İş analizine dayalı olarak geliştirilen bir iş tanımı modeli
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
219 ÖZET Hemşirelik bakımının, etkili bir şekilde yapılabilmesi bu alan içine giren her düzeydeki hasta bakım personelinin görev, yetki ve sorumluluklarının açık ve seçik olarak önceden saptanması ile mümkündür. Hemşireliğin, bugün toplumda bir meslek olarak yerini alabilmesi için, sıkı işbirliği yaptığı diğer sağlık disiplinleri ile, olumlu bir şekilde çalışabilmesi için, hemşirelerin görev ve yetkilerinin neler olduğunun belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Bugün hemşirelerin yüklenmekle sorumlu oldukları görevler o kadar karışık ve çeşitli tıp ve bilimdeki yenilikler öyle bir hızla ilerlemekteki, hemşirelerin böyle bir ortam içindeki faaliyet ve yetkilerinin açıklanması, yurdun sağlık politikası açısından önem taşımaktadır. İş analizine dayalı olarak bir iş tanımı modeli geliştirmek amacıyla planlanan ve tanımlayıcı tipte bir araştırma özelliği taşıyan bu çalışma, 1-15 Şubat tarihleri arasında, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Nöroşirurji Kliniğinde çalışan 30 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Veri toplamada hemşirelerle ilgili sosyo-demografik özellikleri ve işlerine ve iş yaşamlarına ilişkin özellikleri içeren veri formu, işin gerektirdiği faktör elemanlarına ilişkin veri formu ve hemşirelik işlevlerini gerçekleştirme durumlarına saptamaya yönelik ölçekten oluşan ve araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen veri formları kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada veriler, yüzdelik hesaplan, varyans analizi ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde; işin gerektirdiği yetenek faktörünün puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 3.71, yoğun bakım ve ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 3.62 olarak saptanmıştır. Yetenek faktörü puan ortalamasının yaş, eğitim düzeyi, meslekte ve nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışma süreleri, çalıştıkları birim ve görev şekillerine göre farklılık göstermediği saptanmıştır. İşin gerektirdiği düşünsel çaba faktörünün puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 3.51, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 3.52, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 3.57'dir. Düşünsel çaba faktörü puan ortalamasının yaş, eğitim düzeyi, meslekte ve nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışma süreleri, çalıştıkları birimlere göre farklılık göstermediği, görev şekillerine göre farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. işin gerektirdiği bedensel çaba faktörünün puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 2.91, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 3.22, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 2.94 olarak bulunmuştur. Bedensel çaba faktörü puan ortalamasının yaş, eğitim düzeyi, meslekte220 ve nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışma süreleri, çalıştıkları birim ve görev şekillerine göre farklılık göstermediği saptanmıştır. Malzeme sorumluluğuna ilişkin puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 3.23, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 3.00, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 3.54 *tür. Yaş, eğitim düzeyi, meslekte ve nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışma süreleri, çalıştıkları birim ve görev şekillerinin malzeme sorumluluğu üzerinde bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Makine, araç ve gereç sorumluluğunun yoğunluğuna ilişkin puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 1.50, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 1.87, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.84, niceliğine ilişkin puan ortalaması servis hemşirelerinde 1.93, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 2.16, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.27 olarak bulgulanmıştır. Hemşirelerin makine, araç ve gereç sorumluluğunun niceliğine ilişkin puan ortalamasının görev şekillerine göre farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Hizmetin sürekliliği sorumluluğuna ilişkin puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 2.53, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 2.83, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 2.68'dir. Hemşirelerin görev şekillerinin, hizmetin sürekliliği sorumluluğunu etkilediği belirlenmiştir. İş güvenliği sorumluluğunun yoğunluğuna ilişkin puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 1.59, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 1.75, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.34, niceliğine ilişkin puan ortalaması servis hemşirelerinde 2.86, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 3.10, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde ise 2.12 olarak bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin çalıştıkları birimin iş güvenliği sorumluluğunun niceliğini etkilediği saptanmıştır, iş güvenliği sorumluluğunun yoğunluğu ve nicelik puan ortalamasının, görev şekillerine göre farklılık gösterdiği bulgulanmıştır. Çevre koşulları faktörünün yoğunluğuna ilişkin puan ortalaması, servis hemşirelerinde 1.94, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 2.40, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.52, niceliğine ilişkin puan ortalaması servis hemşirelerinde 2.92, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 2.89, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde ise 1.98 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çevre koşullarının yoğunluğuna ilişkin puan ortalamasının çalıştıkları birimlere göre farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin görev şekillerinin çevre koşullarının yoğunluğu ve niceliğini etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin doğrudan bakım işlevlerine ilişkin puan ortalamaları, servis hemşirelerinde 2.65, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 3.07, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 0.44 olarak belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin çalıştıkları birim ve görev şekillerinin doğrudan bakım işlevlerini gerçekleştirme durumlarını etkilediği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin yönetimsel işlevlerine ilişkin puan ortalamaları, servis hemşirelerinde 1.75, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 1.65, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.98'dir.221 Yönetimsel işlevlerine ilişkin puan ortalamalarının yaş grubu ve görev şekillerine göre farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin eğitimsel işlevlerine ilişkin puan ortalamaları servis hemşirelerinde 1.92, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 1.42, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde 1.08'dir. Yaş grubu, eğitim düzeyi, meslekte ve nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışma süreleri, çalıştıkları birim ve görev şekillerinin eğitimsel işlevlerini gerçekleştirme durumlarını etkilemediği belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin araştırma işlevlerine ilişkin puan ortalamaları, servis hemşirelerinde 1.05, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde 0.80, ameliyathane hemşirelerinde ise 1.07 olarak saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin araştırma işlevlerini gerçekleştirme durumlarının görev şekillerine göre farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Bu bilgiler ışığında, nöroşirurji kliniğinde çalışan hemşirelerin yoğun iş yükü ve rol belirsizliği gibi sorunların aşılabilmesi ve meslek dışı işlemler için zaman kaybının önlenmesi amacıyla için oluşturulmuş iş tanımlarının, yönetici hemşireler tarafından yürürlüğe konulması önerilmiştir. Hemşirelerin sağlıkları üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratabilecek çalışma koşullarının düzeltilmesi, göreve yeni başlamış hemşirelerin bilgi ve beceri eksikliklerinin giderilmesi amacıyla uyum programlarından geçirilmesi, görev tanımlarında belirlenen görevlere yönelik olarak, hizmet içi eğitim programlarının sürdürülmesi önerilmiştir
222 SUMMARY in order to accomplish an effective nursing care, it needs to determine the tasks, accountibilities and respontibilities of the health care professionals in every level. There needs to be determination of nursing tasks and accontubilities for nurses to receive the professional status in the society and to work harmoniously with other health diciplens who work in cooperation with them. Today, nurses undertake very complex tasks and face with developments and innovation in medicine and science. Therefore, in terms of national health politics, determination of nursing activities and acccontubilities appears quite important. This study has been planned as a descriptive research in order to develop a job identification model based on job analisis. The study has been caried out in The Ege University Hospital in 1-15 February 1999. The sample of the study was composed of 30 nurses who work in Nöroshirurgy Clinics. The data has been collected by means of a questionnaire which composed of 3 forms; a form for socio-demographic characterictics of nurses and characterictics of their work and work life, other form for factor elements of the work requirements, and the last form for determination of accomplishments of nursing activities. The data was analysed by persontage, Variance analisis and Mann- Whitney U test. According to the results, it was determined that, the mean score of ability factor was 3.71 in clinical nurses and 3.62 in intensive care unit and operation room nurses, it was also determined that there has not been a significant difference between the ability factor and the age, education level, length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, worf place and allocation. The mean score of mental effort work requires was found to be as 3.51 in clinical nurses, 3.52 in intensive care unit and 3.57 in operation room nurses, it was determined that there has not been a significant difference between the mean score of mental effort factor and the age, educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, and the work unit. However, there has been a difference between this factor and the work allocation. The mean score of physical effort work requires was found to be as 2.91 in clinical nurses, 3.22 in the intensive care unit nurses and 2.94 in operating room nurses. There has been no difference between the mean score of physical effort and the age, the educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation of nurses.223 The mean score of responsibility for equipment was 3.23 in clinical nurses, 3.00 in intensive care unit nurses and 3.54 in operating-room nurses. There has not been any difference between the responsibility for equipment factor and the age, educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation. The mean score of he intensity of responsibility for machinery and material was found to be as 1.50 in clinical nurses, 1.87 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.84 in operating room nurses. The mean score of the quantity of responsibility for machinery and materyal was also found as 1.93 in clinical nurses, 2.16 in intensive care nurses and 1.27 operating room nurses. The mean score of the responsibility for continutity of work was 2.53 in clinical nurses, 2.83 in intensive care unit nurses and 2.68 in operating room nurses, it was determined that the work allocation of nurses effect the responsibility of continuity of work. The mean score of the intensity of responsibility for work safety was 1.59 in clinical nurses, 1.75 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.34 in operating room nurses, in addition, the mean score of quantity of responsibility for work safety was found to be as 2.86 in clinical,, nurses, 3.10 in intensive care unit nurses and 2.12 in operating room nurses, it was determined that, there was a differnce the mean scores of the quantity and the intensity of responsibility of work safety and the work allocation of nurses. The mean score of the intensity of conditions of environment was 1.94 in clinical nurses, 2.40 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.52 in operating room nurses. The mean score of the quantity of conditions of environment was 2.92 in clinical nurses, 2.89 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.98 in operating room nurses, it was found that there was a difference between the intensity of conditions of environment and work units of nurses, it was determined that the work allocation of nurses effect the intensity and the quantity of conditions of environment. The mean score of the direct care functions of nurses was 2.65 in clinical nurses, 3.07 in intensive care unit nurses and 0.44 in operating room nurses, it was determined that the work unit and the work allocation of nurses effect the realization of the direct care functions of nurses. The mean score of administrative functions of nurses was 1.75 in clinical nurses, 1.65 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.98 in operating room nurses. There has been a difference between the administrative functions of nurses and their age and work allocation. The mean score of educational functions of nurses was 1.92 in clinical nurses, 1.42 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.08 in operating room nurses, it was determined that224 the age, educational level, the length of the work in profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation of nurses have not effected their educational functions. The mean score of research functions of nurses was 1.05 in clinical nurses, 0.80 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.07 in operating room nurses. It was determined that there has been a difference between the realization of resarch functions of nurses and the work allocation of nurses. in the light of these findings, these recommendations are provided; in order to overcome the problems of work intensity and the role uncertainity in the nurses who work in the nöroshirurgy clinic and to prevent the loss of working time in the tasks which are not belong to the profession there should be constitution of job identification. İn addition, this identification should be carried out by nurses managers, it is also recommended that the working conditions that may effect nurses healt should be rearrenged. İn order to complete the knowledge and the skills of nurses who are new at the profession there should be orientation programmes for them and there should be development of continuing education programmes according to the tasks which are determined by job identification.
222 SUMMARY in order to accomplish an effective nursing care, it needs to determine the tasks, accountibilities and respontibilities of the health care professionals in every level. There needs to be determination of nursing tasks and accontubilities for nurses to receive the professional status in the society and to work harmoniously with other health diciplens who work in cooperation with them. Today, nurses undertake very complex tasks and face with developments and innovation in medicine and science. Therefore, in terms of national health politics, determination of nursing activities and acccontubilities appears quite important. This study has been planned as a descriptive research in order to develop a job identification model based on job analisis. The study has been caried out in The Ege University Hospital in 1-15 February 1999. The sample of the study was composed of 30 nurses who work in Nöroshirurgy Clinics. The data has been collected by means of a questionnaire which composed of 3 forms; a form for socio-demographic characterictics of nurses and characterictics of their work and work life, other form for factor elements of the work requirements, and the last form for determination of accomplishments of nursing activities. The data was analysed by persontage, Variance analisis and Mann- Whitney U test. According to the results, it was determined that, the mean score of ability factor was 3.71 in clinical nurses and 3.62 in intensive care unit and operation room nurses, it was also determined that there has not been a significant difference between the ability factor and the age, education level, length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, worf place and allocation. The mean score of mental effort work requires was found to be as 3.51 in clinical nurses, 3.52 in intensive care unit and 3.57 in operation room nurses, it was determined that there has not been a significant difference between the mean score of mental effort factor and the age, educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, and the work unit. However, there has been a difference between this factor and the work allocation. The mean score of physical effort work requires was found to be as 2.91 in clinical nurses, 3.22 in the intensive care unit nurses and 2.94 in operating room nurses. There has been no difference between the mean score of physical effort and the age, the educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation of nurses.223 The mean score of responsibility for equipment was 3.23 in clinical nurses, 3.00 in intensive care unit nurses and 3.54 in operating-room nurses. There has not been any difference between the responsibility for equipment factor and the age, educational level, the length of the work in the profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation. The mean score of he intensity of responsibility for machinery and material was found to be as 1.50 in clinical nurses, 1.87 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.84 in operating room nurses. The mean score of the quantity of responsibility for machinery and materyal was also found as 1.93 in clinical nurses, 2.16 in intensive care nurses and 1.27 operating room nurses. The mean score of the responsibility for continutity of work was 2.53 in clinical nurses, 2.83 in intensive care unit nurses and 2.68 in operating room nurses, it was determined that the work allocation of nurses effect the responsibility of continuity of work. The mean score of the intensity of responsibility for work safety was 1.59 in clinical nurses, 1.75 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.34 in operating room nurses, in addition, the mean score of quantity of responsibility for work safety was found to be as 2.86 in clinical,, nurses, 3.10 in intensive care unit nurses and 2.12 in operating room nurses, it was determined that, there was a differnce the mean scores of the quantity and the intensity of responsibility of work safety and the work allocation of nurses. The mean score of the intensity of conditions of environment was 1.94 in clinical nurses, 2.40 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.52 in operating room nurses. The mean score of the quantity of conditions of environment was 2.92 in clinical nurses, 2.89 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.98 in operating room nurses, it was found that there was a difference between the intensity of conditions of environment and work units of nurses, it was determined that the work allocation of nurses effect the intensity and the quantity of conditions of environment. The mean score of the direct care functions of nurses was 2.65 in clinical nurses, 3.07 in intensive care unit nurses and 0.44 in operating room nurses, it was determined that the work unit and the work allocation of nurses effect the realization of the direct care functions of nurses. The mean score of administrative functions of nurses was 1.75 in clinical nurses, 1.65 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.98 in operating room nurses. There has been a difference between the administrative functions of nurses and their age and work allocation. The mean score of educational functions of nurses was 1.92 in clinical nurses, 1.42 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.08 in operating room nurses, it was determined that224 the age, educational level, the length of the work in profession and in the clinic, the work unit and the work allocation of nurses have not effected their educational functions. The mean score of research functions of nurses was 1.05 in clinical nurses, 0.80 in intensive care unit nurses and 1.07 in operating room nurses. It was determined that there has been a difference between the realization of resarch functions of nurses and the work allocation of nurses. in the light of these findings, these recommendations are provided; in order to overcome the problems of work intensity and the role uncertainity in the nurses who work in the nöroshirurgy clinic and to prevent the loss of working time in the tasks which are not belong to the profession there should be constitution of job identification. İn addition, this identification should be carried out by nurses managers, it is also recommended that the working conditions that may effect nurses healt should be rearrenged. İn order to complete the knowledge and the skills of nurses who are new at the profession there should be orientation programmes for them and there should be development of continuing education programmes according to the tasks which are determined by job identification.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, İşletme, Business Administration, Hastane yönetimi, Hospital administration, Hemşireler, Nurses, İş analizi, Job analysis, İş tanımı, Job description