Ege aphasia test: Description of the test and performance in normal subjects
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Amaç: Türk diliyle Batı dilleri arasındaki temel farklılıklar nedeniyle, bugün geçerli olan afazi testlerinin Türkçe’ye çevrilmiş halleri Türk dili için yeterli olmayacaktır. Bu gerçek bizi Ege Afazi Testi (EAT) adıyla yeni bir afazi değerlendirme testi geliştirmeye yöneltmiştir. Bu çalışma, testin gelişimini, Türk popülasyonundaki normal değerlerini ve tekrarlanabilirliğini tanımlamaktadır. Farklı alt testler üzerindeki demografik verilerin etkileri de sunulmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: EAT; spontan konuşma, praksi, gördüğünü anlama, dil üretimi, tekrarlama, isimlendirme, okuma/okuduğunu anlama, yazma/resim yapma ve hesaplamadan oluşan 9 alt testten oluşmaktaydı. Test 133 sağlıklı gönüllü tarafından dolduruldu. Gönüllüler yaş, cins ve eğitim düzeylerine göre sınıflandırıldılar. Yirmi beş gönüllü test-tekrar test tekrarlanabilirliği için 2 kez test edildi. Bulgular: Eğitim düzeyi EAT performansını en fazla etkileyen demografik veriydi. Yaşlanmanın test üzerine olumsuz etkisi gösterilmekle birlikte, eşlik eden düşük eğitim düzeyinin etkisi dışlanamadı. EAT, ortalama skor ve alt testler için mükemmel bir test-tekrar test tekrarlanabilirliği gösterdi. Sonuç: Burada sunulan EAT yüksek tekrarlanabilirliğiyle birlikte dilin bir kaç yönünün değerlendirilmesine olanak tanımaktadır. Test demografik verilerden etkilendiğinden, hastanın özelliklerine dayanarak test skorlarında düzeltmeler yapılmalı ve ülkenin sosyo-kültürel gerçeklerinin kesin göstergeleri göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bundan sonraki çalışmalarda, afazik hastalar üzerinde testin tanısal geçerliliği ve kabul edilebilirliği çalışılmalıdır.
Objective: Because of the fundamental differences between Turkish and Indo-European languages, translated forms of currently available aphasia tests would not be adequate for the Turkish language. This fact promoted us to develop a new aphasia evaluation test named Ege Aphasia Test (EAT). The present study describes the development of the test, its normative data in Turkish population, and its reliability. Also the effects of the demographic data on the various subtests are reported. Materials and Methods: EAT consisted of nine subtests including spontaneous speech, praxis, understanding what is heard, production of language, repetition, naming, reading and understanding what is seen, writing and picturing, calculations. The test was administered to 133 healthy volunteers. Subjects were classified according to their age, gender and educational levels. Twenty-five were tested twice to collect test-retest reliability data. Results: Educational level was the demographic variable mostly influenced the performance of the EAT. Detrimental impacts of aging have also been demonstrated, but coexisting effect of educational level could not be ruled out. EAT showed excellent test-retest reliability for the overall score and for the subtests. Conlusion: EAT presented here allows evaluation of several aspects of language with high reliability. The test is influenced by demographic variables, thus adjustments in the test scores based on a particular patient’s characteristics should be made and precise indicators of socio-cultural reality of the country should be considered. Diagnostic validity and acceptability of the test should be determined in further studies on the aphasic patients.
Objective: Because of the fundamental differences between Turkish and Indo-European languages, translated forms of currently available aphasia tests would not be adequate for the Turkish language. This fact promoted us to develop a new aphasia evaluation test named Ege Aphasia Test (EAT). The present study describes the development of the test, its normative data in Turkish population, and its reliability. Also the effects of the demographic data on the various subtests are reported. Materials and Methods: EAT consisted of nine subtests including spontaneous speech, praxis, understanding what is heard, production of language, repetition, naming, reading and understanding what is seen, writing and picturing, calculations. The test was administered to 133 healthy volunteers. Subjects were classified according to their age, gender and educational levels. Twenty-five were tested twice to collect test-retest reliability data. Results: Educational level was the demographic variable mostly influenced the performance of the EAT. Detrimental impacts of aging have also been demonstrated, but coexisting effect of educational level could not be ruled out. EAT showed excellent test-retest reliability for the overall score and for the subtests. Conlusion: EAT presented here allows evaluation of several aspects of language with high reliability. The test is influenced by demographic variables, thus adjustments in the test scores based on a particular patient’s characteristics should be made and precise indicators of socio-cultural reality of the country should be considered. Diagnostic validity and acceptability of the test should be determined in further studies on the aphasic patients.
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Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi
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