1990 sonrası Türkiye'ye yönelik göçlerin değişen yapısının siyasal partilerin göç politikalarına etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ulus devlet kuruluş sürecinde çoğunluğu Türk soy ve kültüründen olan göçleri kabul eden Türkiye’de siyasal partilerin göç hareketleri konusunda farklılaşan politikalar takip etmeleri, 1990 sonrası göç akışlarının karakterindeki değişikliklerle başlamıştır. 1990 sonrası çoğunluğu Türk soy ve kültüründen olmayan göç hareketlerinin ön plana çıkmasıyla birlikte konu, siyasal partiler arasında farklılaşan yaklaşımlarla ele alınmaya başlanılmıştır. Araştırmada yanıtı aranan temel sorular, Türkiye’de hangi göç hareketlerinin neden siyasetin öncelikli gündem maddeleri arasına girdiği ve siyasal partilerin göç politikalarında etkili faktörlerin neler olduğudur. Araştırma çerçevesinde 1990 sonrası Türkiye’ye yönelen ve çoğunluğu Türk soy ve kültüründen olmayan dört göç hareketi incelenmiştir. Bu göçler; 1991 yılında Irak’tan yönelen sığınma hareketleri, düzensiz Ermeni göçleri, SSCB sonrası Doğu Karadeniz’de yoğunlaşan düzensiz kadın göçleri ve 2011 sonrası Suriye kökenli sığınma hareketleridir. Türkiye’ye yönelik farklılaşan göç akışlarında, göç hareketlerinin siyasallaşma eğilimlerini tespit etmek ve siyasal partilerin göç söylem ve politikalarını inşa süreçlerinde etkili olan faktörleri analiz etmek çalışmanın amacını oluşturmuştur. Araştırma çerçevesinde içerik analizi yöntemi ile göç hareketlerinin geliştiği dönemlerdeki TBMM faaliyetleri incelenmiştir. Bu dönemlerde milletvekillerinin göç hareketleri ile ilgili vermiş oldukları soru önergelerinde yer alan 2292 sorunun tematik analizleri yapılmıştır. Siyasal parti programları, seçim manifestoları, söylemler ve raporlar faydalanılan diğer kaynaklar olmuştur. Araştırmada içerik analizinin yanı sıra literatür taraması ve arşiv araştırması yöntemlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırmada Türkiye’deki siyasal partilerin göç politikalarının oluşumunda ideolojik arka planın doğrudan etki sahibi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Siyasal partilerin Türkiye’ye yönelik göç hareketlerinde geliştirmiş oldukları politikalarda 19. yüzyılın sonu ve 20. yüzyılın başındaki göç, öteki algısı, sosyolojik değişimler ve vatan kaybı duyguları çerçevesinde gelişen siyasal ideolojilerin izleri gözlemlenebilir bir nitelik taşımıştır. Güncel siyasal ittifaklar ve siyasal konjonktür ise siyasal partilerin göç politikalarında ön plana çıkan diğer belirleyici faktörler olmuştur. Bu durumun yanı sıra ülke siyasetinde yer edinen ve siyasal partiler arasında kutuplaşma yaratan konuların, göç hareketlerine ilişkin tartışmalarda yeniden üretilebildikleri ve bu durumun göç süreçlerinin siyasallaşma eğilimini güçlendiren etmenler arasında yer bulduğu tespit edilmiştir.
In Turkey, which accepts the majority of immigrants from Turkish ancestry and culture in the nation-state establishment process, the differing policies of political parties on migration movements started with the changes in the character of migration flows after 1990. After 1990, with the emergence of migration movements, the majority of which are not from Turkish ancestry and culture, the issue has begun to be discussed with differing approaches among political parties. The main questions sought to be answered in the research are which migration movements in Turkey are among the priority agenda items and why, and what are the influential factors in the migration policies of political parties. Within the framework of the research, four migration movements that headed for Turkey after 1990 and the majority of which are not of Turkish ancestry and culture were examined. These migrations; Asylum movements from Iraq in 1991 are irregular Armenian migrations, irregular women's migrations concentrated in the Eastern Black Sea Region after the USSR, and asylum movements of Syrian origin after 2011. The aim of the study is to determine the politicization tendencies of the migration movements in the differing migration flows towards Turkey and to analyze the factors that are effective in the construction processes of the migration discourse and policies of the political parties. Within the framework of the research, the activities of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the periods when the migration movements developed were examined with the content analysis method. During these periods, thematic analyzes of 2292 questions in the parliamentary questions regarding immigration movements were made. Political party programs, election manifestos, rhetoric and reports were other sources used. In addition to content analysis, literature review and archive research methods were used in the research. In the research, it has been determined that the ideological background has a direct effect on the formation of the immigration policies of the political parties in Turkey. In the policies developed by the political parties in the migration movements towards Turkey, the traces of the political ideologies that developed within the framework of migration, the perception of the other, sociological changes and the feelings of loss of homeland at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were observable. Current political alliances and political conjuncture have been the other determining factors in the immigration policies of political parties. In addition to this situation, it has been determined that the issues that take place in the country's politics and create polarization between political parties can be reproduced in the discussions on migration movements, and this situation is among the factors that strengthen the tendency of the migration processes to become politicized.
In Turkey, which accepts the majority of immigrants from Turkish ancestry and culture in the nation-state establishment process, the differing policies of political parties on migration movements started with the changes in the character of migration flows after 1990. After 1990, with the emergence of migration movements, the majority of which are not from Turkish ancestry and culture, the issue has begun to be discussed with differing approaches among political parties. The main questions sought to be answered in the research are which migration movements in Turkey are among the priority agenda items and why, and what are the influential factors in the migration policies of political parties. Within the framework of the research, four migration movements that headed for Turkey after 1990 and the majority of which are not of Turkish ancestry and culture were examined. These migrations; Asylum movements from Iraq in 1991 are irregular Armenian migrations, irregular women's migrations concentrated in the Eastern Black Sea Region after the USSR, and asylum movements of Syrian origin after 2011. The aim of the study is to determine the politicization tendencies of the migration movements in the differing migration flows towards Turkey and to analyze the factors that are effective in the construction processes of the migration discourse and policies of the political parties. Within the framework of the research, the activities of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the periods when the migration movements developed were examined with the content analysis method. During these periods, thematic analyzes of 2292 questions in the parliamentary questions regarding immigration movements were made. Political party programs, election manifestos, rhetoric and reports were other sources used. In addition to content analysis, literature review and archive research methods were used in the research. In the research, it has been determined that the ideological background has a direct effect on the formation of the immigration policies of the political parties in Turkey. In the policies developed by the political parties in the migration movements towards Turkey, the traces of the political ideologies that developed within the framework of migration, the perception of the other, sociological changes and the feelings of loss of homeland at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were observable. Current political alliances and political conjuncture have been the other determining factors in the immigration policies of political parties. In addition to this situation, it has been determined that the issues that take place in the country's politics and create polarization between political parties can be reproduced in the discussions on migration movements, and this situation is among the factors that strengthen the tendency of the migration processes to become politicized.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göç Politikaları, Siyasallaşma, Düzensiz Ermeni Göçleri, Suriye Göçü, Kürt Göçü, Migration Policies, Politicization, Irregular Armenian Migration, Syrian Migration, Kurdish Migration