The Investigation of costabilizer effect of long alkyl chain phosphites on the thermal stabilization of poly(vinyl chloride)
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET POLİ(VİNİL KLORÜR)'ÜN ISIL KARARLILIĞI ÜZERİNE UZUN ZİNCİRLİ ALKİL FOSFİTLERİN ETKİSİNİN İNCELENMESİ TURAN, Filiz Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Mesut Yenigül Eylül 2002, 67 sayfa Bu tezde, Poli(vinil klorür) (PVC)'ün ısıl kararlılığında kullanılan metal stearatların etkinliğinin dialkil ve trialkil fosfit esterleri ile arttırılıp arttırılamayacağı incelenmiştir. Dialkil ve trialkil fosfit esterleri literatürde bilinen yöntemlerle laboratuarımızda üretilmiştir. Dialkil ve trialkil fosfit esterleri metal stearatlı ve metal stearatsız olarak değişik yüzde oranlarında PVC'ye katılarak çözücü döküm yöntemine göre PVC filmleri hazırlanmıştır. Tüm filmler 160°C de değişik sürelerde ısıtılmıştır. Filmlerin sanlık indeks ölçümü ASTM E313 standardına göre spektrofotometre ile yapılmıştır. Spektrofotometre ile yapılan sarılık indeks ölçümleri göstermiştir ki uzun zincirli dialkil ve trialkil fosfit esterleri stearatsız kullanıldığında PVC'yi ısıl olarak kararlı hale getirmemiştir. Her ne kadar fosfitler metal stearatların etkinliğinde bir artış gösterse de bu artış PVC'nin ısıl kararlılığı için yeterli değildir. Anahtar kelimeler : Isıl karalı kılıcılar, PVC, Fosfonik asid, Dialkil fosfit, Trialkil fosfit
vn ABSTRACT THE INVESTIGATION OF COSTABILIZER EFFECT OF LONG ALKYL CHAIN PHOSPHITES ON THE THERMAL STABILIZATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) TURAN, Filiz MSc in Chemical Eng. Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Mesut Yenigül September 2002, 67 pages In this thesis, changing the efficiency of metal stearates used in thermal stability of PVC by combining them with dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites was studied. Dialkyl and trialkyl phosphite esters were produced in our laboratory with known methods in the literature. PVC films were prepared according to solvent casting method by adding dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites in various percent ratio with and without metal stearate to PVC. These films were heated at 160°C for different time interval. Yellowness index assessment of films was carried out by spectrophotometer according to ASTM E313. It was observed that dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites not exhibit any stabilization on PVC when used without metal stearates. However they exhibit an increase in efficiency of metal stearates but not enough for the thermal stabilization of PVC. Keywords : Heat stabilizers, PVC, Phosphonic acid, Dialkyl phosphite, Trialkyl phosphite.
vn ABSTRACT THE INVESTIGATION OF COSTABILIZER EFFECT OF LONG ALKYL CHAIN PHOSPHITES ON THE THERMAL STABILIZATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) TURAN, Filiz MSc in Chemical Eng. Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Mesut Yenigül September 2002, 67 pages In this thesis, changing the efficiency of metal stearates used in thermal stability of PVC by combining them with dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites was studied. Dialkyl and trialkyl phosphite esters were produced in our laboratory with known methods in the literature. PVC films were prepared according to solvent casting method by adding dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites in various percent ratio with and without metal stearate to PVC. These films were heated at 160°C for different time interval. Yellowness index assessment of films was carried out by spectrophotometer according to ASTM E313. It was observed that dialkyl and trialkyl phosphites not exhibit any stabilization on PVC when used without metal stearates. However they exhibit an increase in efficiency of metal stearates but not enough for the thermal stabilization of PVC. Keywords : Heat stabilizers, PVC, Phosphonic acid, Dialkyl phosphite, Trialkyl phosphite.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Dialkil fosfit, Dialkyl phosphite, Fosfonik asitler, Phosphonic acids, PVC, PVC, Termal kararlılık, Thermal stabilization, Trialkil fosfit, Trialkyl phosphite