Tarımsal amaçlı kooperatiflerde kooperatif–ortak ilişkilerini etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir araştırma: İzmir ili örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kooperatifler hem üreticilere ve tüketicilere ekonomik anlamda, hem de topluma sosyal anlamda fayda sağlayan örgütsel yapıların başında gelmektedir. Kooperatiflerin sosyal boyutunu oluşturan ortakların kooperatif ile ilişkilerinin düzeyi kooperatif başarısını doğrudan etkileyen unsur olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, farklı kooperatif türleri açısından kooperatif-ortak ilişkisi ortaya konmuştur. Kooperatif-ortak ilişkisi incelenirken, ortakların yönetime katılımı, ortakların yönetsel memnuniyeti, pazarlama ve teknik destek konularındaki beklentileri ele alınmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında İzmir ilinde faaliyet gösteren sulama, su ürünleri, tarım kredi, tarım satış ve tarımsal kalkınma kooperatiflerine ortak toplam 282 üretici ile yüz yüze görüşülmüştür. Kooperatif türlerine göre ortak özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde tanımlayıcı testler, ortakların başarıya ulaşmak için tercih ettikleri girişimin tespit edilmesinde AHS (Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci), kooperatif-ortak ilişkisini ölçmek için etkili olan faktörlerin belirlenmesinde faktör analizi ve faktörler ile kooperatif türleri arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya koyulmasında korelasyon katsayısı tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, tarım satış kooperatifi ortaklarının yönetimden memnuniyeti ve kooperatiften finansal sorunlara katkı anlamındaki beklenti düzeyi ile tarım kredi kooperatifi ortaklarının yönetime katılım düzeyi diğer kooperatif ortaklarına göre düşük bulunmuştur. Hem yönetimden memnuniyet hem de yönetime katılım düzeyinin arttırılması için ortaklar ile kooperatif yönetimi arasındaki mesafenin giderilmesine yönelik eğitim ve toplantı faaliyetlerinin arttırılması, ortakların kooperatif yönetiminde daha fazla söz sahibi olmaları sağlanmalıdır. Tarım satış kooperatiflerinin pazarlama faaliyetleri kapsamında piyasada daha aktif rol alarak özellikle piyasa fiyatının oluşmasında söz sahibi olması ortaklarının finansal beklenti düzeyinin iyileştirilmesi yönünde olumlu etki yaratacaktır. Ortaklar en çok pazarlama kriterine önem vermekte ve pazarlama faaliyetlerini en çok kooperatifler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirmeyi istemektedirler. Su ürünleri kooperatifi ortaklarının hem pazarlama hem de teknik destek anlamında beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyinin oldukça yetersiz olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer yandan, tarımsal kalkınma kooperatifi, ortaklarına sağladığı pazarlama olanakları ile ortaklarının finansal beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyi açısından diğerlerine göre en başarılı kooperatif bulunmuştur. Pazarlama konusunda yerel yönetimler ile kamu kurum kuruluşlarının ihtiyaçlarının karşılamasında kooperatif ürünlerinin tercih edilmesi önerilmekte ve bu konuda başarılı olan tarımsal kalkınma kooperatiflerinin diğer kooperatif türleri açısından örnek teşkil etmesi gerekmektedir. Elde edilen bulgular ile tarımsal kalkınma, su ürünleri ve sulama kooperatifleri gibi daha çok yerel seviyede faaliyet gösteren köy kooperatiflerinin incelenen diğer kooperatiflere göre daha demokratik ve kooperatifçilik ilkelerine daha uyumlu bir örgütsel yapılanma içinde oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Türkiye'de kooperatiflerin özellikle ortakların ürünlerinin pazarlanması ve üretim maliyetlerini düşürücü girdi tedarik programlarına yoğunlaşmaları gerektiği bir gerçektir. Bu faaliyetlerin ilgili bakanlıkların destekleme politikaları içinde yer alması ve desteklemelerin kooperatifler aracılığı ile yönlendirilmesi yönteminin tercih edilmesi tarım politikaları açısından üzerinde durulması gereken bir konudur.
Cooperatives are one of the most important organizational structures that provide economic benefits to both producers and consumers, as well as social benefits to society. The level of the relations of the members with the cooperatives, which constitutes the social dimension of the cooperatives, is directly affecting the success of the cooperative. In this study, cooperative-member relationship in terms of different types of cooperatives was analyzed. While examining the cooperative-member relationship, member participation in the management, management satisfaction, expectations of marketing and technical support were discussed. Face to face surveys were conducted with 282 members of irrigation, fishery, agricultural credit, agricultural sales and agricultural development cooperatives operating in İzmir province within the scope of research. Descriptive tests to determine the member characteristics in terms of cooperative types, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to identify members' preferred initiative to achieve success, factor analysis to determine the factors that are effective to measure cooperative-partner relationship and correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between factors and cooperative types were used. According to research findings, the level of managerial satisfaction and financial expectation of the agricultural sales cooperative members and the participation of the agricultural credit cooperative members in the management were found to be lower than the other cooperative members. In order to increase the level of both managerial satisfaction and participation in the management, it should be ensured that training and meeting activities should be increased in order to eliminate the distance between the members and the cooperative management, and the partners should have a greater say in the cooperative management. Within the scope of marketing activities of agricultural sales cooperatives, taking a more active role in the market and have a say in the formation of the market price will have a positive impact to improve the financial expectation level of its members. The members pay the utmost importance to the marketing criteria and want to realize their marketing activities mostly through the cooperatives. The level of meeting the expectations of the fisheries cooperative members in terms of both marketing and technical support was found to be quite inadequate. On the other hand, agricultural development cooperative is the most successful cooperative in terms of the marketing opportunities provided to its members and the level of meeting the financial expectations of its members. It is suggested that cooperative products should be preferred in marketing to meet the needs of local administrations and public institutions, and agricultural development cooperatives, which are successful in this regard, should serve as examples for other types of cooperatives. According to the findings, village cooperatives operating at more local level such as agricultural development, fishery and irrigation cooperatives are more democratic and more compatible with the cooperative principles in a more structured organizational structure compared to other cooperative types. In Turkey, it is the fact that cooperatives should concentrated of marketing members' products and focusing on input procurement programs to reduce production costs. It is an issue that should be considered in terms of agricultural policies in order that these activities are included in the support policies by the relevant ministries and that the supports are guided by the cooperatives.
Cooperatives are one of the most important organizational structures that provide economic benefits to both producers and consumers, as well as social benefits to society. The level of the relations of the members with the cooperatives, which constitutes the social dimension of the cooperatives, is directly affecting the success of the cooperative. In this study, cooperative-member relationship in terms of different types of cooperatives was analyzed. While examining the cooperative-member relationship, member participation in the management, management satisfaction, expectations of marketing and technical support were discussed. Face to face surveys were conducted with 282 members of irrigation, fishery, agricultural credit, agricultural sales and agricultural development cooperatives operating in İzmir province within the scope of research. Descriptive tests to determine the member characteristics in terms of cooperative types, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to identify members' preferred initiative to achieve success, factor analysis to determine the factors that are effective to measure cooperative-partner relationship and correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between factors and cooperative types were used. According to research findings, the level of managerial satisfaction and financial expectation of the agricultural sales cooperative members and the participation of the agricultural credit cooperative members in the management were found to be lower than the other cooperative members. In order to increase the level of both managerial satisfaction and participation in the management, it should be ensured that training and meeting activities should be increased in order to eliminate the distance between the members and the cooperative management, and the partners should have a greater say in the cooperative management. Within the scope of marketing activities of agricultural sales cooperatives, taking a more active role in the market and have a say in the formation of the market price will have a positive impact to improve the financial expectation level of its members. The members pay the utmost importance to the marketing criteria and want to realize their marketing activities mostly through the cooperatives. The level of meeting the expectations of the fisheries cooperative members in terms of both marketing and technical support was found to be quite inadequate. On the other hand, agricultural development cooperative is the most successful cooperative in terms of the marketing opportunities provided to its members and the level of meeting the financial expectations of its members. It is suggested that cooperative products should be preferred in marketing to meet the needs of local administrations and public institutions, and agricultural development cooperatives, which are successful in this regard, should serve as examples for other types of cooperatives. According to the findings, village cooperatives operating at more local level such as agricultural development, fishery and irrigation cooperatives are more democratic and more compatible with the cooperative principles in a more structured organizational structure compared to other cooperative types. In Turkey, it is the fact that cooperatives should concentrated of marketing members' products and focusing on input procurement programs to reduce production costs. It is an issue that should be considered in terms of agricultural policies in order that these activities are included in the support policies by the relevant ministries and that the supports are guided by the cooperatives.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kooperatif, Ortak, Yönetime Katılım, Yönetsel Memnuniyet, Cooperative, Member, Management Participation, Managerial Satisfaction