Selective benzene oxidation to maleic anhyride over nanostructured catalysts in a fluidized bed reactor
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalısmada, nanoyapıda katalizörlerle benzenin maleik anhidrite seçimli oksidasyonu incelenmistir. Reaksiyon özel dizayn edilmis akıskan yataklı bir reaktörde nanoyapıda iki farklı katalizör üzerinde gerçeklestirilmistir. Bu katalizörlerden birinde tasıyıcı olarak CeO2 ve metal olarak kobalt, digerinde ise tasıyıcı olarak ZrO2 ve metal olarak vanadyum kullanılmıstır.Son katalizörde de tasıyıcı olarak TiO2 ve metal olarak vanadium kullanılmıstır. Nanoyapıda CeO2 sol-gel metotla hazırlanmıs ve agırlıkça yüzde 10'u kobalt olacak sekilde ıslak emdirme yöntemiyle katalizör hazırlanmıstır. Tasıyıcı olarak ZrO2 kullanılan diger katalizör yüzey tabakalandırma metoduna göre hazırlanmıs ve bu katalizörün agırlıkça yüzde 8'i vanadyum olacak sekilde hazırlanmıstır. Benzenin maleik anhidrite seçimli oksidasyonu üzerinde sıcaklıgın etkisi, katalizörün uygunlugu ve katalizör yüklemesinin miktarının etkisi atmosferik basınçta incelenmistir. Deneyler 300-375 C sıcaklık aralıgında ve 6.32 g ve 12.64 g olmak üzere iki farklı katalizör yüklemesinde gerçeklestirilmistir. Deneyler sonucunda tasıyıcı olarak ZrO2 kullanılan katalizörün CeO2 kullanılana göre daha etkili oldugu görülmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler : Maleik anhidrid , Benzen oksidasyonu , Akıskan yataklı reaktör , Nanoyapı katalizör
In this study, selective oxidation of benzene to maleic anhydride on nanostructured catalysts was investigated. The reaction was performed in a specially designed fluidized bed reactor on three different types of nanostructured catalysts. One of them was supported by CeO2 and cobalt was used as a metal, the other was supported by ZrO2 and vanadium used as a metal.And the last was supported by TiO2 and vanadium was used as a metal. Nanostructured CeO2 was synthesized by sol-gel technique and used as the support to prepare supported metal oxide (Co3O4) catalyst by incipient wetness impregnation with a metal content of 10 weight percent. The other nanostructured catalyst which was supported by ZrO2 and titania were prepared according to the surface templating method and vanadium was used as a metal for this catalyst with 8 weight percent. Effect of temperature, conformity of catalyst and catalyst loading on the selective oxidation of benzene to MAN were investigated at the atmospheric pressure. The experiments were performed at the temperature range from 300 C to 375 C and at the two different catalyst loading values of 6.32 and 12.64g. The catalyst, vanadium supported by ZrO2 gave more effective results than the catalyst, cobalt supported by CeO2. Keywords : Maleic anhyride , Benzene oxidation , Fluidized bed reactor , Nanostructure catalyst.
In this study, selective oxidation of benzene to maleic anhydride on nanostructured catalysts was investigated. The reaction was performed in a specially designed fluidized bed reactor on three different types of nanostructured catalysts. One of them was supported by CeO2 and cobalt was used as a metal, the other was supported by ZrO2 and vanadium used as a metal.And the last was supported by TiO2 and vanadium was used as a metal. Nanostructured CeO2 was synthesized by sol-gel technique and used as the support to prepare supported metal oxide (Co3O4) catalyst by incipient wetness impregnation with a metal content of 10 weight percent. The other nanostructured catalyst which was supported by ZrO2 and titania were prepared according to the surface templating method and vanadium was used as a metal for this catalyst with 8 weight percent. Effect of temperature, conformity of catalyst and catalyst loading on the selective oxidation of benzene to MAN were investigated at the atmospheric pressure. The experiments were performed at the temperature range from 300 C to 375 C and at the two different catalyst loading values of 6.32 and 12.64g. The catalyst, vanadium supported by ZrO2 gave more effective results than the catalyst, cobalt supported by CeO2. Keywords : Maleic anhyride , Benzene oxidation , Fluidized bed reactor , Nanostructure catalyst.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Benzen, Benzene, Maleik anhidrit, Maleic anhydride, Oksitlenme, Oxidation