Karbohidrat analizine yönelik biyosensör sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi, karakterizasyon ve uygulamaları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Karbohidratların analitik tayini; gıda ve içecek endüstrisinde bileşen olmaları, ilaç ve biyoprosesteki hayati önemlerinden dolayı, ilgi çekici çalışmalardır. Sıvı kromatografisi ile birleştirilen kalorimetri, refraktif indeks ve UV gibi geleneksel metotlar daha düşük duyarlılık ve seçimlilik, ayrıca sınırlı dinamik bir aralığa sahiptirler. Ancak amperometrik biyosensörlerin kullanılmasıyla hızlı, duyarlı ve seçimli karbohidrat tayini gerçekleştirilebilir.Karbon nanotüpler (CNTler) karbon materyallerinin yeni bir tipidir ve grafit tabakaların karbon silindirleri şeklinde katlanması olarak düşünülebilir. Yüksek elektriksel iletkenliklerinden dolayı elektrot materyali olarak kullanılırlar. Birçok CNT-sensör araştırmaları elektroaktif türlerle elektron transfer reaksiyonlarının artırılmasına odaklanmıştır. Elektroaktif türler ve elektrotlar arasındaki elektron transferini kolaylaştırmaları kimyasal biyosensörler ve biyosensörlerin fabrikasyonunda kullanımları için oldukça umut vericidir.Bu tezde, glukoz, maltoz, sellobioz ve laktoz gibi karbohidratların tayini amacıyla enzimatik ve mikrobiyal biyosensörler geliştirilerek karakterize edildi. Bu kapsam içerisinde, ilk olarak karbon nanotüp modifiye karbon pasta elektrotları temel alan piranoz oksidaz biyosensörleri (CNT/CPE/PyOx) hazırlanarak glukozun substrat olarak kullanımıyla karakterize edildi. Ölçümler +900 mV'da kronoamperometrik olarak (enzimatik reaksiyon sırasında H2O2 oluşumu) gerçekleştirildi. CNT/CPE/PyOx yanında CNT modifiye olmayan elektrotlarda hazırlanarak (CPE/PyOx) ve CNT eklenmesinin elektrokimyasal biyosensör sisteminin etkinliğine olası etkisi incelendi. Sonuçlar her iki sistemin kıyaslanmasıyla verildi. Analitik karakterizayon dışında, optimizasyon çalışamaları ve stabilite testleri yapıldı. Son olarak hazırlanan sistemin şaraplarda glukoz analizi amacıyla kullanılabilirliği test edildi.Diğer Yandan, yeni bienzimatik biyosensörler farklı hidrolaz sınıfı enzimler ( ? -glukozidaz: AG, ? -glukozidaz: BG and ? -galaktozidaz: ? -gal) ve piranoz oksidazın (PyOx) beraber immobilizasyonuyla dizayn edildi. İmmobilizasyon kitosan(CHIT), karbon nanotüp (CNT) ve enzim karışımının glutaraldehid vasıtasıyla çapraz bağlanmasıyla gerçekleştirildi. -700 mV'da biyoaktif tabakada enzimatik reaksiyonlar sonucu tükenmekte olan oksijenin indirgenmesini izlenmesiyle ölçümler gerçekleştirildi. Biyomolekül, CHIT, glutaraldehid ve CNT miktarı gibi yapısal bileşenler ve pH, sıcaklık ve uygulama potansiyeli gibi çalışma koşulları optimize dildi. Daha sonra AG/PyOx, BG/PyOx ve ? -gal/PyOx kullanılarak sırasıyla maltoz, sellobioz ve laktoz tayini için analitik karakterizasyonlar yapıldı. Tüm sonuçlar CNT ile modifiye edilmiş ve edilmemiş sisetmin kıyaslanması olarak verildi. Son olarak örnek uygulama amacıyla farklı örneklerde maltoz (birada), sellobioz (fermentasyon ortamında) ve laktozun (sütte) analizi yapıldı. Sonuç olarak doğal örneklerin kompleks yapısının sonuçlara girişim yapmadığı belirlendi. Aynı zamanda sonuçlar referans yöntemlerle kıyaslandı.Pseudomonas ? uorescens (Pseudomonas putida DSM 6521), P. putida DSM 50026 ve Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2343 hücrelerinin biyolojik materyal olarak kullanıldığı mikrobiyal biyosensörler kitosan matriks vasıtasıyla oluşturuldu. Substrat varlığında metabolik aktivitenin ölçümünü temel alınarak oksijen tüketimi -700 mV'da izlendi. Hücre miktarı ve ölçüm koşullarının optimizasyonu yanında susbstrat spesifikliği, pH, sıcaklık ve çalışma potansiyeli çalışmaları yapıldı. Tüm sonuçlar CNT ile modifiye edilmiş ve edilmemiş sistemin kıyaslanması olarak verildi.Son olarak CNT/CPE/PyOx ve CPE/PyOx biyosensörlerinin HPLC ile kombinasyonu sonucu kolon sonrası dedektör olarak kullanılabilirliği test edildi
The analytical determination of carbohydrates is of particular interest because of their importance as constituents in food and beverages, and the vital role they play in medicine, and bioprocesses. Traditional sugar detection methods such as refractive index, UV, and calorimetry in conjunction with liquid chromatography exhibit low sensitivity, lack of selectivity, and a limited dynamic range of operation. However, fast, sensitive, and selective detection of sugars can be realised by the use of amperometric biosensors.Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a new type of carbon materials and can be considered as the result of folding graphene layers in to carbon cylinders. CNTs are utilized as an electrode material because of the high electrical conductivity. Most CNT-sensing research has focused on the ability of surface-con ? ned CNT to promote electron transfer reactions with electroactive species. The facility of electron transfer between the electroactive species and the electrode offers great promise for fabricating chemical sensors or biosensors.In this thesis, two different biosensors were developed for the determination of some carbohydrates such as glucose, maltose, cellobiose and lactose. Fistly, enzymatic biosensors were parepared. Then microbial biosensors were developed and characterized. Pyranose oxidase (PyOx) biosensor based on carbon nanotube (CNT)-modi ? ed carbon paste electrode (CNT/CPE/PyOx) was developed and characterized using glucose as a substrate. Measurument was followed by a potentiostat at +900 mV (H2O2 production during enzymatic reaction). As well as CNT/CPE/PyOx, unmodi ? ed carbon paste electrodes (CPE/PyOx) were also prepared to examine the effect of CNT addition to the ef ? ciency of the biosensing system and results were given as a comparison of two systems. Apart from analytical characterization, optimization studies and stability tests were carried out. Finally, proposed systems were applied to glucose analysis in wine samples.New bienzymatic systems were designed by co-immobilization of hydolases ( ? -glucosidase: AG, ? -glucosidase: BG and ? -galactosidase: ? -gal) and pyranose oxidase (PyOx) for disaccaride analysis. The immobilization was carried out by cross-linking enzyme mixture, chitosan (CHIT) and carbon nanotube (CNT) via glutaraldehyde. Since high potential values as the working potential cause the interference of electroactive species, oxygen reduction at -700 mV was followed during our experiments. The structure of biosensor including enzyme, CHIT, glutaraldehyde and CNT amount together with operational conditions like pH, temperature and applied potential were optimized. Then analytical characterizations were performed using AG/PyOx, BG/PyOx and ? -gal/PyOx for the determination of maltose, cellobiose and lactose, respectively. All other data were also given as comparison of two systems one with CNT-modified and CNT-free. Finally, for the sample application, maltose (in beer), cellobiose (in fermentation broth) and lactose (in milk) were analyzed in real samples. As a result, it has been found that; complex matrix of natural samples had no influence on the biosensing response. Also the results were in good agreement with those obtained by reference methods.Bacterial cells were entrapped together with chitosan matrix onto the surface of graphite electrode to form microbial biosensors. Three types of bacterial sensors were constructed by using Pseudomonas ? uorescens (Pseudomonas putida DSM 6521), P. putida DSM 50026 and Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2343 cells as the biological components. The measurements were based on the respiratory activity of the cells estimated by the oxygen consumption at -700 mV (versus the Ag|AgCl reference electrode) due to the metabolic activity in the presence of substrates. The systems were calibrated and dependence of signal amplitude on the measuring conditions and cell amount was studied as well as the substrate speci ? city, pH, temperature and working potential. All data were also given as comparis on of two systems one with CNT-modi ? ed and CNT-free.Finally, use of CNT/CPE/PyOx and CPE/PyOx biosensors combined with HPLC were tested as a post-column detector.
The analytical determination of carbohydrates is of particular interest because of their importance as constituents in food and beverages, and the vital role they play in medicine, and bioprocesses. Traditional sugar detection methods such as refractive index, UV, and calorimetry in conjunction with liquid chromatography exhibit low sensitivity, lack of selectivity, and a limited dynamic range of operation. However, fast, sensitive, and selective detection of sugars can be realised by the use of amperometric biosensors.Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a new type of carbon materials and can be considered as the result of folding graphene layers in to carbon cylinders. CNTs are utilized as an electrode material because of the high electrical conductivity. Most CNT-sensing research has focused on the ability of surface-con ? ned CNT to promote electron transfer reactions with electroactive species. The facility of electron transfer between the electroactive species and the electrode offers great promise for fabricating chemical sensors or biosensors.In this thesis, two different biosensors were developed for the determination of some carbohydrates such as glucose, maltose, cellobiose and lactose. Fistly, enzymatic biosensors were parepared. Then microbial biosensors were developed and characterized. Pyranose oxidase (PyOx) biosensor based on carbon nanotube (CNT)-modi ? ed carbon paste electrode (CNT/CPE/PyOx) was developed and characterized using glucose as a substrate. Measurument was followed by a potentiostat at +900 mV (H2O2 production during enzymatic reaction). As well as CNT/CPE/PyOx, unmodi ? ed carbon paste electrodes (CPE/PyOx) were also prepared to examine the effect of CNT addition to the ef ? ciency of the biosensing system and results were given as a comparison of two systems. Apart from analytical characterization, optimization studies and stability tests were carried out. Finally, proposed systems were applied to glucose analysis in wine samples.New bienzymatic systems were designed by co-immobilization of hydolases ( ? -glucosidase: AG, ? -glucosidase: BG and ? -galactosidase: ? -gal) and pyranose oxidase (PyOx) for disaccaride analysis. The immobilization was carried out by cross-linking enzyme mixture, chitosan (CHIT) and carbon nanotube (CNT) via glutaraldehyde. Since high potential values as the working potential cause the interference of electroactive species, oxygen reduction at -700 mV was followed during our experiments. The structure of biosensor including enzyme, CHIT, glutaraldehyde and CNT amount together with operational conditions like pH, temperature and applied potential were optimized. Then analytical characterizations were performed using AG/PyOx, BG/PyOx and ? -gal/PyOx for the determination of maltose, cellobiose and lactose, respectively. All other data were also given as comparison of two systems one with CNT-modified and CNT-free. Finally, for the sample application, maltose (in beer), cellobiose (in fermentation broth) and lactose (in milk) were analyzed in real samples. As a result, it has been found that; complex matrix of natural samples had no influence on the biosensing response. Also the results were in good agreement with those obtained by reference methods.Bacterial cells were entrapped together with chitosan matrix onto the surface of graphite electrode to form microbial biosensors. Three types of bacterial sensors were constructed by using Pseudomonas ? uorescens (Pseudomonas putida DSM 6521), P. putida DSM 50026 and Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2343 cells as the biological components. The measurements were based on the respiratory activity of the cells estimated by the oxygen consumption at -700 mV (versus the Ag|AgCl reference electrode) due to the metabolic activity in the presence of substrates. The systems were calibrated and dependence of signal amplitude on the measuring conditions and cell amount was studied as well as the substrate speci ? city, pH, temperature and working potential. All data were also given as comparis on of two systems one with CNT-modi ? ed and CNT-free.Finally, use of CNT/CPE/PyOx and CPE/PyOx biosensors combined with HPLC were tested as a post-column detector.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Kimya, Chemistry