Karbonhidrat türevlerinin kimyasal ve fotokimyasal reaksiyonları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET KARBOHİDRAT TÜREVLERİNİN KİMYASAL VE FOTOKİMYASAL REAKSİYONLARI BİNER, Hanife Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Güneş Enerjisi Enstitüsü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Sıddık İÇLÎ Temmuz, 2002, 92 sayfa Bu tezde, 1,2-O-izopropiliden-a-D-glukofuranozun tosillenmesi sonucu saf tritosil türevi elde edildi. Tritosil türevinin azitlenmesi neticesi saf 5,6-diazido-5,6-dideoksi- 1,2-0-izopropiliden-3-0-tosil-a-L- idofuranoz elde edildi. Elde edilen bütün bileşikler spektroskopik analizlere sahiptir. (E)-3-0-Asetil-5,6-didehidro-5,6,8-trideoksi-(S)-l,2-0- trikloroetiliden-a-D-Asz/o-oktofurano-T-uloz monoen şeker olarak sentezlendi. Sentezlenen şeker molekülündeki çift bağın mangan triasetat dihidrat (Mn(OAc)3.2H20) ile yükseltgenmesi başarıldı. Denemeler asetikasit (AcOH) ve N,N-dimetilformamit (DMF) olarak iki farklı çözgen ortamında yapıldı. Fakat ürünler yapı tayinlari yapılabilecek oranda saflandırılamadılar. Elde edilen bütün bileşikler spektroskopik analizlere sahiptir. n-Bütil benzil eter saf olarak başarılı bir şekilde sentezlendi. Ürün spektroskopik analizlere sahiptir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Karbohidrat, glukoz, tosilleme, azit, oksidasyon, eter
VII ABSTRACT CHEMICAL AND PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTIONS OF DERIVATIVES OF CARBOHYDRATE MOLECULES BİNER, Hanife M.Sc. Thesis, Solar Energy Institute, Ege University Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Sıddık İÇLİ July 2002, 92 pages In this thesis, tosylatin of 1,2-O-izopropylidene-a-D-glucofuranose gave pure derivative of its tritosyl. Preparation of its azido derivatives gave rise to 5,6-diazido-5,6-dideoxy-l,2-0-izopropylidene-3-0~tosyl-a- L-idofuranose. All of the compounds have their spectroscopic analysises. (E)-3-0-Acetyl-5,6-didehydro-5,6,8-trideoxy-(S)-l,2-0-trichloro ethylidene-a-D-xy/o-octofurano-7-ulose was synthesised as monoenesugar. Oxidation of the double bond in the sugar molecule was achived with the manganese triacetate dihydrate (Mn(OAc)3.2H20). The experiments were done in aceticacid (AcOH) and N,N- dimethylformamid (DMF). However, the products were not purified sufficiently to determine their structure. All of the products had spectroscopic analysises. n-Butyl benzyl ether was synthesised succesfully and purely. The product had its spectroscopic analysises. Key Words: Carbohydrate, glucose, tosylation, azid, oxidation, ether.
VII ABSTRACT CHEMICAL AND PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTIONS OF DERIVATIVES OF CARBOHYDRATE MOLECULES BİNER, Hanife M.Sc. Thesis, Solar Energy Institute, Ege University Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Sıddık İÇLİ July 2002, 92 pages In this thesis, tosylatin of 1,2-O-izopropylidene-a-D-glucofuranose gave pure derivative of its tritosyl. Preparation of its azido derivatives gave rise to 5,6-diazido-5,6-dideoxy-l,2-0-izopropylidene-3-0~tosyl-a- L-idofuranose. All of the compounds have their spectroscopic analysises. (E)-3-0-Acetyl-5,6-didehydro-5,6,8-trideoxy-(S)-l,2-0-trichloro ethylidene-a-D-xy/o-octofurano-7-ulose was synthesised as monoenesugar. Oxidation of the double bond in the sugar molecule was achived with the manganese triacetate dihydrate (Mn(OAc)3.2H20). The experiments were done in aceticacid (AcOH) and N,N- dimethylformamid (DMF). However, the products were not purified sufficiently to determine their structure. All of the products had spectroscopic analysises. n-Butyl benzyl ether was synthesised succesfully and purely. The product had its spectroscopic analysises. Key Words: Carbohydrate, glucose, tosylation, azid, oxidation, ether.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Azitler, Azides, Eterler, Ethers, Fotokimyasal reaksiyonlar, Photochemical reactions, Glükoz, Glucose, Karbonhidratlar, Carbohydrates, Kimyasal reaksiyon, Chemical reaction, Oksitlenme, Oxidation, Tosilleme, Tosylation