Pamuk tozuna maruz kalan işçilerde bisinozis prevalansı, etiyolojisi ve predispozan faktörlerin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkemizde tekstil endüstrisi tek başına imalat endüstrisinde çalışan işçilerin üçte birini barındırmaktadır, özellikle Ege bölgesi tekstil endüstrisinin yoğun olduğu bir bölgedir. Pamuk üretiminde çalışan işçilerde pamuk tozuna maruziyet nedeniyle bazı sağlık yakınmaları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunlar işe bağlı nefes darlığı, işe bağlı göğüste sıkışma hissi, işe bağlı rinit, işe bağlı göz bulguları, işe bağlı wheezing, işe bağlı kronik bronşit ve bisinozistir. Bisinozis pamuk, keten, kenevir tozuna yirmi yıllık maruziyetin ardından çalışma haftasının ilk günü göğüste sıkışma hissi ve/veya nefes darlığı ile ortaya çıkan bir meslek hastalığıdır. Pamuk tozuna maruz kalma sonucu ortaya çıkan sağlık yakınmalarında, özellikle de bisinoziste etiyoloji konusu tartışmalıdır. Bu araştırma ingiltere'nin Manchester kentindeki dört fabrikada hijyenik koşullan değerlendirmek, tekstil endüstrisinde çalışan işçilerin pamuk tozuna maruziyeti sonucu ortaya çıkan sağlık sorunlarını belirlemek, bisinozis etiyolojisinde endotoksinlerin ve bakterilerin yerini ortaya koymak ve predispozan faktörleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Dört fabrikada 360 işçi araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır. Sağlık koşullarıyla ilgili veriler ekte sunulan anketin yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ile uygulanması sonucu elde edilmiştir. İşyeri hijyenik koşullarının değerlendirilmesi için ise işyeri atmosferi toz yoğunluğu, kişisel kümeli ve kümesiz toz yoğunlukları ile Gram pozitif ve Gram negatif bakteri sayılan ve endotoksin yoğunluktan ölçülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda bisinozis prevalansı % 2.5, kronik bronşit prevalansı % 8.9, işe bağlı kronik bronşit % 7.8, işe bağlı wheezing % 5.3, işe bağlı göğüste sıkışma hissi % 3.3, işe bağlı rinit % 4.7, işe bağlı göz bulgulan % 5.8 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tüm işyeri atmosferi pamuk tozu düzeyinin 0.2 mg/ m3'ün üzerinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. En yüksek işyeri atmosferi pamuk tozu yoğunlukları burma ve tarakhane bölümlerinde saptanmıştır. En yüksek kişisel pamuk tozu yoğunlukları açma, harman-hallaç bölümlerinde saptanmıştır. Kişisel kümeli toz ortalamalarının en yüksek değeri 13.577 mg/m3, kişisel kümesiz toz ortalamalarının en yüksek değeri ise 4.5 mg/m3 olarak belirlenmiştir. İşyeri atmosferi toz yoğunluktan ile bisinozis arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Kümesiz ve kümeli toz yoğunlukları ile kronik bronşit arasında anlamlı düzeyde ilişki bulunmuştur. Gram negatif ve Gram pozitif bakteri yoğunluğu ile bisinozis arasında, Gram pozitif bakteri yoğunluğu ile kronik bronşit arasında ilişki bulunmuştur. Solunum fonksiyonları Gram negatif bakteri yoğunluğu arttıkça azalmaktadır. Gram pozitif bakteri yoğunluğu ile göz bulguları arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır
Textile industry covers the one third of the working population in the production industry in Turkey. Ege region is especially important in Turkish textile industry. Due to cotton dust exposure textile workers are at special risk of some health problems. These health problems are shortness of breath, chest tightness, work related rhinitis, work related eye symptoms, wheezing, chronic-bronchitis and byssinosis. Byssinosis is an occupational disease which is characterised by chest tightness and/or shortness of breath in the first day of the working week following 20 years of exposure to cotton dust. This research is designed in order to evaluate the hygenic conditions, the health problems of the workers exposed to cotton dust and the effect of endotocsins and bacterias in etiology of byssinosis in four cotton mills in Manchester. 360 workers in four mills have been included in the study. The evaluation of the health effects has been based on a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been given in the annex. The data has been collected by face to face interviews. In order to evaluate the hygenic conditions work area cotton dust concentrations, personal cotton dust concentrations, Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria counts and endotocsin concentrations have been measured. The prevalances of the work related health problems have been calculated. The prevalance of byssinosis is 2.5 %, prevalance of chronic bronchitis is 8.9 %, prevalance of work- related chronic bronchitis is 7.8%.prevalance of wheezing is 5.3 %, prevalance of chest tightness is 3.3 %, prevalance of work related rhinitis is 4.7 % and prevalance of eye symptoms is 5.8 %. The working area total cotton dust concentrations were above 0.2 mg/m3. The highest total dust concentrations have been found in dubling and carding departments. The highest personal dust concentrations have been measured in opening and blowing departments. The highest mean concentration of dust with fly was 13.577 mg/m3 and the highest mean concentration of dust without fly was 4.5 mg/m3. There was a significant causational relationship between the total dust concentrations and byssinosis (p<0.01). Relationships have been found between the concentration of dust without fly, the concentration of dust with fly and chronic bronchitis. There was a relationship between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria counts and byssinosis and between Gram positive bacteria counts and chronic bronchitis. Respiratory functions were decreasing as the negative bacteria concentration was increasing. There was a relationship between Gram positive bacteria concentration and eye symptoms.
Textile industry covers the one third of the working population in the production industry in Turkey. Ege region is especially important in Turkish textile industry. Due to cotton dust exposure textile workers are at special risk of some health problems. These health problems are shortness of breath, chest tightness, work related rhinitis, work related eye symptoms, wheezing, chronic-bronchitis and byssinosis. Byssinosis is an occupational disease which is characterised by chest tightness and/or shortness of breath in the first day of the working week following 20 years of exposure to cotton dust. This research is designed in order to evaluate the hygenic conditions, the health problems of the workers exposed to cotton dust and the effect of endotocsins and bacterias in etiology of byssinosis in four cotton mills in Manchester. 360 workers in four mills have been included in the study. The evaluation of the health effects has been based on a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been given in the annex. The data has been collected by face to face interviews. In order to evaluate the hygenic conditions work area cotton dust concentrations, personal cotton dust concentrations, Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria counts and endotocsin concentrations have been measured. The prevalances of the work related health problems have been calculated. The prevalance of byssinosis is 2.5 %, prevalance of chronic bronchitis is 8.9 %, prevalance of work- related chronic bronchitis is 7.8%.prevalance of wheezing is 5.3 %, prevalance of chest tightness is 3.3 %, prevalance of work related rhinitis is 4.7 % and prevalance of eye symptoms is 5.8 %. The working area total cotton dust concentrations were above 0.2 mg/m3. The highest total dust concentrations have been found in dubling and carding departments. The highest personal dust concentrations have been measured in opening and blowing departments. The highest mean concentration of dust with fly was 13.577 mg/m3 and the highest mean concentration of dust without fly was 4.5 mg/m3. There was a significant causational relationship between the total dust concentrations and byssinosis (p<0.01). Relationships have been found between the concentration of dust without fly, the concentration of dust with fly and chronic bronchitis. There was a relationship between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria counts and byssinosis and between Gram positive bacteria counts and chronic bronchitis. Respiratory functions were decreasing as the negative bacteria concentration was increasing. There was a relationship between Gram positive bacteria concentration and eye symptoms.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health, Akciğer hastalıkları, Lung diseases, Bisinoz, Byssinosis, Meslek hastalıkları, Occupational diseases, Pamuk, Cotton, İşçiler, Workers