Öğütülmüş kahvenin kimyasal bileşimi, bazı tahıl ve baklagil ilavesinin kalite, protein franksiyonları ve özelliklerine etkileri üzerine araştırmalar
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
85 ÖZET Bu araştırmada ülkemizde piyasaya satılan C.arabica kahvenin hem yeşil tane iken hem de kavrulduktan sonraki kimyasal bileşimi araştırılmış ve "Türk kahvesi" içim tipi ile ilgili fonksiyonel özellikler saptanmıştır, ayrıca, yüksek basınç sıvı kromatograf isinde, protein fraksiyonlarından yararlanılarak "tağşiş" için bu yöntem araştırılmıştır. Yeşil C.arabica kahvenin ortalama kimyasal bileşimi toplam karbonhidrat % 52,38, yağ % 10,64, kül % 2,72, nem % 11,88, protein % 11,53, klorogenik asit % 7,52, Quinik asit % 0,67, Kafeik asit % 0,97, kafein % 1,10, trigonellin 0.69, ham lif % 21,471, nişasta % 9,78, pektin % 2.32, hemiselüloz % 13,06, alkolde çözünebilir şekerler 0,67, pentazon % 5,07, sakkaroz % 0,23 ortalama olarak bu değerlerde bulunmuştur. Glukoz ve fruktoz eseri miktarlarda bulunmuştur. Yeşil kahvede belirlenen bazı mineral maddeler için ortalama değerler ise; Fe 65,87 mg/kg, Zn 152,28 mg/kg, P 160,63 mg/kg. Ha 302,66 mg/kg, Cu 4,55 mg/kg, Ca 352,27 mg/kg, K 1065,16 mg/kg'dır. Kavrulmuş kahvenin ortalama kimyasal bileşimi ise aşağıda verilmektedir. Toplam karbonhidrat 57,17, Yağ % 14,01, kül % 2,99, nem % 1,26, Protein % 12.58, Klorigenik asit % 8,04, Quinik asit% 1,25. kafeik asit % 1.25, kafein % 1.18, trigonellin % 0,48, ham lif % 21,26, hemiselüloz % 12,72, diğer polisakkaridler % 23,19, sakkaroz % 0,011, olarak bulunmuştur. Glikoz ve fruktoz eseri miktarda belirlenmiştir.86 Kavrulmuş kahvenin soya, nohut. arpa ve buğday ilavesi ile fonksiyonel özelliklerde neydana getirdiği değişmelerle ilgili sonuçlar aşağıdadır. Bu ürünler kavrulup öğütüldükten sonra, kavrulmuş öğütülmüş kahveye % 10, % 20, % 30, % 40 ve % 50 oranında katılmıştır. elde edilen fonksiyonel özelliklerin sonuçları aşağıda verildiği şekilde özetlenebiliri Su tutma kapasiteleri (%) t Saf kahve 77, % 10 nohut ilavesinde 80 % 50 oranında katıldığında 148, % 10 oranında arpa ilavesinde 102, % 50 oranında arpa ilavesinde 211, % 10 oranında buğday ilavesinde 104, % 50 buğday ilavesinde ise 198, soya fasulyesi % 10 ilave edildiğinde 79 % 50 oranındaki ilavesinde, bu oran 107 gibi değerler arasında değişmektedir. (PÇI) Protein çözünebilirlik indeks değerleri (%) saf kahve 252,33, % 10 ve % 50 oranında nohut ilavesinde PÇI değerleri sırasıyla 240,00 ve 170,0, % 10 ve % 50 arpa ilavesinde PÇI değerleri 256,75 ve 331,69, % 10 ve 50 oranında buğday ilavesinde PÇI değerleri 248,46 ve 164,63, % 10 ve % 50 oranında soya fasulyesi ilavesinde PÇI değerleri 243,72 ve 106,51 değerleri arasında değişmektedir. Vizkozite değerleri ise ilave edilen ürün cinsinden veya oranından gözle görülebilir oranda etkilenmemiştir. Saf kahvede; 114.52 cp çeşitli oranlarda ilave edilen nohut, arpa, buğday, soya için ortalama vizkozite değerleri jiı 113,66 cp, 114,56 cp, 115,65 cp, 115,65 cp olarak elde edilmiştir. Emülsiyon stabilite indeksi ise tüm ürünlerde hangi oranda katılırsa katılsın genel olarak aynı eğilimi göstermiştir. Şöyleki 0 dk'dan 30. dk'ya geçerken87 maksimum yükselme 60. dk'da hafif ESI 'de bir düşme 90. dk'da ise ESI 'de çok az bir yükselme 120. dk'da ise ESI düşme eğilimindedir. Köpüklenme kapasitesi ve stabilitesi ilave edilen ürün cinsine ve ilave edilen ürün oranlarına göre bir değişim göstermemektedir. Köpüklenme kapasiteleri saf kahvede % 1,78 diğer ürünlerde % 1,73 ve % 2,08 köpüklenme stabiliteleri ise saf kahve için % 98 diğer ürünlerde ise % 86 ve % 98 arasında değişmektedir. Duyusal testler % 10, % 20, % 30, % 40 ve % 50 oranındaki karışımlar ile saf kahvede sıralam test yöntemine göre yapılmıştır. Karışımların hiç biri % 5 güven eşiğinde fark edilememiştir. Tağşişin belirlenmesi için "albümin" fraksiyona uygun bulunmuştur. Yüksek basınç sıvı kromatograf isinde kahveye ilave edilen arpa, buğday, soya, nohut en az % 10 olduğu zaman tağşiş tespit edilebilmiştir
88 SUMMARY In this research, it was investigated chemical composition both C.arabica green and roasted coffee which is sold in the market in our country. On the other hand, it was established functional properties according to "Turkish coffee drinking type". The method was developed to be able to determine adultrations from the protein fractions by high pressure liquid chromatography. The average composition of chemical compounds of green coffee beans were found as follows i Total carbonhydrate 52,38 %, oil 10,64 %, ash 2,72 %, moisture 11,88 %, protein 11,53 %, Clorogenic acid 7,52 %, Quinic acid 0,67 %, caffeic acid 0,97 %, cafein 1,10 %, trigonellin 0,69 %, crude fibre 21,47 %, starch 9,78 %, pectin 2,32 %, hemicelUlose 13,06 %, alchol soluble sugars 0,67 %, pentosan 5,07 %, sucrose % 0,23, glucose and fructose are trace amount. The average values of mineral contents of green coffee bean was determined. Results are as follows s Fe 65,87 ppm, Zn 152,28 ppm, P 160,63 ppm, Ha 302,66 ppm, Cu 4,55 ppm, Ca 352,27 ppm, K 1065,16 ppm. The average values of chemical compounds of roasted coffee are as follows > Total carbonhydrate 57,17%, oil 14,41 %, ash 2,99 %, moisture 1,26 %, protein 12,58 %, colorogenic acid 8,04 %, quinic acid 1,25 %, cafeic acid 1,29 %, cafein 1,18 %, trigonellin; 0,44 %, crude fibre» 21,26 %, hemicelUlose 12,71 %, the other polisacharides 23,19 %, sucrose; 0,011 %, glucose and fructose are trace amounts.89 It was examined to occured changes of functional properties begining and after addition of chickpea, soybean, wheat and barley to coffee. These products are added to coffee after roasting and grinding of them. The addition ratios of these products are 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 %. It can be summarized the obtained results of functional properties as follows t The water holding capacity values (%) are changed in these ranges. Addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of chick peat 80 and 148 addition of and 50 % ratio of barley» 102 and 211, the addition of 10 and 50 %, ratio of wheat» 104 and 198 " addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of soybean; 79 and 107 respestively. This value was found as 77 for pure coffee. Protein solubility indefc values (%) are changes in these ranges t additions of 10 and 50 % ratio of chickpea; 240,00-170,00 addition of 10 an 50 % ratio of barley; 256,75-331,69, addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of wheat; 187-331, addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of soybean; 243,72- 106, 51. This value was found as 252,33 for pure coffee. The vise uity values were not affected type of products and addition ratio of of these products. The average values of viscosities which are added kinds of ratios of chickpea, barley, wheat, soybean, are pi 113,66 cp, 114, 56 cp, 115,65 cp, 115,65 cp. This value was found as 114.52 foe pure coffee. The emulsion stability indeks (ESI) is shown same trend all kind of products and kinds of ratios. The trend of ESI can be explained highest between 0 min and 30 Bin, it is reduced slightly between 60 min and 90 min, ESI increased slightly, in 120 min, ESI reduced lawer value. Similliar results were also obtained for pure coffee.90 The foaming capacity and stability not changed according to addition of product type and product ratios, The foaming capacity changed between 1,73 % and 2,08 % values the foaming stability changed between 86 % and 98 % values. Foaming capasity and stability of pure coffee are 1,78 % and 98 %. The sensory analysises were made with secquencing method by the preparing mixtures ratio of 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40% and 50 % together with full ground coffee. ±t was not determined adultration of these product in 95 % conf idince. The albumin fraction was found suitable to be able to idenitify adultration in coffee mixture. The addition of lowest adultration ratio of 10 % could be the determined by high pressure liquid chromatography.
88 SUMMARY In this research, it was investigated chemical composition both C.arabica green and roasted coffee which is sold in the market in our country. On the other hand, it was established functional properties according to "Turkish coffee drinking type". The method was developed to be able to determine adultrations from the protein fractions by high pressure liquid chromatography. The average composition of chemical compounds of green coffee beans were found as follows i Total carbonhydrate 52,38 %, oil 10,64 %, ash 2,72 %, moisture 11,88 %, protein 11,53 %, Clorogenic acid 7,52 %, Quinic acid 0,67 %, caffeic acid 0,97 %, cafein 1,10 %, trigonellin 0,69 %, crude fibre 21,47 %, starch 9,78 %, pectin 2,32 %, hemicelUlose 13,06 %, alchol soluble sugars 0,67 %, pentosan 5,07 %, sucrose % 0,23, glucose and fructose are trace amount. The average values of mineral contents of green coffee bean was determined. Results are as follows s Fe 65,87 ppm, Zn 152,28 ppm, P 160,63 ppm, Ha 302,66 ppm, Cu 4,55 ppm, Ca 352,27 ppm, K 1065,16 ppm. The average values of chemical compounds of roasted coffee are as follows > Total carbonhydrate 57,17%, oil 14,41 %, ash 2,99 %, moisture 1,26 %, protein 12,58 %, colorogenic acid 8,04 %, quinic acid 1,25 %, cafeic acid 1,29 %, cafein 1,18 %, trigonellin; 0,44 %, crude fibre» 21,26 %, hemicelUlose 12,71 %, the other polisacharides 23,19 %, sucrose; 0,011 %, glucose and fructose are trace amounts.89 It was examined to occured changes of functional properties begining and after addition of chickpea, soybean, wheat and barley to coffee. These products are added to coffee after roasting and grinding of them. The addition ratios of these products are 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 %. It can be summarized the obtained results of functional properties as follows t The water holding capacity values (%) are changed in these ranges. Addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of chick peat 80 and 148 addition of and 50 % ratio of barley» 102 and 211, the addition of 10 and 50 %, ratio of wheat» 104 and 198 " addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of soybean; 79 and 107 respestively. This value was found as 77 for pure coffee. Protein solubility indefc values (%) are changes in these ranges t additions of 10 and 50 % ratio of chickpea; 240,00-170,00 addition of 10 an 50 % ratio of barley; 256,75-331,69, addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of wheat; 187-331, addition of 10 and 50 % ratio of soybean; 243,72- 106, 51. This value was found as 252,33 for pure coffee. The vise uity values were not affected type of products and addition ratio of of these products. The average values of viscosities which are added kinds of ratios of chickpea, barley, wheat, soybean, are pi 113,66 cp, 114, 56 cp, 115,65 cp, 115,65 cp. This value was found as 114.52 foe pure coffee. The emulsion stability indeks (ESI) is shown same trend all kind of products and kinds of ratios. The trend of ESI can be explained highest between 0 min and 30 Bin, it is reduced slightly between 60 min and 90 min, ESI increased slightly, in 120 min, ESI reduced lawer value. Similliar results were also obtained for pure coffee.90 The foaming capacity and stability not changed according to addition of product type and product ratios, The foaming capacity changed between 1,73 % and 2,08 % values the foaming stability changed between 86 % and 98 % values. Foaming capasity and stability of pure coffee are 1,78 % and 98 %. The sensory analysises were made with secquencing method by the preparing mixtures ratio of 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40% and 50 % together with full ground coffee. ±t was not determined adultration of these product in 95 % conf idince. The albumin fraction was found suitable to be able to idenitify adultration in coffee mixture. The addition of lowest adultration ratio of 10 % could be the determined by high pressure liquid chromatography.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Kahve, Coffee, Katkı maddeleri, Additives, Kimyasal bileşim, Chemical composition