Aydın-Karacasu Çamarası köyünde bulunan zeytinliklerin beslenme durumunun belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, geleneksel zeytin yetiştiriciliğin yaygın olduğu Aydın'ın Karacasu İlçesi, Çamarası Köyü'nde yaygın olarak üretilen Gemlik çeşidi zeytine ait bahçelerin beslenme durumlarını tespit etmek amacıyla 2017 yılında yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla; bölgeyi temsil edecek şekilde 15 farklı bahçe belirlenmiş, 0-30 ve 30-60 cm derinliklerden toprak örnekleri ile aynı bahçelerden zeytin yaprak örnekleri alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Toprakların fiziksel ve kimyasal analiz sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde, bahçelerin genel olarak kireççe zengin, hafif alkali karakterde, tuzsuz, kumlu tınlı ve organik madde değerlerinin düşük olduğu görülmektedir. Zeytin bahçelerinin total N değeri orta, P ve K değeri düşük, Ca'ca yeterli, Mg, Fe ve Zn değerleri fakir, Cu ve Mn kapsamları bakımından yeterli seviyede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen bahçelerin yaprak analiz sonuçları incelendiğinde ise N, P, Mg, Fe, Zn ve Mn değerlerinin yetersiz, K, Ca ve Cu'ın ise yeterli seviyede olduğu belirlenmiştir. Toprak fizikokimyasal özellikleri, yaprak analiz sonuçları ve elde edilen verim değerleri arasında yapılan korelasyon analizleri sonucunda, CaCO3 ile Ca arasında pozitif, K, P, Fe, Mg, Cu, Mn ile negatif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Toprakların bünye yapısında kum kapsamı yüksek olduğu için N, P, K, Mg, Fe ve Zn besin elementleri arasında da negatif korelasyon değerleri belirlenmiştir
This study was carried out in 2017 in order to determine the nutritional status of the gardens of Gemlik olive variety grown in Çamarası Village in Karacasu District of Aydin where traditional olive growing is common. For this purpose; leaf samples from 15 of the gardens representing the region and soil samples from 0-30 and 30-60 cm depth were taken and analyzed. According to physical and chemical analysis results of the soil, the gardens were found to be rich in limestone, light alkaline, salt-free, sandy loamy soil and organic matter content low. It has been determined that the garden soils can be taken at a moderate level in terms of N content, low in P and K contents, Ca is sufficient, poor in terms of Mg, Fe and Zn contents, and sufficient in terms of Cu and Mn contents. The values of N, P, Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn were found to be inadequate with respect to the contents of leaf elements of the gardens examined and K, Ca and Cu values were found to be in sufficient level. As a result of the correlation calculations between soil properties and obtained yield values, there is a negative correlation between CaCO3 and Ca, and a negative correlation with K, P, Fe, Mg, Cu, Mn. Negative correlation was found between N, P, K, Mg, Fe and Zn nutrients because soil content of soil is high.
This study was carried out in 2017 in order to determine the nutritional status of the gardens of Gemlik olive variety grown in Çamarası Village in Karacasu District of Aydin where traditional olive growing is common. For this purpose; leaf samples from 15 of the gardens representing the region and soil samples from 0-30 and 30-60 cm depth were taken and analyzed. According to physical and chemical analysis results of the soil, the gardens were found to be rich in limestone, light alkaline, salt-free, sandy loamy soil and organic matter content low. It has been determined that the garden soils can be taken at a moderate level in terms of N content, low in P and K contents, Ca is sufficient, poor in terms of Mg, Fe and Zn contents, and sufficient in terms of Cu and Mn contents. The values of N, P, Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn were found to be inadequate with respect to the contents of leaf elements of the gardens examined and K, Ca and Cu values were found to be in sufficient level. As a result of the correlation calculations between soil properties and obtained yield values, there is a negative correlation between CaCO3 and Ca, and a negative correlation with K, P, Fe, Mg, Cu, Mn. Negative correlation was found between N, P, K, Mg, Fe and Zn nutrients because soil content of soil is high.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture