Bitkisel kaynaklı protopinden sentezlenen protopin N-oksitin piroliz ürünleri üzerinde spektral analiz çalışmaları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, izokinolin alkaloitlerinin protopin alt grubundan olan protopin adlı bileşikten protopin N-oksit sentezlenmiştir. Daha sonra bu ürüne termal dekompozisyon uygulanmış ve elde edilen piroliz ürünlerinin yapıları spektral yöntemlerle incelenmiştir
In this study, protopine N-oxide has been synthesized from protopine, an isoquinoline alkaloide from the protopine subgroup. Then, this product has been subjected to thermal decomposition and the pyrolysis products have been investigated by spectral methods.
In this study, protopine N-oxide has been synthesized from protopine, an isoquinoline alkaloide from the protopine subgroup. Then, this product has been subjected to thermal decomposition and the pyrolysis products have been investigated by spectral methods.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Alkaloidler, Alkaloids, Nitrik oksit, Nitric oxide, Protopin alkaloidleri, Protopin alkaloids, Spektrum analizi, Spectrum analysis, Tıbbi bitkiler, Plants-medicinal