İnce film tipi sülfonatörlerin modellenmesi ve tasarım
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Sülfonasyon reaksiyonu, kütle aktarımı kontrolunda ani ve ekzotermik bir reaksiyondur. Organik madde, yer çekimi ve gaz sıvı arayüzeyindeki kayma gerilimi etkisiyle, reaktör boyunca reaktör çeperinden ince bir film halinde akar ve S0_ gazı ile reaksiyona girer. Reaksiyon ilerledikçe reaktanların difüzyon hızlarına bağlı olarak reaksiyon düzlemi, gaz-sıvı arayüzeyinden sıvı fazına kayar. Reaksiyonla açığa çıkan ısı, reaktör boyunca de ğişir. Reaktörde isotermal koşulların sağlanabilmesi, reaksiyon ısısının reaktörden uzaklaştırılması ile mümkündür: Reaktör duvarı soğutularak ve SO^ gazı hava ile seyreltilerek bu ısı reaktörden uzaklaştırılır. Reaktör boyunca sıvı filminin fiziksel ve transport özellikleri reaksiyon ısısının dolayısıyla sıcaklığın ve dönüşümün bir fonksiyonudur. Kaliteli ürün eldesi için sıvı sıcak lığı çok iyi kontrol edilmelidir. Yüksek sıvı sıcaklıklarında yan ürün oluşumu özellikle oksidasyon reaksiyonları artacağından ürün rengi koyulaşır ve dolayısı ile ürün kalitesi olumsuz yönde etkilenir. Sonuç olarak, kütle, ısı ve momentum iletim olayları birbirleriyle etkileşim içindedir ve reaksiyon hızı da bundan tekrar etkilenir. Bu çalışmada, birbirleriyle etkileşim içinde olan reaksiyon, kütle, ısı ve momentum iletim olayları dikkate alınarak ince film tipi sülfonasyon reaktörleri için model kurulmuştur. Model denklemler çözülerek reaktördeki- 135 - dönüşüm ve sıcaklık dağılımları, gaz ve sıvı hızlarına, fiziksel özelliklere, reaktanların giriş derişimlerine ve diğer parametrelere bağlı olarak bulunmuştur. Sıvı reaktanın, ürünün ve bunların karışımlarının yoğunluk ve viskoziteleri, sıcaklık ve dönüşümün bir fonksiyonu olarak deneysel sonuçlardan; deneysel olarak saptanamayan fizik sel ve transport özellikler, literatürde verilen korelasyon denklemlerinden tanımlanmıştır. Pilot tesis ölçeğin de tek tüpten oluşan film tipi reaktör yaptırtılarak bir deterjan fabrikasına kurulmuştur. Bu pilot tesisde ger çekleştirilen deneylerin ve modelin sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Modelden elde edilen reaktör çıkışına ait dönüşüm, gaz ve sıvı sıcaklıkları ve sıvı faz S0- derişimi, aynı giriş koşullarında deneysel bulunan değerleri ile karşı laştırıldığında, model ve deney sonuçlarının uyumlu olduğu; reaksiyon düzleminin gaz-sıvı arayüzeyinden sıvı filmine çekilme yüzdesinin reaktör çıkışında $26.5 olduğu modelden görülmüştür
Sulfonation reaction is an exothermic and instanteneous reaction between a reactive gas (Sulfur trioxide) and an organic liquid under mass transfer control. The liquid film flows down through the reactor wall under the influence of the gravity and the shear of the concurrently flowing gas. Reaction plane moves from the gas-liquid interface to the liquid phase as a function of the diffusion rates of the reactants. Heat released during the reaction varies through the reactor. This heat is removed from the reactor to obtain isothermal conditions, by cooling the reactor wall and diluting the reactive gas with a carrier gas, typically air. The physical and transport properties of the liquid film throughout the reactor area strong function of temperature which in turn is affected by heat of reaction and conversion. The control of the liquid film temperature is important because charring of the liquid and by-product formation can occur at higher temperatures. As a result, there is an interaction between mass, heat and momentum transfer processes, and the reaction rate is affected by this interaction. In this investigation, a mathematical model of a thin film sulfonation reactor was developed by taking into account sulfonation reaction and the related transport processes. This model predicted the conversion and temperature distribution in the reactor as a function of the gas and liquid flow rates, physical properties,- 137 diffusion rates of reactants into the reaction plane, the feed composition of the reactive gas and carrier gas and other parameters of the system. The physical properties of liquid reactant, sulfonic acid and their mixture were correlated by using the related experimental data in terms of temperature and conversion. Transport properties depending on temperature, conversion and physical properties depending on temperature, conversion and physical properties were also defined by means of esti mation methods. A pilot scale falling film reactor consisting of a single tube was designed an set-up in a detergent plant. The predicted reactor characteristics were checked with the experimental results obtained from the pilot scale reactor. Good agreement between the model and the experimental results were obtained in terms of conversion, outlet temperatures and SO., concentration in the liquid phase. 26.5% recession of the reaction plane from the interphase was predicted by the model based on the data of the pilot reactor experiments.
Sulfonation reaction is an exothermic and instanteneous reaction between a reactive gas (Sulfur trioxide) and an organic liquid under mass transfer control. The liquid film flows down through the reactor wall under the influence of the gravity and the shear of the concurrently flowing gas. Reaction plane moves from the gas-liquid interface to the liquid phase as a function of the diffusion rates of the reactants. Heat released during the reaction varies through the reactor. This heat is removed from the reactor to obtain isothermal conditions, by cooling the reactor wall and diluting the reactive gas with a carrier gas, typically air. The physical and transport properties of the liquid film throughout the reactor area strong function of temperature which in turn is affected by heat of reaction and conversion. The control of the liquid film temperature is important because charring of the liquid and by-product formation can occur at higher temperatures. As a result, there is an interaction between mass, heat and momentum transfer processes, and the reaction rate is affected by this interaction. In this investigation, a mathematical model of a thin film sulfonation reactor was developed by taking into account sulfonation reaction and the related transport processes. This model predicted the conversion and temperature distribution in the reactor as a function of the gas and liquid flow rates, physical properties,- 137 diffusion rates of reactants into the reaction plane, the feed composition of the reactive gas and carrier gas and other parameters of the system. The physical properties of liquid reactant, sulfonic acid and their mixture were correlated by using the related experimental data in terms of temperature and conversion. Transport properties depending on temperature, conversion and physical properties depending on temperature, conversion and physical properties were also defined by means of esti mation methods. A pilot scale falling film reactor consisting of a single tube was designed an set-up in a detergent plant. The predicted reactor characteristics were checked with the experimental results obtained from the pilot scale reactor. Good agreement between the model and the experimental results were obtained in terms of conversion, outlet temperatures and SO., concentration in the liquid phase. 26.5% recession of the reaction plane from the interphase was predicted by the model based on the data of the pilot reactor experiments.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Modelleme, Modelling, Reaktörler, Reactors, Sülfonasyon, Sulfonation, Sülfonatörler, Sulfonators, Tasarım, Design