higher in Constant-Loading HIT session than HIT1, HIT2 and HIT5 sessions (p<0.05). Tspent at a-vO2diff_max were higher HIT1 and HIT2 sessions than HIT3 and HIT4 sessions. Maximal lactate and maximal post exercise fat oxidation were attained in HIT5 session (p<0.05). These results show that different exercise modalities reaching similar VO2max levels may be effective in the development of different components associated with VO2max. It may be said that continuous HIT modalities are more appropriate to improve central component of VO2max, while intermittent HIT modalities seems better for peripheral one.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizyoloji, Physiology, Spor, Sports